CliqueClack TV

Broken penises, Office porn – News or Not?

mark-sloan-greys-anatomyUm, in the news of the weird, it seems that last week’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy terrified enough men that now two of the top three current Google search terms are “broken penis” and “penile fracture.” Is this news, or not?

Anytime a TV show inspires fear or controversy, it tends to be talked about. If I were a show’s creator or producer, that’s probably a place I’d go. So in my opinion, this is news, because it got the exact reaction that the Grey‘s powers-that-be would want, and that’s commendable. And pretty funny, but since I don’t have a penis, I guess I’ll never understand.

Let’s continue with the news of the weird today, shall we? If you’re a fan of The Office, and a fan of porn, today’s your lucky day! I never, never thought I’d write that sentence. A porn movie based on the character’s of NBC’s sitcom, The Office, is on its way, and you can watch a clip of it here. Is this news, or not?

I don’t know what to say about this. Yes, it’s news, and probably it interests a lot of people out there. And damn, if I don’t think it is clever. I admit to a giggle or two bubbling out of me. I won’t watch it, but I still think it’s pretty entertaining news.

Photo Credit: ABC

2 Responses to “Broken penises, Office porn – News or Not?”

January 30, 2009 at 3:25 PM

I just gotta question this: Men watch Grey’s Anatomy? Seriously? I think it might be the girlfriends of the guys doing the searches…

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