CliqueClack TV

I love The Mentalist’s formula


“We do need better brand awareness.” – Cho, to Winston the suspect, when he didn’t know what CBI was

This is where it’s at, my friends: I watch The Mentalist for episodes like this. Every little piece of the formula was there tonight (save for the Red John story arc, but since that’s what next week’s finale is all about, I’ll give them that one) and I loved every last second  of it. The Mentalist makes me not care that it’s really just a procedural when you get right down to it, and that’s saying a lot, because I generally don’t watch procedurals.

Let’s break down the spectacular formula:

Jane’s inappropriate behavior
C’mon, you know you loved it when he sassed the school PTB and tied up one of the teachers. And “Liar, liar, pants on fire” — priceless.

Jane is one step ahead of everyone; maybe two steps
Jane catches McClaine driving Cassie into town to hide her; he catches Orrin by noticing his poison oak. You just don’t want Patrick Jane looking at you.

Sexual tension between Rigsby and Van Pelt
A nearly naked Rigsby provides just a smidge of sexual tension for Van Pelt, and why not — he’s a hunk!

Another glimpse into the mysterious Cho
Learning about Cho makes my world go round. It wasn’t a Cho-centric episode, but finding out the tidbit that he did some time in juvie was rather akin to discovering that Rick Castle is a church deacon. I’m waiting for that one.

The quirky suspect
We got one of these in most of the first episodes, then The Mentalist kind of lost it’s way with this one. It was great to see crazy Winston get hauled down to headquarters and do his back woods thang.

Jane gets the killer to confess with an elaborate set-up
This one gets the prize for the most elaborate set-up, with the seance running a close second. Rigsby hiding under the leaves and scaring the poop out of the guilty kid (Eliot) makes this one win by a nose.

Jane connects with the family of the victim at the end
And this one was hard for Jane, because he’s also lost a kid. I like seeing Jane’s vulnerability and tender side break though. He spends so much time putting on a brave face and a stylin’ act, the reminders of his humanity are most welcome.

How’d the formula work for you this week?

Photo Credit: CBS

3 Responses to “I love The Mentalist’s formula”

May 13, 2009 at 10:11 AM

Wonderful ep, let alone show as a whole in itself. And you can tell from his almost-constant smile he really is enjoying himself!
You obviously better not have anything to hide if you ARE talking to Mr. Jane, as he will surely seek it out and bring it to the surface!

May 13, 2009 at 2:06 PM

I really liked this ep. I fell for the red herring of the one kid who looked older than all of the rest of them.

Totally missed that there were “z”s all over the coffee cup. I like the little details that this show uses.

August 1, 2009 at 12:11 PM

Nice post. I loved that line too.

“We do need better brand awareness.”

I was just thinking about how much the lines like that make the show worth watching. Compared to The Philanthropist, which I also enjoy, this show has the added bits which make me pause my TiVo and say “YES!”

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