CliqueClack TV

Breaking Bad – “Ding!”

Breaking Bad bell ringer

Sadly, it’s not often you get a sophomore season premiere that’s followed up by another great episode, but Breaking Bad has done it. I’ve seen the third episode, as well, and it continues to impress. I’m desperately trying not to tear through all of the screeners in one sitting like a starving dog loosed upon a tray of cold cuts, because it makes it difficult to recall where one episode ends and the next begins. So far, I’ve just had a taste.

Like the premiere, this episode had a fantastic foreshadowing opening. Unlike the premiere, though, we got to see what led to that first scene, and it was better than I could have imagined.

I like that we’re seeing new sides to Hank, especially that he’s an extremely capable and effective member of law enforcement. He becomes a much bigger part of this story the deeper Walter gets into what he’s doing. What’s on everyone’s mind is what Hank’s going to do once he finds out what Walter’s up to. Will he ever find out? Was Walter’s wallet left behind when he and Jesse fled the scene? And what will Jesse do while still on the run from the law?

How can this show find a more badass bad guy now that Tuco’s dead and gone? I’m not sure whether to be excited at the prospect of the possibility that we’ll see someone more sinister than that, or bummed that the best is already gone. I’m going to do myself a favor and go with the former for now.

If you’re watching this show, how are you liking it so far? And if you’re not watching it, why not?

2 Responses to “Breaking Bad – “Ding!””

March 17, 2009 at 11:22 AM

To be honest I’m wondering where this all fits in with the shortened first season. This was the 9th episode. What’s your take on that? I’m really unsure about where they are going because you got it right, Tuco is dead now so what’s happening next? Hank will have to tell his wife what he meant but that’s basically all there’s left to do. All I’m getting is a severe “Weeds” flashback where at a certain point there was no way they could get back into business and all the time out of nowhere new opportunities to sell popped up, without actually getting caught.

All I got from this episode was that it was brutal, like the premiere. It’s “Weeds” on Steroids if you ask me. I enjoyed the first season but if they don’t re-invent themselves in a good way it might just get as bland as “Weeds” where I enjoyed the first one and a half seasons too and then with all the breast cancer, wigs and model airplanes killing people it got really annoying. You know, not “Arrested Development” weird but annoying.

I hope they can manage to find a great storyline for Breaking Bad, I think the story has been told and what comes now could be repeating themselves. It’s a big “Dunno, let’s wait and see” for me.

March 18, 2009 at 1:30 AM

I’m not worried about where the story line is going.I’m enjoying the ride. Also tired of the comparisons to “Weeds”. Apples and oranges. Pot and meth.

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