CliqueClack TV

The Big Bang Theory – Betrayal and the big bang

The Big Bang Theory - Season 3 Premiere

I find this disturbing. They’re all (except Sheldon) reminding me of Joaquin Phoenix’s last appearance on The Late Show with David Letterman. Sheldon is reminding me of Maynard G. Krebs on The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis. I might end up with nightmares tonight. Of course, I’m talking aesthetics, mind you. I think that Maynard and Sheldon are definitely from two different galaxies. I’m just not sure whether either is from here.

I’ve been anxiously awaiting the return of the show, yet I felt a bit let down by this episode. I was also anxiously awaiting Jim Parsons’ win at the Emmy Awards last night and you know how that turned out. Now the episode, “The Electric Can Opener Fluctuation,” wasn’t horrible or anything. It was just a bit … um … weird. You know, kind of like if good  friends were to have sex.

Perhaps it was the unexpected return of the Barry Kripke character which took me aback. I don’t like the character; I don’t like the exaggerated speech impediment. What I would enjoy would be a public flogging for the character. What’s next? The return of the sex doctor, after Raj this time? Once annoying characters disappear, they need to stay gone.

My main issue is that Penny and Leonard are so not a couple. Sure, I can understand her missing her little buddies, Sheldon and Leonard. They make for interesting neighbors and I’m sure they have plenty of video games. But they’re so incongruous as sexual partners that actually consummating the relationship could be a death knell for the show. I think the writers felt that way, too. The “weird” ending makes me think this isn’t going to happen again.

Now, if Sheldon were to have sex with Penny, that could be a very intriguing storyline. With his social prowess (or lack thereof), I think the courting part (which is the only part we’d really see) could be outright hilarious. Well, until his mother arrives on the scene and decides they’re heathens.

What did you think of the season premiere?

Photo Credit: CBS

9 Responses to “The Big Bang Theory – Betrayal and the big bang”

September 22, 2009 at 6:17 AM

Not one word about Sheldon’s mom? She is fantastic and hopefully she’ll come back for more.

September 22, 2009 at 9:10 AM

I had been worried that I had built up unreasonable expectations in my mind over the summer hiatus, but was honestly laughing uncontrollably throughout the episode. My only disappointment was that Sheldon’s sister wasn’t around the house to gang up with their mother in picking on him.

September 22, 2009 at 1:34 PM

Penny fits with Leonard more than with Sheldon. Sheldon in a relationship with a regular person would never happen unless his character changes dramatically.

September 22, 2009 at 3:00 PM

I just came here to see whether you rant about Kwipkee. I hate the motherlover. I SPITE the character. I didn’t get ANY of the dialogue because I was just thinking DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE… what on earth possessed Chuck Lorre to bring the guy back? I mean that’s not a speech impediment it’s a frakking pretentious showoff. “Off a kwiff”. DIE! *groan*

Oh and I wanted NPH to win. That didn’t work out either. John Cryer. *pfft* Sucker. Anyone would’ve been better except maybe Kevin Dillon and somebody should really tell me why NPH is a supporting actor when it’s a clear ensemble cast and without him the whole show would’ve sucked? I mean the Oscar’s get their Emmy for the show does NPH at least get an Emmy for what he did on sunday? Or maybe an Oscar?


Ok rant over. I liked the rest of this episode because it opens up enough new storylines for the future. I just hope those two stay in a relationship and don’t back out like Joey and Rachel did. That was just weird.

September 22, 2009 at 3:03 PM

Okay, I agree with you, but you’re wrong about the relationship ending.

It’s supposed to become his longest lasting one according to the writers.

I’m cringing already… :c

September 22, 2009 at 3:36 PM

Thought the episode was pretty funny, although expected more from a season premiere. Leonard/Penny were just cringe-worthy. Seriously, I really hope this whole arc is to get this relationship over with for good, because it really brings down the quality of the show.

September 22, 2009 at 11:49 PM

So glad you are writing about this show again, Jackie. When the “annoying character” showed up I said “Uhoh, Jackie won’t like this!” … I didn’t like it either. He’s not funny to me.

I did enjoy the show, I was hungry for it. I don’t like that they put it at the end of the 2 hours of comedies instead of at the beginning. Loved the red cowboy hat that matched the red turtleneck. There was enough funny stuff to make me look forward to next week.

September 23, 2009 at 5:40 AM

I can somewhat agree with you about Leonard and Penny. I think the show’s biggest issue in regard to them is the lack of focus. Their relationship has been resigned to awkward flirting and gratuitous pining (primarily on Leonard’s part), that they’ve had no real growth. The fact that it’s slowing turning into the Parsons Show isn’t helping either. I love Sheldon, but the show is best when it’s working as an ensemble, which it hasn’t been doing lately. The other actors are wonderful and haven’t yet been given a real chance to shine (with the rare exception). I think if they could devote some real time and growth to Leonard and Penny, the relationship would feel more solid.

As for Sheldon and Penny… The two have wonderful chemistry, I can’t deny that. But is that chemistry romantic or sexual? I just don’t see it. As someone above said, he would have to change DRASTICALLY. The writers have said time and time again he’s not interested in dating (“he’s opted out” in favor of science), and Parsons and Cuoco have both said they find the idea of the two of them getting together absurd (they see the pairing as sibling like, which is something I do see and agree with).

October 1, 2009 at 2:06 AM

Actually, I like Kwipke. He is an unusual character I want to see more of. I have a feeling that the going to Alaska episode came close to being the shark jump episode for the series, as the whole Alaska story had vanished by episode two, with no one mad at anyone for Raj and Howard faking Sheldon’s research, and no one at CalTech asking what did you do up there for our money we spent on the project?. The whole episode about the cricket was imo not really very funny.

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