CliqueClack TV

Lost in Lost – Dharma days are ahead!

LostThis week’s episode set up a lot of mysteries moving forward, that I outlined in my previous post on “316.” One of the mysteries that I failed to mention in that post showed up at the very end of this week’s episode. After Jack, Hurley, and Kate reappeared on the island (along with the others, presumably), they were stumbled upon by a Dharma van. This would have a been a bizarre mystery in it’s own right, but it only got even more interesting when a man came out of the van, pointing a gun at Kate, Jack, and Hurley. That man?


Oh, the implications. Here’s what I’m assuming. I think it’s clear that when Locke set the big donkey wheel straight, the island did indeed stabilize; the “skipping record” effect was halted. This did not, however, leave the time jumpers in the present day. Instead, they were stuck on an earlier track, if you will. They were stuck back in Dharma time, most likely sometime in the ’70s. When the Oceanic Six returned to the island, they landed in the same time frame. Why or how, I have no idea, but they are clearly in Dharma time.

It also would seem that the left-behinders have somehow assimilated into the Dharma Initiative. Let’s not forget that we’ve already seen Daniel hanging around in the Orchid Station in the season premiere. Considering the security that Dharma must have, being a super secret research organization and all, I can’t imagine this was a simple task. I hope we get to see how that happened, or at the very least get an adequate explanation.

Moving forward will the Oceanic Six become part of the Dharma Initiative as well? I imagine they will. It should certainly lead to some interesting events. Will they get to interact with a young Charlotte or Ben? Has present day Ben returned to the island as well? What about Sun, Sayid, and Locke? Does the island really have a need for Desmond to return? I’m very curious to see what’s in store for the Scot.

I feel like season four took a big leap this past week, and I can’t wait for the rest of the story to play out!

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Clack | Columns | General | Lost | TV Shows |

8 Responses to “Lost in Lost – Dharma days are ahead!”

February 23, 2009 at 1:02 PM

It almost seems like they are taking a week off with this week’s story of off-island Locke. I’m sure I’ll take this back as soon as I see it, but I am really looking forward to how they infiltrate Dharma and also how/why Kate, Sayid, and Hurley got on the plane.

February 23, 2009 at 6:50 PM

Season 5 also took a big leap ;)

I’m sure this plays into the shot of Faraday we saw earlier in the season. Maybe the O6 brought down their own flight! (thats a bit Donnie Darko)

February 24, 2009 at 7:42 AM

I think Jack asked Frank to bring the plane down. I think Sayid was arrested coz Ben managed to get into a fight with him (when Ben called Jack from a public phone covered in blood) and had him arrested so he would come. Hurley who knows but probably for his friends (maybe he’s seen Locke’s ghost??) and Kate because I think someone’s got Aaron and she has to go if she wants him back. What I wonder is if she slept with Jack because she wanted or if she’s playing some strange role in this game…
I miss Charlotte and I want her with Daniel :(

February 24, 2009 at 10:35 AM

-Hurley came because Charlie told him to. I thought that was clear because of the guitar Hurley had.

-I think Ben’s injuries have more to do with a tussle with Des and Penny than with Sayid.

-My guess is that Sayid’s arrest and transportation is something else entirely. More than likely Ben made a phone call and got some action against Sayid as a terrorist and he is being transported to secret prison.

-I don’t think someone stole Aaron. Why would she hide that from Jack? It is obvious she is ashamed of what she did with Aaron.

February 24, 2009 at 11:01 AM

That shame really worries me. I don’t think Kate would have killed Aaron (not when there were more logical solutions like giving her to Claire’s mother (Aunt?), who just happened to be in town), but keeping whatever the course of action from Jack concerns me.

February 24, 2009 at 12:33 PM


Im just too much of a pessimist to look past Kate’s past of “kill the person when they are no longer usefull to her” to assume anything else but the worst.


The freaky part about Hugo is I think (although we didnt see it) is that Charlie came again and told him to go and gave him the details on the flight.

Jin is gonna be pissed when Sun shows up. He is gonna freak that she left the kid just to come find him.

February 24, 2009 at 11:21 AM

Oh! I didn’t remember Charlie telling Hugo to go back, that’s true and the guitar – my mistake
Kate – I think Aaron has disappeared or similar and she thinks going back is the answer to getting him back but like Dorv says why keep it from Jack?
Sayid is Ben’s doing, one way or the other
I think Jin won’t be happy to see Sun back there!

February 24, 2009 at 6:30 PM

I’m not sure about Kate. While watching the scene between her and Jack I interpreted it as something horrible happened and she didn’t want to ever talk about, not that there was something she wanted to keep from Jack. I think that Ben probably followed through with lawyers taking Aaron away. I think she genuinely loved the kid and that was why she was so broken up about it. Maybe I’m giving her too much credit, though. Time will tell.

I’m very eager to see the Sun and Jin reunion.

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