CliqueClack TV

Has FOX found the right slots for House and Bones? Nah, couldn’t be!

laurie_house_150Something’s wrong in the universe. I was just reviewing FOX’s 2009-2010 schedule, which was released on Monday, and there is something off-kilter. First, there’s an incredible amount of stability in the schedule as many of the show’s from last season are coming back next season. Second, House and Bones are remaining in their respective Monday and Thursday night time slots that they established this past winter.

Here’s what worries me about that: they’re remaining at those time slots for the WHOLE SEASON! I’m shaken by this because, thanks to the slowly dying American Idol, these two shows have constantly been moved around the FOX chessboard. Can it be that the head nose-pickers over at FOX’s programming department have finally found the right days and times for these two shows? If so, I shudder to think about the state of our universe.

Yeah, I know FOX executives could change everything around as soon as they cancel Glee or add a third night to the fall version of So You Think You Can Dance. However, with the ratings House and Bones maintained during the second half of the year, I’m not sure if they would be willing to risk another schedule change. Though, with House going up against the Monday night CBS comedies and renewed Chuck (many huzzahs for that), there is a potential for the show to be moved at any time. Bones is probably safe on Thursdays since their ratings are up and the competition is less fierce.

As I’m prone to say in these situations, we’ll have to wait and see if things stay the same come September. Hell, between now and then FOX could pull apart their schedule and put it back together in a totally different configuration. Should this happen I may feel a bit more confident that the world is in balance.

Photo Credit: FOX Broadcasting

Categories: | Bones | Clack | General | House | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “Has FOX found the right slots for House and Bones? Nah, couldn’t be!”

May 19, 2009 at 1:48 PM

Forget about Bones and House, those shows are safe for years. I’m afraid for Fringe because it’s on Thursdays at 9pm!

May 19, 2009 at 2:50 PM

The Fringe move sucks because that puts it up against a show that may appeal to a similar audience – more so than CSI and Grey’s Anatomy – The CW’s Supernatural. I like So You Think You Can Dance, but Fox needs to keep that as a summer series. Big Brother didn’t work during the regular season for CBS, and I fear this won’t work either due to increased competition in the fall (and two dance shows on the air at the same time is sure to sap viewer interest in SYTYCD and Dancing With the Stars). And it displaces Fringe from Tuesday. Doesn’t seem like a good move to me.

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