CliqueClack TV

Quotation Marks – Aquaman, Twinkies, and The Indigo Girls



This week’s quotes are all about people. Whether we’re calling ex-wives Twinkies, starting feuds with Raven Simone, or naming our partner “Ms. Burn-in-Hell,” TV characters had a lot to say about others. These are some of our favorite quotes of the week. As always, feel free to add your own favorites down in the comments.

Big Bang Theory

“In bars, all across this great nation of ours, Thursday night is Ladies Night. Which means that as the evening progresses, we will get better looking courtesy of 99 cent margaritas and 2-for-1 Jello shots.” — Wolowitz

“I’m a horny engineer, Leonard. I never joke about math or sex.” — Wolowitz

Wolowitz: “Okay! Let me just go inside and slip off my underwear.”
Leonard: “Why?”
Wolowitz: “Well if I get lucky, I certainly don’t want to be caught in my Aquaman briefs.”


“So the rest of us will just sit here and twiddle our thumbs.” – Thirteen
“God, I hope that’s a euphemism.” – House

“You were looking for evidence of stuff I have eaten? First door on the right.” – Wilson, directing House to his bathroom.

“You manipulative bitch.” – House to Wilson


Beckett: “You don’t need a vest.”
Castle: “If you shoot me do I not bleed?”

“And you call your ex-wife a deep-fried Twinkie?” – Beckett


“Aren’t you a little curious about the verbiage? ‘Liberal Arts’? It seems like it could attract a certain element, you know? Like Socialists. Tree-huggers. General deviants.” – Dale

Rusty: “I just don’t get how it’s so easy for some guys. Like, all they have to do is exist, and then they get the girl.”

Dale: “It’s a gift. But, you know, heavy is the crown, too.”


“There is no covet, only love-et.” – Billy the escaped soul

Better off Ted

Phil: “This is THE most fun anyone has ever had with hypodermic needles.”
Lem: “It’s not over yet. It’s still wobbling. And it can’t come out for at least a minute. Same rules as for losing your virginity.”


“I’m a failure as a lover and a psychiatrist” – Sweets

“Ever hear of of the Shroud of Turin, Mrs. Burn-in-Hell?” – Booth

30 Rock

“Do you need a sex tape released? Because I got a weird one. It’s night vision and you can see that his buddy is robbing me.” – Jenna

“The Kid’s Choice Awards? Fine, I’ll set aside my feud with Raven Symone for one day, but she knows what she did.” – Jenna
Liz: “I’m on humanity leave.”
Jack: “Good God, what Indigo Girl’s song is that from?”
Liz: “Syllabus of Us. It’s off Vagabonds, Martyrs and Quilts.”

Jack: “Believe me there is no solace in their luxury, only deep despair.”
Liz:”How do you know all these Indigo Girls songs?”

Photo Credit: CBS

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