CliqueClack TV

Quotations Marks – Keith and Veronica Mars banter like rock stars


Keith and Veronica

I do have to admit. I’m a bit jealous Bob. I’ve been a Veronica Mars fan for day one, so its definitely one of those shows that I wish I could go back and watch fresh. One of the best parts of putting together this post is getting to cull through quotes from the Virgin Diary reviews, and Veronica Mars is always one of the best reads.

Better Off Ted

“A machine that causes vomiting… that could have all kinds of applications for the military… and fashion modeling.”  – Ted

The Colbert Report

“I also express anger through cheering and applause. It’s like my left hand is Al Franken and my right hand keeps slapping him.” – Stephen Colbert

True Blood

You surprise me, and that is a rare quality in a breather.” – Eric
“You disgust me.” – Sookie
“Perhaps I’ll grow on you.” – Eric
“I prefer cancer.” – Sookie

The Closer

“No, I don’t want to be one of those women who puts her cat in a urn … on the mantle with a ribbon and a bell. I want to find some other way to properly honor Kitty.” – Brenda as she moves Kitty’s ashes to a Tupperware container

Selections from the Virgin Diaries


“Don’t you recognize me? Oh, I forgot, I’m wearing a pediatrician.” – Alastair the demon, to Dean

“An angel and a demon riding in the back seat. It’s like a setup to a bad joke. Or a penthouse forum letter.” – Dean, driving with Anna and Ruby in the backseat of his car

“Sam, TMI.” – Dean, to Sam when he told Dean that he and Ruby slept together
“I told you I was coming clean.” – Sam
“But now I feel dirty.” – Dean

Veronica Mars

“Afternoon delight? Ooh, considerably better than fifth period English.” – Logan
“Ugh, you need to not remind me you’re in high school. There’s an ‘ick’ factor.” – Kendall
Is that so?” – Logan
“Yeah. School in general? Not very hot. Unless I’m wearing a naughty school girl uniform. Then it’s very hot.” – Kendall
“I’m sure it would be, for the ten seconds you had it on.” – Logan

“So, senior year. How was your first day at school honey?” – Keith
“Great! I beat up a freshman, stole his lunch money and then skipped out after lunch.” – Veronica
“What, no pre-marital sex?” – Keith
“Oh, yeah … yes. But don’t worry dad, I swear you’re gonna like these guys.” – Veronica
That’s my girl.” – Keith

“Hey Dad!” – Veronica
“Yeah honey.” – Keith
“If I know the name of a business how do I find out the names of it’s shareholders?” – Veronica
“You get the strangest homework in health class.” – Keith


“You got a brother, don’t you, Scully?” – Mulder
“Yeah, I’ve got an older one and a younger one.” – Scully
“Well, have you ever thought about calling one of them all day long and then all of a sudden the phone rings and it’s one of them calling you?” – Mulder
“Does this pitch somehow end with a way for me to lower my long distance charges?” – Scully

Battlestar Galactica

“No, no no no. Hey, no. Kara, no. Listen to me. If you’re a Cylon, then you’ve been one from the beginning.” – Anders
“Like Boomer. Spend my entire life thinking I’m one thing….” – Starbuck
“…And then you wake up one day and discover you’re another. Still doesn’t change who you really are. Still doesn’t change the fact that I love you, no matter what.” – Anders
“You are a better person than I am because if I found out that you’re a Cylon I’d put a bullet between your eyes.” – Starbuck

A what? A miracle? Is that what you want to call this? Go ahead,say it. Grab your piece of the golden arrow. I want to hear admiral atheist say that a miracle happened.” – Laura
“You shot at her and missed at close range.” – Adama
“Doloxan fraks with your aim.” – Laura
“So does doubt.” – Adama


“Like I always say, there’s no ‘I’ in ‘team.’ There is a ‘me,’ though, if you jumble it up.” – House

“So your philosophy is, ‘If they don’t want treatment, they get it shoved down their throat, but if it might cure their paralysis, whoa, better slow down.'” – Wilson
“Yeah. My old philosophy used to be ‘Live and let live,’ but I’m taking this needlepoint class and they gave us these really big pillows.” – House

“You know, in some cultures, it’s considered almost rude for one friend to spy on another. Of course, in Swedish, the word ‘friend’ can also be translated as ‘limping twerp.'” – Wilson

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

“Oh, Will, you’re supposed to use your powers for good!” – Buffy
“I just wanna learn stuff.” – Willow
“Like how to build your own serial killer?” – Cordelia
“Uh, it’s so hard to rent one nowadays.” – Xander

Photo Credit: The CW

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