CliqueClack TV

Damages’ Patty Hewes’ house of cards

glenn_close_damages_022509Just when I was thinking how outrageous it was that Patty would be shocked over Phil’s affair with the London trader, she shows me once again that she’s really smart and knows what’s going on around her. Or … does she?

Patty tells Ellen that it wasn’t Phil’s affair that’s got her miffed. “It was that he got sloppy. Let himself get caught. That bothers me.” So, the entire thing about the New York Style magazine article and photo shoot … of course, it was all a fiasco. Patty had Tom and Ellen talking her up big-time, saying there was not a thing wrong with Patty. That she’s pure as the driven snow.

And just how DOES she keep her marriage and career on such an even keel? Well, she doesn’t. It’s all a sham. Her career is about to tumble like a big house of cards, and her marriage is soon to be a nasty court case, thanks to pics shot by Ellen’s private investigator, which Ellen then sent to Patty in a Fed Ex envelope and sat across from her while she opened them.

That statement about Phil getting sloppy makes me think that Patty knew he wasn’t being faithful. Of course, she knew. Patty can tell a liar at 100 yards. Of course she’d know if her own husband was lying. Then again, she sure seemed hurt when she, Phil and Michael were all bantering around the table, talking about how important trust is in a relationship.

That Patty is one complicated mess.

Photo Credit: FX

Categories: | Clack | Damages | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Damages’ Patty Hewes’ house of cards”

March 22, 2009 at 12:13 PM

I wonder if the fact that Patty’s husband covertly invested in “the bad company” (i forget the name) will play a role in this? Like maybe she’s fine with the affair, but it is his investments that neccesitate their separation to avoid her conflict of interests in her case.

Also, nonsequator, I just realized that the “bearded cop” is the same actor that plays Mel’s husband on Flight of the Conchords. 2 VERY different characters.

March 22, 2009 at 1:25 PM

He is also the guy the grandma thinks is super delicious on T-Mobile commercials. Kind of makes bearded cop a bit less threatening to the viewer.

Also THERE HAS TO BE MORE TO THE EYE IN THE FLASHFORWARDS!!! Ellen shooting Patty for revenge now would mean no season 3. The house of Hewes and Associates isn’t over yet…

March 22, 2009 at 1:53 PM

Jake – I bet you’re right on the fact that Phil’s investments is what’s ticking Patty off and necessitating the separation.

AC – Oh my gosh, i didn’t make the connection to the Super Delicious guy! We love that commercial.

Yeah, it’s amazing how the flash forwards continue to give us teensy bits of clues more and more. So what we see at the beginning of the season is something totally different at the end.

March 23, 2009 at 9:42 AM

I’m thinking that Ellen being arrested is a diversion of some sort — a sting on the FBI agent. Ellen has no reason to believe that Sonny Spoon was an addict, or that someone so careful that nobody around them even knew they were shooting up would all of a sudden overdose.

and the husband’s financials have been pulled up and handed over — his investment in UNR will come out. In fact, I think that’s why she released the photos — his investment through a shell company makes HER look like she’s been manipulating the stock price for profit through her lawsuit. Patty’s made no bones about her lawsuit being about lowering the stock price to hurt Walter Kendrick.

purcell has come back in for a reason — the murder of his wife still hasn’t been played out.

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