CliqueClack TV

Did Idol judges waste some of the wild card spots?

american idol-jesse langseth

Hell, yes! First of all, I’m thrilled to see that some of my favorites made it to the wild card eight. However, expletives seemed to flow from my mouth as the judges were announcing some of their choices. Not very ladylike, I know. Something about Idol brings out the worst in people. I disgust myself.

Here’s the list, for those of you who missed it:

  • Matt Giraud
  • Ricky Braddy
  • Anoop Desai
  • Tatiana Del Toro
  • Jesse Langseth
  • Megan Joy Corkrey
  • Jasmine Murray
  • Von Smith

Can you guess where the expletives tumbled from my pie hole? Tatiana cannot win this thing; all she can do is annoy the hell out of the viewers, so why, judges, why give her another shot? I don’t get Von. I wish I did, but the dude is weird, and when Simon told him to wear a hat tomorrow I wanted to jump through the screen and fist pump him. Gotta love that Simon. And Jasmine, I mean no disrespect: perhaps you do have commercial appeal, but I tend toward liking the unique voices and talents, and I see Jasmine as being a one trick pony. Maybe she’ll prove me wrong.

I celebrated when Jesse, oh Jesse of the “Bette Davis Eyes” performance, who has a maturity about her that is refreshing, and Ricky the Danny look-alike, and Megan with the cool tat were chosen. These are the three that I hope prevail tomorrow night.

And I would have liked to see Ju’Not Joyner, Jackie Tohn (OK, the Minnie Mouse / Elvis thing was not good, but she had unique potential) and Stephen Fowler with the cool hair get a second try.

And knowing that not all of these eight are going to make it through is a hard thing too. I’m going to see what the top twelve turns out like, and then decide if I am even going to watch the rest of this season. I may be a bit sentimental, but I miss Michael Johns, Brooke White, Gina whose last name escapes me but belted out “Alone” last season way better than Alison did this season. And I’d be surprised if there’s a David Cook in this group. I could be very, very wrong, but I didn’t even have any real favorites out of Hollywood this year (OK, maybe Danny Gokey), but last year I fell in love with Michael Johns and Brooke White during Hollywood week.

Anyway, what are you thinking about the wild card picks?

Photo Credit: FOX

7 Responses to “Did Idol judges waste some of the wild card spots?”

March 5, 2009 at 1:19 AM

Hey, it’s better Tatiana and Von went through than Nathaniel.

March 5, 2009 at 1:27 AM

I don’t like that the top 12 has 6 guys and 3 girls in it so far and the 8 wild card choices are an even 4-4 split with Tatiana wasting one of the female slots. You have to figure the show likely sends at least 2 girls through tomorrow to not have a completely unbalanced top 12.

BTW, Gina Glockner sang Alone 2 seasons ago. Ramielle sang it last season.

March 5, 2009 at 2:24 AM

Since we’re doing corrections, it’s Glocksen, not Glockner. ;)

March 5, 2009 at 2:17 AM

I threw up alittle in my mouth when they called out Tatiana. This whole oh my god, I need this feels so false. I feel it’s just an act and I don’t want to see her. I don’t like her voice, I don’t like her annoying personality. The fact that Tatiana was chosen over Felicia Barton (from this weeks show) is amazing. I’d even take Kendall Beard.

And what was with Norman?whatever his name is being in the possible to come back group– really, seriously ???

I agree I’d like to of seen Ju’Not Joyner given another chance. I thought he was really good the other night. I also liked the fact that he took a current song and reworked it. I’m so tired of these kids who take these 70’s and 80’s songs but change nothing about the songs to make them relevant.

So far I’ve been disappointed with nearly everyone on the show. The few exceptions being the ones who made the top 12 so far — they were the ones from their weeks who should of been chosen. But most of these top 36 have been lack luster, very disappointing. I’m not so sold on Scott Macintyre, I don’t think this weeks performance was worthy of being one of the top votes — but hey who am I

just my thoughts

March 5, 2009 at 8:22 AM

I’m really not happy with AI this season. It feels soooooo fake. Even more so than the previous seasons if that’s possible. I know that they allow people to “vote” but I have to wonder if they form the groups in such a way that they know who the winners/losers will be? It feels so manipulated with the combination of talent. You can easily predict who is going to go through and who is going to struggle. So far I haven’t been “shocked” once at the results show, not even with Tatiana – I mean they probably dedicated more time to her than any other contestant so far. I just wish they would have not gone through the farce of building the top 12 when the producers already assigned them.

March 5, 2009 at 10:17 AM

Well, all it means for me is that I don’t have to worry about watching or recording tonight’s show.

March 5, 2009 at 12:21 PM

The show is fake! Everyone needs to stop watching what this show has become! It’s a huge mess!

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