CliqueClack TV

Kings – darkness sheds some light


I’ve never been afraid of the dark. I’m not quite sure why, as I tend to have an overactive imagination that can runaway with itself and conjure up all sorts of creepy crawlies. It is fascinating to me, however, how people can react so differently to the darkness. This episode of Kings highlighted that idea, as William turned out all the lights in the city to spite the king.

The darkness shed light on so many things: the relationship between David and Michele, Michele’s odd behavior, Jack’s true emotions, and old debts.

Let’s start with David and Michele. We learned, through flashbacks that Michele made a deal with God in order to save her life. She would dedicate herself to helping others and forsake any husbands if God would let her live. This helped to explain some of her martyr-like behavior in the last few episodes. A little motivation goes a long way, and I can forgive her for what I considered bizarre actions on her part (particularly last week). My only question here is that she and David obviously slept together, right? How is that not a violation of her deal? She’s supposed to avoid marriage, but if the lights go out she has free reign to go sleep around with whoever she wants? I wonder if this did, indeed violate her deal, which is why Silas was hearing music….

More flashbacks revealed that Michele wasn’t the only one who made a deal to save her life. I thought it was a great juxtaposition that as Silas was selling his crown to some evil entity (The devil? A demon? Does it matter?), Michele was praying and making deals with God. What does this say about Silas? In any case, if Michele broke her promise by spending a night with David, then it makes sense that Silas would start getting reminders about the deal he made. It is clear that the “better man” that he is supposed to move aside for is David; the question now becomes what action Silas will take.

Jack is becoming more and more of a tragic character. He cannot be with the one he loves, and must live a charade all for the benefit of his family. Of course, as this episode so deftly illustrated, the same could be said of just about every member of the royal family. Silas would rather be with his mistress, and Michele can’t ever be with David. Power is a dangerous thing.

I’m really fascinated with MacCaulay Culkin’s character, Andrew. What the heck did this kid do? It’s clear just about everyone hates him, he was exiled from the country, and there is a very strange dynamic between Andrew and the queen. Any theories?

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

7 Responses to “Kings – darkness sheds some light”

June 22, 2009 at 11:48 AM

I thought the episode as usual was intriguing. Am I correct in assuming that it was it the queen who authorized the war with Gath since Silas was pre-occupied? And please I hope they reveal what ever Andrew did before the end of the show.

<<<Shakes fist and says "Damn you NBC"

June 22, 2009 at 11:52 AM

I’m pretty sure that I read somewhere that all the story lines will be wrapped up by the end. Let’s hope that’s true.

I assumed the same about the queen. It is confirmed on the official NBC episode recap on their site too. She is an interesting character that all too often ends up in the background. I wonder how much she knows about the king and his mistress. She strikes me as the type to enter into a loveless marriage knowingly and willingly all in the name of power.

June 22, 2009 at 5:56 PM

I don’t think it was loveless on Rose’s part. I think she really loves Silas and the way for her to marry him was to make her wealthy brother part of the package. William said at one point that Silas “made him his brother” so he’d be able to build his kingdom.
And I honestly don’t think Queen Rose knows about “Serenity”.

June 22, 2009 at 7:03 PM

You could be 100% right, we both could be 50% right, who knows. It’s just my read on the character, but she seems to smart to me to not know anything about her husband’s extracurricular activities.

June 22, 2009 at 8:06 PM

Yeah, I’m with Bob… I totally think that Rose knows all about Serenity. She’s just too smart not to.

June 28, 2009 at 11:34 AM

Silas made his deal with the Angel of Death, who is sadistic, may or may not be evil, and claims God made Death beyond even His power. I watch the show in SD and it’s annoyingly clipped from the original widescreen, as all I saw were their noses on the sides of the screen in that scene.

I think it’s important to note that Michelle made a promise to God, not a deal, as it was a rather one-sided conversation. Her recovery could be an Act of God or of Death.

Perhaps her promise has more to do with forsaking love and attachment rather than chastity (i.e., she could sleep with someone, but never remain with them permanently). I thought the darkness was convenient for hiding their tryst from Silas, the court and the media, rather than from God.

July 4, 2009 at 10:51 AM

I’m sure the queen knows about silas extracurricular activities, and i remember thatn in a previous episode, she even sujest him a “fishin trip” to release his stress.

The angel of death whas the one that made silas ear music btw, or at least, that is was she said!! :)

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