CliqueClack TV

American Idol elimination show – a three-ring circus

david-cook-01Michael Noble’s back Guest-clacking for us again, after sharing his thoughts on last week’s Idol performances….

Last Wednesday’s Idol Elimination Show. A Three Ring Circus. Complete with clown acts. And impersonations. Don’t forget Ringmaster Seacrust and The Performing Judges. Plus animals. (Or animal likenesses, rather.) A pink bubbly piano. Marionettish performances amazing only in that you couldn’t see any of the strings from above being pulled as the performers puppeteered their ways through their acts.

Okay … let’s see if we can make sense of the circus show held over at FOX Wednesday evening, shall we?

To your left in Ring #1:

Kara DioGuardi gets heckled by the audience. And she appreciates it.

Matt Giraud is an impersonator. No … check that. Seems all the Idol-wannabees are impersonators. That little personal quip on some of the goings on within the Idol’s house — not to mention on stage with the prompting of Ryan Seacrest — was a nice little look into the contestants’ off-camera moments.

It appears Chef David – the Idol House Chef – could keel over at any time during a meal preparation.

Megan “Inky” Joy does a hideous imitation of a bird gone bird flu crazy.

Anoop Desai can dislocate his jaw while acting like Danny Gokey.

Are you with me so far? Good. ‘Cause there’s more to come.

To your right in Ring #2 please find:

A television audience (not to mention a live audience) being subjected to yet another lip-sync-fest ala Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing.” Seems we can collectively cast 36 million votes without a problem, but we can’t handle a live performance from The Remaining Nine. (Seriously, wasn’t half the fun of last season witnessing the beginning of the elimination show? We relished who was going to shine and flop during the group song. It was for me, anywho. Now we don’t even get that; we’re spoon-fed canned performances so replete with goofs and gaffs and blunders you have to be as blind as Scott MacIntyre not to notice. Come on Idol Powers That Be: Wasabi that? (And yet we’re tortured with a live … well, hold that thought. It’s coming …)

At least we got some intelligence out of The Cookster (David Cook) showing off his new single “Come Back To Me.” He was live at least. And David’s “little surprise” platinum (million copies sold) accomplishment … nice nod, that.

But, Ryan Seacrest — henceforth referred to as “Seacrust” — pulled some monkey business by “April Fooling” Matt into thinking he was in the Bottom Three. *sigh* You knew it was coming, but it was hokey.

And last, but not least, dead center in Ring #3, please welcome:

Lady Freakin’ Gaga. “Current Queen of the charts with her song ‘Poker Face,'” quoth Seacrust.

Are you serious? What kind of blather was that? This was the first time I’ve ever been subjected to one of her offerings. And it wasn’t pretty, let me tell you. Is there really a contingent of the buying public who downloads and listens to this muck? Amazing. And head-shakingly so.

Oh … she’s got stage presence. And choreography. And flailing limbs. And a bouncing bouffant. And legs up to “here.” And frantic violin strains from her sidekick. But lemmee tell you: The prolonged applause following her (practically unlistenable) “skit” was not only unwarranted, but it should have come sooner and shorter. Thankfully, we won’t see her on any future Idol episodes this season. *whew*

But, it comes down to The Bottom Three. That’s why we bought tickets for this show, right? It’s nice to see the grandeur of the elephants in the room and the pretty girls in their outfits leading them, but The Bottom Three is the main event! Bring it on!

And, when it came down to the payoff, Megan “Inky” Joy was not only frantic in her actions and responses, she was as confusing and unreadable in her swan song as was Lady Gag-gag. Wide-eyed. Over exaggerated. And her asking the others in her trio to “make sure you call me,” well … that was just a bit uncomfortable, wasn’t it?

The only thing genuine about the night was her shout out to her two year-old son that she was coming home. Those tears weren’t tears of a clown; they were the genuine thing coming on. Finally some authenticity in a night of fakery.

What a strange hour of television.

The Idol Elimination Show. A circus, indeed. And, if you tried real hard, you could almost smell the sickly sweet scent of cotton candy in the air. I’m surprised no one yanked out a bottle of seltzer water to complete the picture.

Next week: The Top Eight take on songs from the year they were born.

Maybe the circus isn’t leaving town just yet, folks. Stay tuned….

