CliqueClack TV

Frakkin’ Clack – More about last week’s episode

ellen tighActually, that title’s totally misleading, because I’ve got nothing more to say about it. Well, nothing enlightening, at least. Since “Deadlock” aired, I’ve had time to think about the episode a bit more and listen to Moore’s accompanying podcast. My conclusion is that the episode was very unremarkable, especially for a fifth-out from the finale episode.

Listening to Ron Moore’s podcast for this episode didn’t do it any favors. He starts things off by telling us he doesn’t really have many notes for it. So right off, I felt pretty justified in thinking the episode was lackluster and, dare I say, a bit filler-esque. I already went into how disappointed I was in Ellen’s attitude with Saul, so no need to hash that out further here.

One piece of interesting trivia from the podcast was that the episode (written by Jane Espenson) was originally titled “The Drowning Woman,” referring to Galactica herself — possibly also Caprica Six — but Jane decided to change the title to “Deadlock.” Personally, I liked the former title better, as it also accurately describes Ellen Tigh in several ways, including how much she still seems to like to hit the booze.

Another tidbit from the podcast: we’ll get the Boomer story tied up by the series finale. Her storyline isn’t finished yet, and it will be revisited and her story will be concluded.

It looks like things should pick up quite a bit in the next episode, so thank Gods for that.

Photo Credit: Sci Fi

12 Responses to “Frakkin’ Clack – More about last week’s episode”

February 25, 2009 at 4:40 PM

Thanks for letting me not waste 45 minutes listening to the podcast…

They certainly don’t seem to be as informative as they have been in the past, have they… Senioritis perhaps?

February 25, 2009 at 4:43 PM

Resolve Boomer’s story… Good. Are they going to tell us how Boomer was able to jump right to the fleet with Ellen? Aren’t the cylons she was with looking for the fleet?

Please tell me if I am being stupid for missing some major storyline.

February 25, 2009 at 5:58 PM

Everywhere I go, people are asking the same question.

February 25, 2009 at 6:18 PM

Ok, good to know its not just me. I think that really needs to be answered.

February 25, 2009 at 8:20 PM

I guess I’m the only one that doesn’t really care about this lost plot point.

IF they come back to it, it will be that the Cavil Cylons aren’t looking for the fleet, but already know where they are, and are just waiting to strike.

February 25, 2009 at 5:56 PM

I’m looking ahead, since I have not been rewatching Deadlock, I’ve been watching the trailers for Someone To Watch Over Me. It would *seem* that Boomer’s arc (true to her name) will be wrapped up this next episode, but you say not, Keith, hmm.

Maybe I just wish her story to be wrapped up sooner than later. As I’ve stated before Athena is by far the better 8 in my book. I’ve also been rewatching season 2 on the treadmill, and I just find it amazing how, through all the abuse Athena received (guns at her head, choking, chains, rape, baby death lie, etc), she stayed true to her promises.

February 25, 2009 at 7:51 PM

Agreed that it was a wasted episode.

In other news, I saw the post and wondered “what is this about?” until I hovered over it to see it was a BSG post. THAT is how completely Frak has infiltrated my life. I don’t even automatically associate it with BSG any more. It’s just an integral part of my frakkin vocabulary.

February 25, 2009 at 10:17 PM

For those who didn’t listen to the podcast, Moore did mention the important point that the mutineers who refused to rejoin Adama’s command were shipped off to the prison ship. He only name-checked Racetrack and Skulls, but I think it’s safe to assume everyone else we saw (Narcho, Seelix, Redwing, Gage, Vireem) are gone as well.

This was ridiculous for a number of reasons. These are recurring characters and the audience deserves to see their comeuppance, or at least hear about them during the actual show if they can’t afford to bring back all those actors. It’s not as if there weren’t plenty of redundant Adama or Ellen scenes that could have been eighty-sixed in order to deal with the military and civilian populations.

Also this half-hearted punishment does no one any good. These are skilled, trained, desperately-needed personnel. Since mutiny is punishable by death, they should all have been executed or assigned to military work detail. Bust them down to the lowest rank and assign one mutineer to each marine squad, since they’re so low on troops. If you can’t trust them that much, put them on manufacturing or maintenance, and lock them up when they’re not working. Send them to refine tylium even, but don’t put them in prison where they consume resources and contribute nothing.

February 25, 2009 at 10:26 PM

I would say that with five episodes left, they’ve got to keep things high and tight and focus on wrapping up all of the important details that date back all the way to the Mini Series.

However, I watched this week’s episode, so my argument would be pretty weak :)

February 25, 2009 at 11:37 PM

You said it brother.

February 27, 2009 at 4:47 PM

I felt justified when Ellen woke up in her pod of goo because I had suspected her of being a Cylon since she taunted Roslin several seasons ago. I was surprised that the raging alcoholism followed her through the resurrection process, though.

I really hated the “baby needs love to survive” crap that came with the miscarriage.

I also didn’t get the arming of Baltar’s Women. We all know that frakker is untrustworthy, but why wouldn’t Adamma give him all the arms he asks for? Just didn’t seem right.

I’m hoping that we’ll get back on track for the last episodes.

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