CliqueClack TV

Reality Clack – America’s Got Talent, So You Think You Can Dance and Big Brother scuttlebutt

Big Brother 11It’s getting to be that time of year. Voyeurs rejoice! Why? Well, the ultimate voyeuristic reality show is looming on the horizon. That’s right … Big Brother 11 starts this Thursday. CBS released information on the new cast of hamsters this week, as well as the new twist. I’ve been looking at the BB11 cast in depth over on my television blog, but I haven’t quite delved into the twist yet.

I’m not sure what to make of it. Executive producer Allison Grodner and I don’t always share the same mindset when it comes to these things. I’ve seen her twists royally flop (see season nine) and, while I prefer to see a really diverse cast in the house, she goes for eye candy and twists.

The latest one is dividing the hamsters into high school cliques. Unlike CliqueCLACK, high school cliques contain the teen angst I prefer to remain tucked away in the recesses of my mind. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see how it works out.

That was the week it was

America’s Got Talent is still in its audition stages … thus proving that not all of America has talent. Oh sure, there were some entertaining acts. I thought the dog who danced with his owner was incredibly adorable. I could never get my cat to do that. And there was a break-dancer who had a good routine. But I can’t see either of them being a hit show in Vegas. What they need is a dog who break-dances. Now, there could be the next big thing!

The competition on So You Think You Can Dance is heating up. My favorite popper, Phillip Chbeeb, saved himself with his solo. But things don’t seem to be looking too good for him. He’s not adjusting all that well to styles other than his own. Phillip, Kapono and Vitolio were the guys in the bottom three couples this week. As much as I like Phillip and his own style mesmerizes me … I do think Vitolio got a bum deal with the boot.

Huh. Maybe they should have booted two girls. Julia Hass wrote that the girls are falling flat in a recent CliqueClack TV entry. I can only agree with her. Some of the girls impressed me, but it’s getting to be all about the guys. At least it is for me.

Coming this week

The Great American Road Trip makes its premiere this Tuesday at 8 PM ET/PT. I want to tune in just to see if I get any Chevy Chase vibes from the series. And, of course, Big Brother 11 starts Thursday at 8 PM ET/PT.

Photo Credit: CBS

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