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7 Responses to “American Idol elimination show – a three-ring circus”

April 5, 2009 at 3:35 PM

Matt Giraud has such a terrible attitude it is unbelievable. I really hope he is gone next because he’s just a jackass.

April 5, 2009 at 3:35 PM

Putting the blind dude on the keyboard was a wise move this past week. Watching him dance is painful; however, I sadistically keep waiting for him to fall off the stage.

I have been an AI watcher and fan since the first season. I still do not understand why the AI elimination show has to be stretched to a “strange hour of television.” Why don’t they just make the contestants wait until the next week and eliminate them in the first five minutes of the show?

April 5, 2009 at 5:05 PM

I don’t know if I was the only one to notice it, but Scott was singing to the left of his microphone. It begs the question, “Does he play by ear?” Because that is where his mic was aimed. OY!

Nicely done, my friendly ol’ pal. Seriously.

ps. Go Adam!

April 5, 2009 at 5:50 PM

Wednesday was definitely a strange night and there was no full moon or sun flares. Seeing as how others were doing imitations I just figured Megan was doing her imitation of a crane’s mating call.

It was good to see the “Cookster” perform again. I believe it was videoed earlier so he could be with his brother. If you noticed, the contestants were no where to be found.

And I second that MissRiss…go Adam

April 6, 2009 at 12:03 AM

Megan’s cawing was a shout out to her “fans” over at VFTW. If you remember she cawed after her performance of “Rockin Robin,” during Michael Jackson week and it was a reference of that. She was telling Anoop and Allison not to forget to “caw” not “call.” Also, Anoop was imitating Kris not Danny with his dislocated jaw.
Maybe you’re not a fan of Lady GaGa which is fine but she was more way more entertaining and original than any of these wannabe idols could ever be in their wildest dreams.

April 6, 2009 at 11:14 AM

Interesting Article… Lady Gaga sang one of the songs of hers that I like the LEAST, “Poker Face” sucks but her “Dirty Rich” song is really good and she actually DOES have originality and a GOOD VOICE – unlike Britney Spears. Gaga has her own style and she make not be the most visual beauty – but she does have a confidence and style that we have not seen since Gwen Steffani and Madonna. So I think you are not familiar with her yet. We will be seeing more of her and as time goes on I think you will find she merits stardom…

Next, Meagan just has no poise on stage… she is gumby on stilts and that sleeve she has is just ugly on her. It ruined her look.

Next That Justin TimberFAKE guy… He is annoying becuase all he does is dress, move, act, sing like JT. We ALREADY have a JT – so why they have kept him on the show is news to me? There is not ONE ounce of originality in that guy and he really should become a professional impersonator as that apparently is his goal in life anyway.

As far as David Cook. Ehhh. Over-rated. He is no Chris Daughtry. Sorry but he is forgettable.

Finally, Adam will win this show. Granted he looks like a japanese cartoon character most of the time.. let’s face it, he has range like Axl Rose and can turn it out. Allison has a great voice. A genuine voice… so that is how it is going to go down in the finals.

April 6, 2009 at 11:14 AM

Interesting Article… Lady Gaga sang one of the songs of hers that I like the LEAST, “Poker Face” sucks but her “Dirty Rich” song is really good and she actually DOES have originality and a GOOD VOICE – unlike Britney Spears. Gaga has her own style and she make not be the most visual beauty – but she does have a confidence and style that we have not seen since Gwen Steffani and Madonna. So I think you are not familiar with her yet. We will be seeing more of her and as time goes on I think you will find she merits stardom…

Next, Meagan just has no poise on stage… she is gumby on stilts and that sleeve she has is just ugly on her. It ruined her look.

Next That Justin TimberFAKE guy… He is annoying becuase all he does is dress, move, act, sing like JT. We ALREADY have a JT – so why they have kept him on the show is news to me? There is not ONE ounce of originality in that guy and he really should become a professional impersonator as that apparently is his goal in life anyway.

As far as David Cook. Ehhh. Over-rated. He is no Chris Daughtry. Sorry but he is forgettable.

Finally, Adam will win this show. Granted he looks like a japanese cartoon character most of the time.. let’s face it, he has range like Axl Rose and can turn it out. Allison has a great voice. A genuine voice… so that is how it is going to go down in the finals.

Also… they need to ditch that 4th judge. She is annoying. Paula is way more interesting to watch and much more likeable.

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