We’re two episodes into FlashForward and I’m still on board. After the big budget pilot episode last week, there were some concerns that the quality of the show would drop off, but I certainly didn’t see any degradation of quality. Certainly the second episode was a little slower, but there was quite a bit of movement forward in the story. This show is not traveling at the same snail’s pace that Lost travels. That fact alone has me excited.
It strikes me through the first two episodes that the writers are really succeeding in balancing the two aspects of the show: the drama of the characters dealing with their (potential) futures and the mystery of the event itself. I think it’s going to be critical to the success of the show to see if they will be able to maintain this balance.
One thing that seems to be working in favor of the writers is that everything appears to be tied into the mystery. As the character dramas unfold, I think that they will lead into the mystery of the show. We saw an example of that this week when part of Charlie’s vision of the future was revealed and that D. Gibbons, the prime “person of interest,” was in it.
Onto some theories, questions, and speculation:
- Did you notice that the suspect in Utah was breaking into the network at the CERN institute? It was mentioned in passing, but it is the location in Europe where the Large Hadron Collider is located. Apparently, it played a large part in the novel that the show is based on, but I’m guessing it’s not going to play as big a role here.
- With another person being discovered who was awake during the blackout, you can pretty much bank on a conspiracy being behind this. I’m really curious as to the nature of the conspiracy. I mean, what was that guy doing in the middle of the stadium? What sort of task could he have accomplished in two minutes in that setting?
- I thought it was very interesting that Mark burned the friendship bracelet. Is Charlie going to make him another one? Will small details be able to be changed in the flashforwards? What does this mean for someone like Demetri?
- Just what the heck did Bryce see in his flashforward to turn him from a suicidal mess into a font of philosophical bullshit? I’m curious and I figure it must be something big.
- Did anyone else find Janis’s reaction to the sex of the baby a bit odd? It seemed happy, yet painful at the same time, almost as if the baby were not a happy occasion. Am I reading too much into a quick moment, or is there something more to her story?
What did you think of this week’s episode? Did you love it as much as the premiere?
Photo Credit: ABC
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Clacked by Bob Degon
on Oct 01, 2009 @ 21:34 EST5EDT
This is by far my favorite new show of the season. After 2 eps, we have been given the premise of the show, the mystery, we care about the characters, and we get answers!! There haven’t been any slow points. There are so many clues and hints that you can’t possibly be bored.
I also got the impression that Janis seemed upset about something. I thought maybe it was just the realization that she was really pregnant and maybe that wasn’t a good thing. May be nothing but seems like she had a moment with Demitri tonight. What if they get together and it is his baby, leaving her sad because he is dead in the flash forward. But, definitely agree, she looked upset and sad about something.
Looking forward to seeing what is coming next!
I have tons of things recorded on my tivo like machine that havent seen yet but still yesterday I coudnt keep myself from wathching FlashForward right away. I dont regret it at all, this second episode was very effective on me and I sure wont let the 3rd episode wait on my machine next week!
good start, am intrigued, love the mystery, the production and the actors.
“It seemed happy, yet painful at the same time, almost as if the baby were not a happy occasion. Am I reading too much into a quick moment, or is there something more to her story?”
I’m betting the kid is Demetri’s, and she’s crying because he’s dead.
i think the best aspect of the show is how the mystery unfolds and delevops and gets deeper all at the same time… while times continues to move closer to April 29th.
the layout has the unique ability to get more complex while unfolding at the same time.
i can’t yet say how it compares to Lost, but it has the same good bloodlines, for sure.
I’m going to say that Lloyd didn’t even have a flash, he was the main character in the book, so I think he may be a little more involved as the show progresses.
btw, the LHC at CERN was the cause of the blackout in the book (sort of), so I think it was good of them to alter the story and say that it was ruled out in the show itself.
I think FLASH FORWARD IS A WEAK SHOW. Except for the graphics they used IN the pilot, it lacked and the shows premise didn’t make me want to watch the next episode. This is no LOST! Also, it’s too bad last seasons “KINGS” was cancelled after what 4 shows? They should offer that as a reboot because there was no other show like it. Fiennes is an interesting choice for Flash Forward but I don’t think I can stand his brow furrowing, gun in hand look that is so predictably used by actors these days.
If Janis is 17 weeks on April 29, that means she conceived around the 1st of January 2010 (a little New Years Eve rendevous) and is due the first week of Oct. 2010 which is exactly one year from the day the flash forward occured. That’s interesting, right?