My God, when will it end? I can’t take much more of these reruns. Hell, I’m starting to wish for a fresh episode of According to Jim just to get some new material! I. Need. New. Episodes!
- Well, CBS may not have much in the way of new material, but at least they’re reliable. For instance, tonight features a repeat of NCIS, a new Big Brother, and a repeat of Medium; same as the last few weeks. By the way, Kurtwood Smith returns as FBI agent Edward Cooper.
- The CW gives us two hours of 90210. In the first, something happens, then something else happens, then Silver makes some kind of sex tape for class. In the second hour we find out why Silver is acting crazier than Paula Abdul did on an average airing of American Idol.
- NBC gives us a rebroadcast of last Wednesday’s America’s Got Talent, at 8:00 pm. After that, it’s another two hours of AGT. No wonder no one likes the network anymore.
- It’s Science Tuesday on PBS, starting with a rebroadcast of Nova that focuses on the worst airline crash in history — two colliding 747s that killed almost 600 people. Then, at 9:00 pm, Nova ScienceNow focuses on leeches and SETI. So, good times all around.
- Hey, if you happen to still have the waste of bandwidth called My TV, you can catch two episodes of Street Patrol starting at 8:00 pm, followed by Jail at 9:00 pm. If you want to know what these shows are about, please call your cable company. Don’t worry too much if they don’t know what the shows are about, either.
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Photo Credit: The CW
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