CliqueClack TV

My So-Called Life – CliqueClack Flashback

My So Called LifeWhen it comes to dramatic, whiny, overly angsty teenagers there is one and only one show that I will applaud: My So-Called Life. Unfortunately for me, and for this gem of a show, I was one of the many people who missed out on it when it was first on the air. My So-Called Life always struggled for ratings, as it was up against the juggernaut known as Friends. In retrospect, I really wish I had watched this instead of Friends back when they were pitted up against each other. I did end up watching the show in repeats when MTV reran it. That was before I was too old to watch MTV.

I don’t even know where to begin when discussing My So-Called Life, there were so many stellar aspects. I think it is the one teen drama that I’ve seen that treated the teenage condition with respect and realism. The characters on this show were real. They weren’t the overly intellectualized caricatures that were featured on Dawson’s Creek, and they weren’t the cheesy way-too-pretty characters from 90210. The characters on My So-Called Life came across as real, true people. From the always soul-searching Angela, to the free spirit Rayanne, nerdy Brian, or prissy Sharon, all these characters were people worth knowing. I loved how the relationships of all the teens ebbed and flowed so naturally. Like so many people in high school, they were friends one day, enemies the next, some unlikely friends, and some soul mates. The relationships were always honest and genuine.

I loved the way that the show captured the angst of teen life without becoming overly sentimental. Angela Chase, as played by Claire Danes, was a great main character. Like so many people trying to find themselves in high school she changed friends, changed looks, and changed her attitude in a struggle to find where she fit in. Yes, there was a whole lot of pining over boys, and fighting with friends over little things, but this show was so much more than that. It dealt with issues like abuse, homosexuality, drug use, and yes, even dyslexia with respect.

Another aspect of the show that I really appreciated were the parents. Angela’s mom and dad were allowed to be real, flawed characters. The show didn’t just focus on the kids, but spent enough time with the parents to make them integral parts of the show. We got to see them grow, change, and question their lives just like the teenagers, and it really helped to add dimension to the program.

The show launched several careers. Some of them were more successful (Claire Danes) than others (Jared Leto). I think so many shows have tried to recapture the magic that was My So-Called Life, but I don’t think any have come close. Maybe it was just that I was at the right age when I watched My So-Called Life, but I thought it was so far superior to more popular shows like Dawson’s Creek, which I always hated.

Were you a fan of the angst ridden show? If not, I highly recommend tracking it down. Unfortunately, it’s not a very big time commitment as there were only 19 episodes of the show. It was cut down in it’s prime in one of the worst cancellations of all time. Stupid ratings.

Photo Credit: IMDb

2 Responses to “My So-Called Life – CliqueClack Flashback”

June 3, 2009 at 10:57 PM

Oddly enough, I just added this series to my netflix queue yesterday…. get off my brainwave Mr Degon

June 4, 2009 at 2:58 PM

Huge fan of the show! I always wanted to dress like Rayanne (but wasn’t brave enough) and “Jordan Catalano” will always be remembered as my first TV crush.

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