CliqueClack TV

Foreman and Thirteen pull a sting on House

Foreman and 13

Do you think the priest is right? Do you think House wants to find faith? Does House function as a physician so he can help others, or is it really all about the puzzles?

Oh, who are we kidding? It’s Dr. House. And what’s even more interesting than an endless examination of House’s psyche is the fact that he totally got smoked by Thirteen and Foreman tonight.

I had no idea that Foreman and Thirteen were playing House until the very end. It was really her little soft-shoe at the end and hat, reminiscent of the movie The Sting, that tipped me off. Of course, it helped that I was completely distracted by the red herrings: House’s fascination with the atheist priest, and Cuddy’s mixed signals to House about her baby naming ceremony.

Even though it looked to me like Foreman and Thirteen weren’t being very smart, they managed to get what they wanted from House. I doubt, however, that they could have foreseen everything that happened. If they were really trying to fool House all along, would Foreman have bothered to ask Cuddy for a recommendation? And do you think he could have foreseen that he wouldn’t get one?

Also, what about the fight Foreman and Thirteen had at his house, after she had accepted the job at Mercy? They wouldn’t fake a private fight. So, did they fake the whole thing? Or did they just fake being pissed at each other at the end so House would buy that they weren’t together anymore?

It’s hard to know where exactly their plotting began, because of these inconsistencies. However, I would like to think that Foreman knows House well enough by now to have done exactly what he needed to do to make House a believer: It would have looked weird not to ask Cuddy for a recommend. I am still not sure about their fight at Foreman’s home– unless their conversation can be re-interpreted another way. When Thirteen says, “House said you’d say that,” it could almost be that she was making a commentary on how things were going, except that Foreman seemed pissed at her.

So, ultimately, the only proof we have that Foreman and Thirteen pulled anything over on House is their jubilant embrace at the end — so maybe I made up the whole thing. What do you think?

Photo Credit: FOX

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | House | TV Shows |

8 Responses to “Foreman and Thirteen pull a sting on House”

February 16, 2009 at 10:36 PM

If they don’t kill off either Foreman or 13, or both, I will be leaving the show soon. I can not stand that bullshit any longer! The storyline is lame and the actors have no chemistry at all!

February 16, 2009 at 11:45 PM

You’re on the show?

February 16, 2009 at 11:16 PM

I agree that they have no chemistry. It’s a lame storyline.

February 17, 2009 at 4:41 AM

so i’m confused… did the kid get molested or not?

also, i think foreman & 13 came up with the plan after their small lil fight at home.

February 17, 2009 at 9:38 AM

The Foreman and 13 story has played itself out and has become tedious. I’ve noticed that Cameron and Chase are featured more and more each week and I am actually more interested in their relationship. As for whether Foreman and 13 were deceiving House the entire time…who cares anymore. Instead of being surprised at the end reveal, I was let down because the writers are now telling us that they intend push this storyline even further.

February 17, 2009 at 12:56 PM

“What do you think?” implies I care about Foreman and Thirteen’s shenanigans. Holy god is this storyline boring and annoying. I need either Kutner or Taub to get an episode ASAP.

February 17, 2009 at 1:38 PM

It’s important to remember that in the end, this show is about its title character. The side stories, interesting or not, are just that: side stories. I’m not concentrating on Foreman and 13 (well, ok, just a little; 13’s hawt!). Instead, I concentrate on House, and his relationship with Cuddy, his patients, and with himself.

As long as the writers continue to focus on House and his eccentricities, I’ll keep watching and enjoying. The only way I keep watching if the show isn’t about House is if they show Cameron or 13 nekkid :)

February 17, 2009 at 6:25 PM

Don’t we all agree that the 13 story is just there so they don’t have to Focus on House and Cuddy? And even that story is god awful boring – the don’t have any chemistry either.

I want Kutner and Taub to get it on and House and Wilson. Those two couples have chemistry. Meow.


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