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The Big Bang Theory – Shiksa Goddess, can we just be friends?

Leonard says the sex was "just fine" - The Big Bang Theory

The moment I was dreading on the show came last week — PennyLenny (Turkey Lurkey’s more wild neighbors) had sex. No, I’m not getting over it. Those two, in my mind at least, were never meant to be a sexual couple. What’s next? Barry Kripke and Sheldon will realize that they’re gay and head over heels in love? So this week we had the aftermath of the torrid sexual romp between Penny and Leonard. Oh, why couldn’t it all have just been a dream?

I enjoyed the cricket storyline much better than the Penny Leonard Sexual Equation. Heck, at least that had the old sight gag of three fools (Raj, Sheldon, and Howard) stuck in a closet doorway as they all tried to exit together in search of the elusive cricket.

The cricket bit was more along the lines we’d expect from this bunch than sex. Howard and Sheldon bet comic books (Fantastic Four 48 and The Flash 123, respectively) over what kind of cricket it was. I think Sheldon might have had more to lose all along. His comic book was more expensive and he’s a bit like the Fonz. He doesn’t like to admit he’s wrong. Along they way they met up with a nutty professor of bugs who ranted and raved but declared Howard right. Toby the cricket was a plain old average field cricket.

Now, that’s how the show should go. Some great lines, a battle of the minds, and comic books. There shouldn’t be sex between Leonard and Penny! That whole storyline made me go sit and say, “Feh!” We got to watch them not excited about how the sex went down (so to speak), then decide to get drunk to enhance their next attempt. I so love to watch vomit scenes, don’t you.

Then, just when I thought Penny would listen to Sheldon’s words of wisdom and go back to being friends … lust happens. Oh, this just has to stop. In the name of all that is right and fair in the world, make it stop. Let them just be friends.

Oh. And Toby is a stupid name for a cricket.

Photo Credit: CBS

3 Responses to “The Big Bang Theory – Shiksa Goddess, can we just be friends?”

September 30, 2009 at 12:43 AM

I have to say the whole sex thing was a little trite but having been a nerd for most of my life, I can’t say I feel bad when the brainy guy gets the hot girl (even though realistically I think they’d have serious issues because they speak essentially different languages).

October 3, 2009 at 12:28 AM

I seem to be on a campaign to promote Kripke, who everyone hates. He is kinda like Sheldon’s mother–hitting the four with the truth when they get too far away from world reality. I’m now watching a cable showing of La Boheme and TBBT and the opera seem to have sorta the same story; four bums in a room and a Girl(Penny–Mimi). I hope Penny doesn’t die in the last episode like Mimi does.

October 12, 2009 at 8:37 PM

Nerds of the world need something to give them hope. I am one of the few females at a university in Missouri that is over 60% male. Over 90% of the people attending this university are here to obtain a degree in some field of science. These characters are the people I interact it with everyday of my life here. Situations like Leonard and Penny’s are rather common here. Without them, many of the guys here wouldn’t get any at all.

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