CliqueClack TV

House – the Kutner fallout


I have to say, I really enjoyed the way Kutner’s death was handled last week on House. It was non-sensational (aside from the classy Kutner online memorial), matter-of-fact, very real. Tonight’s follow-up episode did not disappoint; it was the perfect follow-up to the sensitive portrayal of Kutner’s suicide from last week, revealing subtlely how each cast member is dealing with their loss.

Cameron and Chase
Cameron’s fear of commitment reared its ugly head again, because Kutner’s death brought up feelings from when her first husband died. However, I don’t think she freaked out; when she found the ring, she had clarity. She knew she wanted to marry Chase, but she didn’t want to be asked because they were all affected emotionally by Kutner’s death.

Irritating that they couldn’t communicate with each other at first; Cameron wasn’t being honest, and Chase didn’t giver her enough leeway for someone who is supposed to love her and know her so well. But that happens sometimes, and they fixed it in the end with a perfectly played scene in the locker room. It was honest: Cameron took a chance and laid it all on the line, and Chase opened up enough to forgive her and love her the way they both needed.

House and Wilson
It’s always fun to watch the bromance between these two, and tonight’s episode was no different. Wilson realized that when Amber died, he shut down, and he didn’t want that to happen to House. So in the interest of normalcy, Wilson decided to screw with House, because that’s what he always does. Priceless, yes, but real, and true to these characters, and played out in such a way that you could sense House’s gratefulness. And as usual, it got us some great quotes:

  • “You were looking for evidence of stuff I have eaten? First door on the right.” – Wilson, directing House to his bathroom when House is trying to figure out why Wilson is dieting.
  • “You manipulative bitch.” – House to Wilson, about his healthy eating ploy to help get House back to normal.

However well-meaning Wilson’s ploy was, though, it isn’t what House needs, since at the end of the episode he hallucinated Amber. She’s going to have a great message for him; I for one will stay tuned.

I also noticed that aside from the “your marriage sucks” jab toward the end of the episode, House has stopped abusing Taub. Is House more sensitive because of Kutner’s death, or is that red herring no longer needed since it wasn’t Taub who offed himself? Either way, I’d like some consistency to that storyline.

I’m thinking that Cuddy’s in love with House, ya think? In all seriousness, it seems as though Kutner’s death has made Cuddy less apt to hide her feelings. She all but admits it to Chase, and Cameron accuses Cuddy of marking her territory when she wonders if Cameron is still in love with House. Now, what she’ll do about it is another story.

If you believe the spoilers, House and Cuddy will consummate their relationship this season. Will Kutner’s death be the impetus?

One semi-related question — I could have sworn the promo showed Cameron kissing house; am I remembering that correctly? And if so, did they just use an old scene to taunt us? You stay classy, FOX.

Photo Credit: FOX

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | House | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “House – the Kutner fallout”

April 14, 2009 at 12:55 AM

I think they should have House play the piano or guitar in every episode.

Also, Anne Dudek is hott! I hope the hallucination stays around for a bit.

April 14, 2009 at 6:54 AM

Great Episode. I hope they stay somewhat focused on Cameron and Chase, I really miss them on the show and loved the moment in the locker room. Finally some development I care for.

I really do enjoy this show more if I don’t know any teasers and spoilers so I’d love not to get the buzz about upcoming possible plotlines beforehand. In the end they usually turn out to develop in a way nobody expected them to and that leads to disappointment, anger and confusion. I’d love to put you guys in my shoes, just watching the show and nothing all around it – just the show, no teasers. Trust me, it’s much more enjoyable.

I know it sounds idiotic but I liked Transformers because I didn’t watch any commercials or previews. You should try it :-)

April 15, 2009 at 3:29 AM

I totally agree with that last post. I do the same thing seeing as how I don’t watch TV and download all my shows. Just wanted to let you know that somebody else agrees!

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