CliqueClack TV

Lost in Lost – So … about next season



Well, we’ve all had a few weeks to digest the finale of Lost now. I was hoping that in that time I was going to have some sort of incredible epiphany and have all the answers for you about next season and what it was going to look like. That didn’t happen. I do think enough time has passed, however, that we can start to toss around some ideas about what next season is going to entail. Here are my thoughts….

I’m still not quite sure what’s going to happen with the changed or unchanged future. As has been brought up by some commenters, we can’t even be sure if the bomb went off (though I would bet that it did). What I think makes the most sense is this: when Jacob said, with his dying words, that “they are coming,” I believe that he meant the 815ers that were trapped back in 1977. I believe that those folks, more so than anyone else on the island, are key to Jacob’s plan, whatever that may be. Jacob visited most of them in the past (I believe Miles is the only one who didn’t get a visit from the J-man). I believe that they will be key in the final events on the island, breaking whatever cycle that Jacob and his enemy discussed hundreds of years ago on the beach.

How that all marries up to the bomb going off (or not), I don’t know. I’m as frustrated as anyone with how the producers/writers decided to end this season. I would like to think that instead of changing the future (and rewriting the five seasons of this show that we’ve all been so invested in), the blast somehow pushed the characters back to the timeline that they are supposed to be in (i.e. back on the island with fake Locke and the rest of the Ajira 315ers).

Of course, I could be completely off base; there’s just no telling with this show. Maybe the bomb did go off, maybe it had always gone off. Maybe that is why the Swan station was buried in cement and hazmat suits were needed when walking around it. Who knows? Maybe the future has changed. If it has, I would imagine that somehow destiny would prevail and the characters that we have grown to love will find themselves back on the island by some means other than Oceanic 815.

In any case, I need to look for clues. With that in mind, I believe I am going to start a rewatch of the the first five seasons before season six begins in early 2010. I’ll be posting regular updates (most likely in the same format that we’ve been using for our Virgin Diaries), and I urge you to join me. The more eyes looking for any little spec of information, the better. Plus, it should be fun. I haven’t rewatched a lot of the early episodes in a long time. It will be nice to see Shannon again….

What are your theories on next season?

Photo Credit: ABC

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12 Responses to “Lost in Lost – So … about next season”

June 1, 2009 at 1:05 PM

The creators said awhile back that season 4 was going to be about getting off the island, season 5 would be about getting back to the island and season 6 would be what happens once they do get back.

So I think it’s very clear the bomb always went off, it was supposed to, and the characters will return to the island in 2007.

June 7, 2009 at 5:17 PM

Do you think the bomb went off or was it the island moving position again with the bright light?

June 1, 2009 at 1:41 PM

The bomb takes them to 2007 reuniting the casts together. It would better explain everything around the quarentine procedures the hatch has like you said.

June 1, 2009 at 3:39 PM

So if they go back to the original moment in time when the series started, does that mean we’ll get Boone and Shannon and some other dear, departed Losties back?! That would be cool!

June 1, 2009 at 6:46 PM

That would be really cool if they could pull it off, but it’s unlikely. For one, Ian Somerhalter is starring in a new show on the CW in the fall, so that would mean no Boone.

June 1, 2009 at 5:33 PM

I don’t know Bob… I don’t really think there are any clues in past seasons. I think they really make a lot of stuff up as they go along. The finale basically was just showing us that Jacob was there all along and it fell flat for me because they already did that time and time again. Like I said before, I get it, their lives are interwoven but at a certain point I don’t care anymore THAT it is but I want to know WHY that is the case. What does it help me to know that Jack and Juliet are half-siblings if they didn’t get together with their father who apparently is on the island and “alive and kicking” – or at least I thought so until we found out that Locke is still dead and most likely Jack’s father is too.

I mean do we really want to re-visit how Jack got his Tattoo and how Nicky and Paulo died? Do we really want to see the episode again where walt shows off his “abilities” and then not re-visit it again? What I certainly don’t want to see again is “Flashes before your eyes” which is a horrible ripoff of “Donny Darko”, even more now as we are wondering whether there IS a variable or not, rendering the whole episode moot until we know what is or isn’t.

Everything is in limbo now. It’s as if you go back and look at photos of all you did with your girlfriend while you wait for her answer to the message you left her that you want to get back together. Without that answer, everything else is worthless. You can’t do anything except wait.

June 1, 2009 at 6:47 PM

You and I clearly have very different views of this show. ;-)

June 2, 2009 at 8:30 AM

I guess I’m a pessimist? *sigh* Or always critical? The guy with the “Against” sign?

Then again I’m a total fan of “The Dark Knight”. I AM capable of giving out perfect 10s ;-)

June 7, 2009 at 5:11 PM

The half sister was Claire, not Juliett! I think you should re-watch the entire seasons 1-5, because you truly are LOST!

June 2, 2009 at 11:48 AM

You are always so negative! :)

I don’t think we will ever get any true answers to the island or the show besides the fact it was destiny that they all came together.

June 2, 2009 at 4:01 AM

setting the bomb off only causes the problem at the swan station that makes people have to enter the numbers every 108 minutes …

Making sure Desmond actually presses the keys is the only thing that would prevent OC815 from crashing

June 7, 2009 at 5:16 PM

I read somewhere that Juliet’s character is def dead, as she is not returning to the show next season. However, I also heard she will be in the next season’s episodes. Anyone have a clue on this one?

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