CliqueClack TV

30 Rock – Tracy plays the race card … literally

30 RockHey everybody, I’m back! After my fun excursion to NPR-land last week, I have returned to save you from the scourge of Aryeh (just kidding, Aryeh). I thought last week was a funny episode. This post, however, is about this week’s episode.

Like last week, this episode probably wasn’t for you if you watch 30 Rock strictly for Jack and Liz. I happen to think that some of the supporting characters are really coming into their own this season. I’ve enjoyed most of the Jenna and Tracy stories this year. Yes, Jenna is annoying and self-centered, but that’s where most of the comedy with the character comes from. I understand that’s not for everyone, but I like it. Besides, if you don’t like her, at least you got to see her get attacked by a gibbon, right? And for anyone who claims that this show is too brainy: I would like to direct you to the farting writers’ room scene from this week’s episode.

Personally, I thought this episode was in line with the rest of the strong episodes from the second half of this season. There were a couple guest stars which usually leads to trouble, but it was fun to see Steve Buschemi back on the show even if it was extremely brief. Elaine Stritch is always great as Jack’s abrasive mother. They both fit right in with the rest of the episode.

I love the self referential, wink-and-nod humor that 30 Rock employs so often. There was a great example at the end of the episode when Liz fantasized about writing back in the ’50s when you could put in big plot twists for the less sophisticated audience. Not five minutes later did the audience discover that Jack was not the son of Jimmy Donaghy! “Twist!” Well done.

The real focus of this episode, however, was the Celtic slang (read: shenanigans) between Liz and Tracy. Their battle of wills led to some great comedy, not the least of which was Liz struggling with reloading a water dispenser. It was a great display of physical comedy from Tina Fey.

Here’s some quotage for you:

“It’s the biggest regret of my life, Lemon. And I once made love to Kathy Hilton.” – Jack

“I have a chance to go back to the past to put things right that once went wrong.” – Jack
“That’s the Quantum Leap intro.” -Liz

“The gibbon did not attack Jenna, he was trying to mate with her face.” – Liz

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | 30 Rock | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

One Response to “30 Rock – Tracy plays the race card … literally”

May 5, 2009 at 8:22 PM

Nice! Thanks :)

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