CliqueClack TV

Desperate Housewives – Bree comes to her senses, Edie gets twitchy


I was practically screaming at my TV during this week’s episode of Desperate Housewives. We know that Orson has been regressing and stealing all of the neighbors’ stuff. But then he tried to blame his juvenile crimes on Bree, saying that over the past year, she’s brought him closer to being a eunuch. I never heard that term before two days ago. Now I’ve heard it twice — on DH and Angel.

At any rate, Orson told Bree that being Mr. Bree Van De Kamp was killing him, and if something didn’t change, he’d just disappear. At this point, I’m yelling, “Yay! Please, dear god, let him disappear.” Orson is such a whiny weasel.

But no, stupid Bree decides that sometimes women need to make sacrifices for their husbands, so she begins the process of selling her company. But then she tells Orson that her company “brings me joy and pride and a sense of accomplishment. Do you really want me to give that up?” Why, yes, he says.

Say what?! I know that it’s a TV show, and one that sinks to cartoonish behavior at times, but this is 2009, not 1954. Women don’t have to do this sort of thing to keep their guys happy. Thank goodness she came to her senses!

In other news, we’ve all heard that Edie would be the one to kick the bucket. This episode ended with her slamming her car into an electric pole (thanks to Orson running into the street after trying to steal — again! — from the neighbors), then being electrocuted when she stepped into the wet street. But her hand was still twitching in the final scene.

Unless the media has led us seriously astray, I’m guessing Edie is the one to perish, rather than Katherine at the hands of creepy Dave. That didn’t work out so well for him in this episode.

What do you think? Will Edie die? Will Katherine survive?

Photo Credit: ABC

One Response to “Desperate Housewives – Bree comes to her senses, Edie gets twitchy”

March 24, 2009 at 5:53 PM

this episode was a pleasant surprise for me, and god knows how disappointed i’ve been with this show.
Mary Alice’s tongue-in-cheek narration about Dave’s “simple” plan gave me a good chuckle. And for the first time, I actually find Susan funny…I guess she should be with that psycho kid in every episode from now on, also, the scene where she and Karl came to an understanding was pretty nice, much better than their usual charade. I was worry that Gabby and Carlos were reversing back to their old selves, but thank god they came to terms with juggling work and family.
And then, there’s Orson, die already! I was screaming at the screen when Bree talked about being a repressive traditional housewife, omg, almost lost respect for her…and then…she said no to Orson’s devious plan. Finally! Now, if she doesn’t leave him by the end of the season, I’ll stop watching this show.
It’s obvious that Edie will die…unless it’s all been a publicity stunt, which i hope it is because the writers will regret killing her. At least, I’ll miss her because the show will be very different without her.

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