CliqueClack TV

I’m sad that The Unusuals is canceled


I’m really not that big on cop shows. I guess maybe NYPD Blue was the last one I watched on a regular basis. But The Unusuals was really starting to grow on me.

I liked the goofy characters, each with their own issues. I liked the music and the cases each week, especially things like “the murder store.” Banks and Delahoy were headed for pop culture stardom, but now that dream’s been cut horribly short.

But I’ll still watch til the bitter end, and this week had more funny cases and more quirkiness. I especially liked Banks and Delahoy’s old-guy-on-a-crime-spree case. I think that would be me in old age. Who wants to hang around a nursing home and eat pudding? When you get to be 87, like that guy was, why not go out with a bang? Why not take a page from Repo Man and “do some crimes” at that point?

And the fact that the old guy looked at Banks and said, “I used to be just like you, always worried about everything, never having fun” … maybe it made Banks think about releasing all those pent-up fears, like he did an episode or two ago, when he thought he’d kept the woman from dying on the bus, but then she died on a bus later that night and he went back to being a fearful mess.

And, of course, Amber Tamblyn. This girl deserves a steady TV gig if ever anyone did. She doesn’t look like all the other Hollywood starlets. She’s got some class and real-ness to her, and yet she’s really very funny.

Things were just getting interesting on The Unusuals, and like so many shows cut short at a young age, we’ll never get to see the characters grow and be funny. Yeah, sad.

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “I’m sad that The Unusuals is canceled”

May 28, 2009 at 10:23 PM

The Unusuals really is a fun show. I lament its early demise.

I agree that this week was especially fun. The Banks and Delahoy storyline reminded me of a bit Patton Oswalt did on his Werewolves and Lollypops album about old people and crime. Check it out if you get the chance.

May 29, 2009 at 8:26 AM

I watched the show last night and enjoyed it. I have to admit that I was a little pissed off that it replaced “Life on Mars” but I accidently watched the first episode and was hooked. I will miss this show, especially Banks and Delahoy. Was that the final episode? The ending seemed like a season finale but the Delahoy arc was left hanging and I am sad that we won’t get to see a wrap to it. I hate ABC.

May 29, 2009 at 4:07 PM

It’s just insane that this show didn’t get a pickup. It’s better than “Castle”.

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