CliqueClack TV

The Closer – Can I call you Dick?


As expected, that whole thing with Fritz and Brenda, and the possibility of having children, just up and disappeared this week in a fit of the bizarre way continuity works on The Closer. And ya know what? That’s ok. At this point, I’m used to that happening. Pushing those talks to another episode opened the door for a more Pope-focused episode, and the introduction of Jonathan Baird (Andrew Daly) made for one of the funniest Closer episodes in a long time.

Things get so serious with the show that we occasionally forget that they do comedy rather well, and this was a great example. Andrew Daly (Eastbound & Down) certainly isn’t the biggest name guest star they’ve trotted out this season, but he was perfectly cast. The scene in the parking garage set the stage for the episode very well, but he really stole the show with his rundown back at HQ. So over the top, pretty dang crazy, and hilarious the whole time. I also really liked his initial confrontation with Brenda, “I’m not under arrest. You’re under arrest!” His unwavering belief that he really was a cop was perfect.

Of course, Baird didn’t carry the comedy load alone. It also was a perfect chance to turn Provenza and Flynn loose. Their bit at the diner, from Provenza going on about Lauren and the changes in his life, to closing the blinds so as not to be disturbed by the crime scene, to the talk of  ‘those guys’, was very fun. They really do work well as a team. Pope even got in on the action. His reaction as Brenda asked about Detective Dick Tracy was priceless, much like when she told him that they all lie to him. It’s the thing that unites the departments.

Getting to the case, the fictional show was a bit out there, but not so far as to not be believable. That particular show hasn’t made it to air, yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that someone is trying to sell it, and that they are trying to sell it to Spike (Slag). It’s such a workable idea that a similar character appeared last season on Criminal Minds (“52 Pickup”). And ‘Viper’ was as big a douche as ‘Intrigue’. “He did this to eight women and he only got shot once?”

Ultimately, of course, Brenda came out on top in the end. She got her killer, and managed to ‘massage’ things in such a way as to keep Pope from taking the hit for handing all of the evidence, including a loaded gun, to a crazy person. It also reaffirmed the lines that are drawn between all the players in the department. The idea of it being one big team is a nice one, but at the end of the day, not the way that things function best. All things considered, an excellent episode. Nighty night, Crimestoppers.

Photo Credit: TNT

Categories: | Clack | The Closer | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

One Response to “The Closer – Can I call you Dick?”

July 15, 2009 at 8:16 AM

Too much yelling and screaming distracted from the comedy. There was very little talking as Dick, after the parking lot, yelled all of his lines, and the screaming woman was asinine.

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