CliqueClack TV

Burn Notice – The elephant in the room

moonHe sits next to me during every episode. Last night, he kept bopping me in the head with his trunk. This damn elephant just won’t leave my side while watching Burn Notice. We still have no idea who burned our favorite spy guy. You can believe it was Martin Crane (John Mahoney from the season two finale) if you want to, but I’m not buying it. He simply represented “management.” He’s not the person pulling the strings in Michael Westen’s life.

Before I jump aboard the speculation train, I’d like to discuss Mikey’s newest aggravation. That would be Detective Paxton (Moon Bloodgood), who made her first appearance in episode two. She’s hardly a fan of Michael’s exploits in South Florida, and is driven to see him behind bars. In fact, our toasty spy spent another night in jail thanks to her. I have a feeling Mike’s frequent visits to the clink will become a running joke this season. Paxton describes herself as Mike’s “worst nightmare.” Stay tuned for some fun-filled cat and mouse games.

The tense “reverse interrogation” sequence dominated the episode. Sam shined more than usual. I loved his fake cop persona; he does corrupt slimeballs well. I also enjoyed how the whole kidnapping storyline played out. Watching Mike and Sam toy with the amateur crew was impressive. I realize they excel at putting wannabe criminal masterminds to shame, but they cut this one close. As Sam astutely pointed out, reverse interrogation is effective, but extremely risky.

Now to my main point. Who is really behind the burning? Last season I posited Fiona was a logical candidate. Predictably, that was met with mixed feelings. Some were with me, while others called me nutty. Next, I wagged my accusatory finger at Michael’s long-lost father. I suggested the old man could still be alive and, in turn, responsible for blackballing his son. So, what to make of all my wild theories?

Well, Fiona still desires Mike to see the light and trade in his spy gear for a mini-van and white picket fence. Does she possess the clout/power to engineer Mike’s transplant to Miami? By herself, no. With assistance, yes. Would she go to such extremes to land her man? I’m not so sure she’s that conniving, but she is a woman who wants what she wants, so it’s possible.

Mikey’s daddy still remains on my radar. He is mentioned in just about every episode, which is puzzling. Obviously, the elder Westen is key to the dysfunctional family dynamic that hangs over the series, but it seems the writers make a point to drop purposeful bits about his character and back-story. Like last week, when it was revealed he constructed Maddie’s house with four different kinds of lumber. A season ago I was intrigued to discover papa Westen rewired Maddie’s car. Either the guy was a super-duper do-it-yourselfer, or a spy.

I’m probably reading way too much into all this. If the Burn Notice creators implicated Fiona or Mike’s father, it would be a very soap opera-like thing to do. An emotional confrontation between Mike and Fi in which she tearfully admits she was behind the burning would make me cringe. Even worse would be the ill-conceived father-son reunion episode. You know, the one when they put aside their differences and “hug it out.” I’d fire a brick through my TV if that happened. I’m being facetious, of course. The writers are much too smart to go that route.

I won’t stop searching for hints and clues. Someone out there burned Mike. Is it a character known to us? Or is it a person lying in wait? Until we find out, I guess we’ll have to be content with the madcap antics of Mike, Fi, Sam and Maddie. I’m okay with that, for now.

Lastly. Better birthday gift: World War I bayonet or a five-pack of imported beer? I gotta go with the bayonet.

Photo Credit: USA Network

8 Responses to “Burn Notice – The elephant in the room”

June 12, 2009 at 3:22 PM

Aw man John Mahoney… I’m this close to watching Burn Notice just because of him…

I’d go with fivepack of import because, you know… it’s REAL beer ;-)

June 12, 2009 at 5:43 PM

Hmm, I don’t think it’s Mike’s father. Why burn his son so late in the game? Plus, he’s more of a ghost figure. I like the idea of a father so isolated that he ‘fixes’ things by destroying them so his family will rely on him.

I’m up in the air about the ep regarding Fiona and Madeline. It felt as if the writers rebooted their personalities back to the pilot complete with neediness. Plus, what was up with Madeline’s hair rollers?

I’m also undecided about the cop. She’s a good foil, but in the end she’ll either need Mike’s help or put him into deeper water.

June 12, 2009 at 5:53 PM

I hope Michael’s dad burned him, it would make sense and shed an interesting light on the awol character. If you think about, Mike being burned was the best thing that could’ve happened to the Westen family. It brought them together. Now they even celebrate birthdays.

Speaking of which, the Michael cake-eating scene was priceless. It was so wonderfully awkward and gooby it made my night (and it also reminded me of Darlene’s french fry eating scene from this episode of Roseanne: )

June 12, 2009 at 6:20 PM

hmm, what about Madeline somehow burning Michael? After all, she is the one who benefits and the only one Michael wouldn’t turn away from.

June 12, 2009 at 7:02 PM

Maddie, a super powerful spy with enough pull to burn her son? Never crossed my mind. If so, she’s doing a helluva job with her cover ID. I guess anything is possible.

The reason why I say daddy is maybe he’s had a change of heart late in life. Perhaps he regrets helping send Mike away from Maddie. So, to fix things, he burns him and ships him to Miami, where mom happens to live. As an added bonus, he throws in the one girl Mikey really cared for. Maybe then Mike will decide to leave his wayward ways behind.

June 15, 2009 at 3:52 PM

I seem to recall at least one reference being made to Michael’s dad having died awhile ago. Does this mean Michael’s dad would have faked his own death as part of this ploy?

June 15, 2009 at 4:14 PM

Mike’s dad is presumed dead. But it’s clear he wanted nothing to do with the “family” life, so it would make sense IF he was a spy, he could easily make himself dead. I’m not insinuating that he killed himself off in order to “burn” Mike years later. I think he might regret how badly he screwed over Maddie, Mike and Nate. Bringing them back together in Miami may be his way of apologizing.

Then again, the old man could be deader than dead.

September 19, 2009 at 2:41 AM

Hey there ‘merica,

We just started season 3 in Australia and to me it sicks out like the proverbial dog’s bollocks – it has to be Fiona…what has been the pay-off throughout? Fi has spent loads of time doing what she loves (blowing things up) with the one she loves. Maybe a few other pointers apart from fortune cookie and, “Where’s the (Irish) guy I fell in love with?” etc.. how maternal was she about the young football guy and his sister who was attacked? And how hard was she trying to engage with he little boy she baby sat and name checked all the assault weapons. Others have floated the idea she would like Michael to give the game away and settle down? Maybe girl’s gettin’ clucky. Would make a tidy “ah-hah” series exit if they decide to go out before the shark surfaces…

However still loving the “how to be a spy” asides and also from me: “I’m not gay, but Fiona is HOT”

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