CliqueClack TV

ER – Another crappy day in paradise for Neela


Can I share something with you in confidence? Just you and me and the (hopefully) millions of other readers of this site? I can? That’s just great! Come in a bit closer so I can whisper it to you.

I’m actually looking forward to the end of ER five episodes from now. And it’s not because the show has run its course, or the stories and characters are no longer interesting. I want it to end so we can stop Neela’s whining! Oh, it feels so good to tell someone else about that. Now, if you come a bit closer I can tell you about those unusual growths in my nanoo-nanoo region.

My Lord, I thought Abby was a whiner! I guess I didn’t notice it with Neela as much until Dr. Lockhart left earlier this season. Now that Abby and Luka are living in blissful marriage, Neela has really come on strong as the doctor who is never, ever happy. Not at work, not in relationship, and not with the type of pens she uses to sign her charts.

I shouldn’t be surprised about this, considering Neela’s past history as an incredibly unsure individual. You could see the inklings of it when, out of the blue, she decided to forego a move to Michigan to start her medical career and ended up working at the convenience store across from County. Since then, its been one unsure moment after another. Over the last few years her uncertainty and complaining has been focused on the many paramours that crave her attention. Lately, now that she’s with Simon (today) her negativity has been more towards her career.

This wouldn’t irritate me as much if her uncertainty weren’t accompanied by the whining that her problems are everyone else’s fault except hers. Take this week’s rant as an example. When an ER patient experiences loss of feelings in his legs, Neela immediately said he needed surgery. Carter, in his first day back on the job,  respectfully disagreed with her on the treatment. When Banfield and Dubenko agreed with Carter’s diagnosis Neela got all pissy because no one respected her diagnosis.

Why should they? How can you respect someone who can’t rely on her own decisions and provide the proper argument for her prescribed treatment? What really got my undergarments in a bunch was her reaction after Carter’s treatment worked: she was still ticked off about the whole thing.

She’s not an intern anymore (though Carter mentioned the fact in an off-handed manner). Nor does she have only a year or two of experience under her belt. With her time in both the ER and the surgical team she should have an understanding of both of their procedures. It just doesn’t seem like she can put it all together to look at both sides of a patient who borders on either surgery or traditional treatment. I can’t believe that all surgeons think cutting someone up is the absolute solution to everything.

Thinking back to Neela’s dream episode she is definitely acting like the person in her first vision than rather than the second or third one. That being the case, I don’t know if leaving County and going somewhere else would be any better for her. Sure, a change of environment may shake the uncertainty off of Neela, but for how long?  What happens if she runs into a supervisor or another doctor who has set opinions on treatment. Will she fight or will she cave?

I think she would cave, because that’s who Neela is regardless if she’s at a university hospital or county facility. What you say?

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Clack | General | TV Shows |

One Response to “ER – Another crappy day in paradise for Neela”

March 1, 2009 at 8:54 PM

I agree that Neela’s been indecisive with both her love life and her career. I believe that we will see some growth as she figures out what she really wants in both realms before the series is over. In the relationship department, she seems to want to figure things out with Brenner, but he seems to have his own demons to deal with…I don’t think their relationship will last much longer. I believe that may pave the way for Ray to return. Fingers crossed!

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