CliqueClack TV

Heroes – Disappointing deaths this season: Two; Blonde girls: Nothing

heroes-nbcIvey’s back Guest-clacking for us again….

Let me first say that I do not believe that Daphne is dead. At least, I think she’s Heroes dead (still alive) and not Lost dead (not alive, but we’ll see them again). I refuse to believe that the first somewhat interesting new character I’ve managed to care for on this show since, well, Elle (and, honestly, Eve before her) has been gunned down for no real reason. That, and I saw an image of her in my BBQ sandwich today, so I know she’s safe.

But, since they keep killing the people I like, I figured we’d play a little game of spin the bottle. Not the version where we manage to get Mohinder and Peter to hook up (Because honestly, they’re meant for each other), but the one where we get to pronounce to the world who we THINK should buck the kicket.

Claire: Little Miss Invincible hasn’t really had a purpose since being the center of a marketing campaign in Season One. They keep trying to make her the center of the universe to no real avail. However, Claire makes HRG tick, and that’s good enough for me… For now. Verdict: Keeper.

Mohinder: What purpose does Mohinder serve at this point? He has a power now, yeah, but he was originally trying to pick up where his father left off, but that we accept the premise that Heroes exist, do we really need to know why (Because, really, when was the last time that “Why” mattered on this show?). Verdict: Goner.

Hiro/Ando: Sorry, Hiro is still the man, and in ways, Ando is more so. Plus, Hiro without the time traveling lessens the haters on the internets. The line of the night was when Daphne says, “Of course you do….” to standard Ando/Hiro hilarity. Verdict: Keepers.

Peter: As with Hiro, less (powers) means more. His St. Crispin’s Day speech this week was a little weak sauce, though. Also, we need Peter so Nathan has someone to not really explain himself to. Verdict: Push.

Nathan: How many (worse) angels does this dude have sitting on his shoulders? “I want to tell the world about us!” “I want to capture, drug, and hide all of us (except me, and my estranged daughter).” Trying to figure out his motivations is like trying to program a VCR. Verdict: Goner.

Sylar: It was mentioned in the chat Monday night that he’s found a Robin to his Batman, but to geek out in a different direction, I think its more like a Vader to his Emperor. Sylar has definitely swung from interesting to pointless over the years, but I still think there is some interesting potential in where his character can go. Verdict: Keeper.

Utusu: Oh wait, he’s already Lost dead.

Matt: When Daphne comes back, she needs a reason, so Matt’s golden in my book. Verdict: Keeper.

And the grand finale: Tracy/Nikki/Jessica: Ok, let me be clear. I do love me some Ali Larter. No one, and I mean NO ONE, can wear a whipped cream bikini like she can, but her character (er… characters) have been the weak link on this show since the Season Two premiere. Many fans have been calling for her death for a while now, and I think its time to give us what we want. Verdict: Goner, Goner, and Goner (In case there are more personalities in there).

I really think they can par down the cast list on this show to a positive inpact.

What do you think?

Photo Credit: NBC

6 Responses to “Heroes – Disappointing deaths this season: Two; Blonde girls: Nothing”

February 11, 2009 at 8:02 PM

This was a difficult choice for me (I ended up going with Tracy.) They are all annoying in some regard at present. (Think Claire speaking through clenched teeth in a snotty way.)

I know we are supposed to give it some time for the better episodes to kick in, and I really did enjoy the episode last week, but then this week it returned to boring status for me.

Can they start doing heroic deeds again? Remember when Claire braved the fire and saved people? Wasn’t that great? Surely they can be on the run from the government or “bad guys” and still manage to do something on occasion that makes us actually like them. There’s nothing worse than a selfish hero.

That said, I’m still watching, still hopeful.

February 12, 2009 at 2:15 AM

Sylar’s new little sycophant can’t really be compared to Vader. Perhaps he’s Count Dooku instead: impressive power, but ultimately vastly disappointing, and gets his head cut off like a little b***h.

February 13, 2009 at 6:46 PM

BSG: Funny you should mention their actions in S1, and specifically Claire. I was just talking to someone the other day about how my favorite S1 scene with her was at the high school when the police tried to identify the cheerleader who had saved the firefighter… Not only did she not take credit (obviously), but walking over to ask the police officer how the guy was doing said so much about her character, and was one of the main reasons I was such a fan of hers early on.

February 14, 2009 at 12:12 PM

It was a tough call between Mohinder and the Tracy (et al) but I went with him because he’s been a useless character for longer. I didn’t like his storyline in the last chapter.

Claire was briefly considered but the characters of her fathers are partly driven by her.

February 17, 2009 at 6:28 AM

I like Mohinder, even if he has no purpose – keep him!
I think Sylar’s Robin is a bit pointless, I’m still disappointed that Sylar killed Elle, I believed for a second that he really cared for her :(
Daphne can’t be dead, she’s the best! and she has to have a baby with Parkman right? that was the painted future!
I say get rid of Tracy! she’s boring, I miss Nikki :(
And please someoen give Hiro his powers, he’s the only responsible heroe around :)

April 14, 2009 at 5:10 AM

I’m late to the party but it’s time to peace Peter out. He’s been brooding for 3 seasons now, I can’t take much more. The entire Petrelli family is wearing thin on me.

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