CliqueClack TV

Quotation Marks – dead eyes, missing feet and OMG sports!


This week’s quotations seemed to have a lot to do with bodily parts and… fluids. I don’t exactly know why this theme emerged this week, but just so you know, all of the CliqueClack writers submit these, so that should tell you something about us.


“Those dead eyes, as if there’s no soul.” –Dennis totally buys that Parker is dying from a brain tumor.

“Is it me or is he getting creepier? Oh yeah, he’s definitely getting creepier.” –Parker worries about Nate’s willingness to incorporate a cadaver into their con.


Patient: “I just went to my happy place.”

Thirteen: “We can’t let House anywhere near this woman.”

Kutner: “If you ever meet our boss, just yes and no answers, OK?”


Juliet: “Google ‘missing foot?’ That was your plan?”
Lassiter: “Not all of it.”

Lassiter: “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but do you two think you could’ve spoken up a little bit?”
Shawn: “Sorry about that; that’s what happens when we’re in the presence of one of our heroes. Gus almost fainted when we ran into Ralph Macchio at a Del Taco.”
Gus: “For the record he was not working there.”

(Meeting their hero football player Sammy Winslow)
Shawn: “We’re huge fans of yours!”
Gus: “I slept on your face for years! I mean … I had sheets with you on them when I was a kid.”


Peter: “I tried to expense a couple Celtic tickets on the FBI. She caught me.”

Walter: “I see. I hope she doesn’t notice the $2000 for the baboon seminal fluid I ordered … And I hope I can recall why I ordered it.”
Super Bonus Tennis Edition
“Have some sack Dude.” – Andy Roddick to the chair umpire after losing
an argument over a call in his match with Roger Federer
Photo Credit: TNT

2 Responses to “Quotation Marks – dead eyes, missing feet and OMG sports!”

February 2, 2009 at 6:41 AM

I loved Parker on Leverage this week giggling when Sophie told her to think about something sad, like when her father died.

February 2, 2009 at 9:21 AM

I love that you included the Andy Roddick quote!

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