CliqueClack TV

American Idol – A chink in the armor

ai-adaml2Going into the elimination round for the week, I didn’t have any doubt about the demise of Matt Giraud. It was finally his turn to be ousted from American Idol and there was nothing that could save him this time. No judge’s save, no lesser contestant beneath him, no program-interrupting presidential special report. (It was taped, after all. It was in the can.) So when he was talked up by Ryan Seacrest, his previous evening’s performance summarized and pointed to a distant corner of the stage to begin what I believed to be A Bottom Three grouping, it was no surprise.

Nor did it surprise me when it came down to Adam “Screaming Mimi” Lambert as the last contestant to be interviewed, his fateful assignment into one of two groups of contestants to be determined. Those Idol Powers That Be …. they sure like to make contestants uncomfortable, don’t they? There’s something inherently unfair about putting someone on the spot like that. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy, but it makes for spiffy television viewing.

“Take a look at both groups. Adam, which group do you think you belong in?” asked Ryan. Understandably, Adam was racked with nervous frustration and struggled to grasp words in response to Seacrest’s question. It was awkward to say the least.

And then, it happened. He was relegated to The Bottom Three! I loved it! It was a chink — albeit a small one — in the armor that is the Adam Lambert Marching And Chowder Society. Imagine that: He’s in The Bottom Three! This was spectacular.

But it was nothing more than a fluke, a trick of the numbers that landed him there. Could it possibly be? Could I hold out for a Bottom Two position? Of course I could. I simply had to hurry up and wait. The odds where gastronomic (read “stomach churning”) that that would take place … but I could hope, couldn’t I?

And then it happened again! Adam Lambert was suddenly in The Bottom Two! I was up on my feet, pumping my fist frantically and cheering! How cool was this … ?!?!? I was beaming and grinning from ear to ear, high from the electric glow of my television set!

That’s when I doubted. That’s when I gave myself a false hope Matt would be saved and Adam would be let go.

It was a empty and hopeless hope and one which immediately deflated my giddy buzz the moment Seacrest announced Adam was safe. But, while it lasted, while my little fantasy of an Adamless Idol was nurtured for a few brief moments … it was a glorious thing.

Photo Credit: FOX

7 Responses to “American Idol – A chink in the armor”

May 1, 2009 at 6:40 PM

I still think that the bottom 3 is setup to shake things up. The bottom person I think is the real one, however I think Fox lies about the other ones just to make good TV when it is a boring week.

However if Danny wins the show I’ll b pissed, he needs to go next week. I’m hoping for an Adam – Kris finale. At this point all the singers will get a CD so I don’t care that much.

May 1, 2009 at 8:24 PM

You are evil. EEEEEveeeeeel.

May 1, 2009 at 10:49 PM

But MissRiss….we wouldn’t have him ANY other way :)

I too was happy Adam was in the bottom 3. I think he needed a reality check. Don’t get me wrong, I love this kid’s singing, but there’s just sumthin about him that bugs me.

I really adore Danny for some reason. For me his singing just seems to be more grounded in the pure joy of singing, rather than just the mechanics of the performance itself.

I also REALLY love the only girl standing, our little rocker chick, Alison. As we get closer to the finale, I’d still love to see a Danny/Alison finish. But I’m pretty certain it’s gonna be Adam and either Danny or Alison.

Chris is the dark horse I think, who could surprise us all…we shall see soon I suspect.

OK, I think I’ve sufficiently had my say on this topic :)

May 3, 2009 at 12:58 AM

I think ur problem with adam is that he’s too good looking to even look at and that danny is soooooo boring compared to him ;)

May 2, 2009 at 12:07 AM

I jumped up and pumped my fist as well. Hurt myself, scared the crap outta my dogs and had my fella covering his head thinking he was going to get it.

Bottom 3 was too much to hope for but BOTTOM TWO? I thought for a minute there I had died and gone to heaven.

I fear there will be no such thing as an Adamless Idol. But it’s all good now thanks to Wednesday night and picking the WRONG group. CLASSIC!

Do I know you???

May 2, 2009 at 2:50 AM

I think sometimes they might fudge the bottom three. There are a time or two when Ryan doesn’t call them “the bottom two” where technically one of them might not be. I thought they were doing that this week but Ryan did call it the bottom two. If Ryan calls it the bottom whatever number I would be ticked if they were lying about that. The last two, two remain, would technically allow them to put someone there that isn’t in the bottom two. That allows then wiggle room for added drama.

May 6, 2009 at 12:38 AM

I too believe Dan’s bottom three theory does happen to “liven” things up.

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