CliqueClack TV

The Closer – Brenda Leigh vs President Roslin


Two of the recurring season five themes on The Closer were on display again this week. As with the previous episodes, this one also brought a nice bit of guest casting with the appearance of Mary McDonnell as Captain Raydor. In addition, it also presented yet another department for Brenda to create some bad blood with. If you’ve been playing along with the home game, it’s no surprise that Brenda came out on top. But you have to wonder … are all of these confrontations adding up? And is this all going to come back and bite Brenda in the end?

The episode boiled down to two stories, both of which have the potential for interesting lasting effects down the road. Starting with Raydor and Brenda, there has to be more there, right? It was great to see Mary McDonnell join the Closer family. Not just because she was President Roslin, but because that fierceness and determination she brought to Roslin translated perfectly to Raydor. It made for some great confrontations.

Raydor really does have one of the worst work environments ever. Part of the police, but investigating the police. That’s not a good way to make friends. And that environment only gets tougher when Brenda is on the other side of the equation. I really enjoyed all of their scenes together. There was such an undercurrent of hostility below the (mostly) calm exchanges between the two. The most telling bit moving forward was the thinly veiled threat leveled by Raydor in their last meeting. Everything about Brenda’s investigative methods is going in the report. She seems the type to hold a grudge, and there is no shortage of other examples to bring in if she decides to make Brenda’s, and Pope’s, job more difficult.

Of course, the other story was that of Gabriel. On the one hand, his career was on the line. That made for an exciting setup to the episode, and the case did come together well enough. On the other hand, the more interesting bit of it all was how he got in that situation, and what it means for him going forward. We got just a little more of the Daniels story, as that is what found him in that bar to begin with. Clearly, Gabriel wasn’t ready to have things between the two of them be over, but Daniels has ‘moved on.’

What is really intriguing, though, are all the references to his career, and how the whole situation hurt him. Coupled with his reaction to the resolution of the case, it makes one wonder just what is next for Gabriel. We were given clues that it could go either way. Gabriel’s conversation with Brenda after it was all over, and his general demeanor, suggest that a transfer is a real possibility. But we also saw that the wounds with the rest of the team are starting to heal, as Sanchez went out of his way to offer some advice. What do you think? Would Gabriel leave the team? My best guess is no, but the door is open and it makes for interesting possibilities going forward.

Wrapping up, again with the Ramos? I suppose it’s worth mentioning that he wasn’t completely annoying this time, and did actually do a favor for Brenda. I just don’t get the fascination with the character. And finally, the story with Kitty came to its sad, but inevitable, conclusion. I’m left wondering what the aftermath will be, and still leaning toward the topic of children coming back up before the end of the season.  All things considered, another very good episode.

Photo Credit: TNT

Categories: | Clack | The Closer | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “The Closer – Brenda Leigh vs President Roslin”

June 24, 2009 at 5:30 PM

You know, I’ve had sort of a love/hate relationship with Mary McDonnell, and this one was of the hate variety. She did a great job of making me really dislike that character. There was one brief scene in the hallway where I almost felt sorry for her, but it passed.

I don’t get the Ramos character, either. They do seem fascinated with him, and I keep expecting some bigger story but it never comes.

I could easily see Gabriel leaving the team, but still being an integral part of the show. His role has dramatically changed since Brenda first walked onto the scene, and it would make sense for him to want to try something different. I didn’t realize they weren’t all detectives. Shows how much I know about the police.

The part with Kitty killed me. Cried at the end. I just put my cat down in March after almost 19 years of love and said to him the same things. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a house call and it made me sad that my baby had to be in a sterile environment to go.

All in all, I’d say this season is off to a good start. I’d like a little more of Provenza and Flynn, but I’m sure it’ coming. Provenza’s new relationship needs some explorin’ to be sure!

June 24, 2009 at 6:58 PM

Ugh. I was afraid of this…now that Kitty is gone, Brenda will have a “hole” in her life and finally want a baby. Of course with her medical condition, its going to be very difficult, so we will see comical scene after scene of scheduling fertility treatments and ovulation testing while solving murders and gets her miracle pregnancy just in time for the season finale.

And then the baby will never be heard from except for that “very special” birthing episode (again scheduled during a ratings sweep or season finale).

Can we stick to the work/case side more? Dont get me wrong I love Fitz, but surely there is something more to do with his character than being Mr. Mom. He’s already done that with Brenda’s parents (who were too overused last season) and Kitty.

I did get a bit teary with Kitty’s situation and it happens in life. I just hope the writers leave it at that.

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