CliqueClack TV

Is season four of Heroes going to be great? The jury is still out


Well, Heroes is back and as far as I can tell the ever-dwindling fan base is holding their collective breath, hoping against hope that this season will meet the vast potential that this show has. After the two hour premiere, I’m not quite sure which direction this season is headed. I wrote recently about what I wanted to see from this season of the show, and what I didn’t want to see.

How did the first two hours of the season compare against my list?

Well, the short answer is there was some good and some bad.

The typical Heroes problems were present tonight: too many characters with too little screen time (Mohinder was completely absent from both hours, but that might be a good thing). I know the plot for the season is just being established, but it seemed like there was very little going on in the first two hours of the season.

Of course, the first request on my list was shot down pretty early. I had asked for no time travel. I figured that was asking for a lot, and it looks like there’s going to be more of Hiro jumping around in the past. Hasn’t he ever seen Butterfly Effect?

These first two episodes were not without their bright spots, however. There are some intriguing things going on. I certainly didn’t expect Claire’s new college roommate to wind up dead (and what’s up with Claire’s creepy new friend?) and Ray Park’s character seems like he could be good fun. As for Robert Knepper’s carnival dude, I’m not so sure. I mean, manipulating tattoos has to be the lamest superpower in the world, right? Maybe there’s more to it, but as of now, I am unimpressed.

The Sylar/Parkman situation seems like it has some promise, even if the “addiction to superpowers” storyline has been done before. I think it’s a good way to keep Zachary Quinto engaged with the show. Heck, the show even killed someone, for reals! I was honestly surprised to see Danko back on the show at all, so I wasn’t too surprised when he wound up dead by the end of the evening, but I’ll give Heroes credit for the kill in any case.

I’m remaining cautiously optimistic at this point. Yes, it was a little slow, but for a show like Heroes, with such a huge cast, that is hard to avoid. I’ll be giving it a few more weeks to judge what this season has in store for us. Will you?

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Is season four of Heroes going to be great? The jury is still out”

September 22, 2009 at 9:06 AM

The new characters are definitely the most interesting part of the show. Which means they’ll be dropping like flies in the weeks to come.

I’m actually interested in non-whiny Claire’s storyline. I’m on the fence as to whether Gretchen or West was the creepier stalker, although Annie made far more of an impression in her single appearance than the both of them.

HRG, Peter, The Haitian good; the rest just treading water. And I find Matt unwatchable without Daphne to leaven his angst and self-pity.

September 22, 2009 at 12:04 PM

Tattoos were interesting.

The fact he can inject them into people AND use them physically against someone a la Ray Park’s character when he was being choked by the tattoo hand.

But I’m still waiting to pass judgement just like everyone else is.

This show had so much promise, I still think back to when I first watched Season 1 and how we were all like whoa til the finale of that season.

September 24, 2009 at 6:02 PM

Some of us were far from “woah” at the end of the first season and alas gave up there. Too much promise and not enough follow through. Never got me back after that.

September 24, 2009 at 6:18 PM

i dont know it was ok they have to get rid of people ali larter is a really bad actress parkman is unwatchable no need to bring mohinder back now that he is completely ruined.
im done with sylar too and please can they just deal with the here and now

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