CliqueClack TV

Open Letters: Scheduling change notices much appreciated. Signed, the kids.

johnnysprites_106To the Mickey Mouses and Donald Ducks over at Disney Channel:

Children, as you know, are a unique subset of the human race. While energetic, very flexible, and full of imagination they are also quite rigid. Particularly when it comes to television. Especially when it comes to a specific television show on a specific channel at a specific time.

Being so rigid at times, the world of these children can go topsy-turvy when, out of the blue, their favorite television program doesn’t happen to come on when it’s supposed to. This, in turn, wreaks havoc with the parents of these said children who need to console their young ones with hugs, kisses, and several lollipops. Of course, this makes the parents angry at the channel that messed up their children’s programming schedule. Eventually, network executives are burned in effigy by thousands of upset parents.

All they have to do to avoid this is give both the kids and parents fair warning that the schedule is going to change. As the perfect example where this should have taken place, I give you the Disney Channel.

For years, Disney Channel offered up its “Playhouse Disney” lineup of pre-school programs starting at 6:00 a.m. each day. The shows during this time varied throughout the years, with the exception of The Wiggles, which maintained a 7:00 start time for a good portion of its run. The current early morning lineup featured JoJo’s Circus, Johnny and the Sprites, The Wiggles and Higglytown Heroes. Interspersed between these programs were little mini-episodes of other shows that would take the place of the cable network’s other advertising (for things like the new Demi Lovato program).

Then, at the beginning of the week, this all changed. Without any warning whatsoever, Disney Channel decided to push the start time for its “Playhouse Disney” block back two hours to 8:00 a.m. Gone were JoJo’s Circus and Johnny and the Sprites — two shows that I could actually watch and enjoy with my kids. The Wiggles, meanwhile, were pushed all the way back to 11:30. By the by, these were brand new Wiggles episodes as well; not the old stuff that they were running for years.

In it’s place were Phineas and Ferb as well as the  network’s other pre-school fare like Handy Manny; however, these shows weren’t packaged in the “Playhouse” style. So, for example, Manny has a “commercial” break in-between its segments so the network can promote its tween offerings like Wizards of Waverly Place. Why three-year-olds would be interested in that over Higglytown Heroes is beyond me. The change in the schedule was so sudden that not even the channel grid on my digital cable box was able to make the necessary corrections quick enough.

This, obviously, left my house in a tizzy. With a pair of nearly three-year-old twins who are avid “Playhouse” fans, the change was noticeable since we normally woke up to Johnny and the Sprites. Now, after being in that routine for months, a quick change of what we watched needed to be made. with so many cable offerings available to children these days it wasn’t difficult to find something else. Still, they were somewhat disappointed (as were their parents) as to the loss of these shows.

The Disney Channel could have avoided all of the confusion and anger by simply letting us know a few weeks in advance that there was going to be a change at “Playhouse Disney” so we could be prepared. Sure, viewers would have probably still left for other outlets, but at least we would have had time to make the decision. Now, what you have on your hands is a bunch of disgruntled parental units who are looking for some heads to bash together.

Next time, Disney Channel, let us know your intentions before you do what you do. Who knows? You may be able to get some sympathy from the viewers. Now, all you’ll get is poo on your doorstep. And, I’m not talking about the cuddly-bear type of Pooh either.

Photo Credit: Disney Channel

Categories: | Clack | General | Open Letters | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “Open Letters: Scheduling change notices much appreciated. Signed, the kids.”

January 7, 2009 at 8:07 PM

Maybe TPTB over there have been taking lessons from the big 4 nets about how to alienate viewers by switching shows all over the place and yanking shows off the air and replacing them with crappier shows. I wouldn’t hold your breath waiting for any tv execs to make any smart decisions any time soon.

January 8, 2009 at 10:25 AM

Wow. Really? In this day and age of DVR awesomeness, I would never expect this kind of response. People actually still watch shows live? AND with the commercials??? Huh.

As a parent of a 4 year old I recommend saving yourself some un-needed stress and get a DVR. Almost all cable and sat providers have them available for pretty darn cheap if not free.

We have all our favorite shows saved on the DVR to watch at any time during the day. Imagination Movers, Higglytown, Pooh, Caillou, etc. My son can choose from any of over 100 shows at any time. No need to watch commercials (30 second skip rocks).

DVR’s are a parents dream come true. Welcome to the future.

January 8, 2009 at 6:55 PM

Time shifting is only advantageous if you don’t care when you watch. Good luck time shifting your morning routine. Your comment also doesn’t take in that HTH airs 1x weekly and JJC and J&S are off the schedule completely. You can’t DVR what doesn’t air…

January 9, 2009 at 8:24 AM

I don’t know, maybe it’s different with toddlers, but I remember as a kid (back in the 80’s so there weren’t really regiments of television) when a show came on or went off the air it wasn’t that big of a deal. Sure I was upset for a day or two, but generally what replaced it was good enough (except for Saved by the Bell…) and I moved on just fine. I remember when they replaced Voltron with Tranzor Z, I hated it at first but then I started to really like it. I could imagine that would be most kids response, right? Maybe it’s a generation thing because kids have it so good now, but I really don’t see why they can’t just adapt and deal with it, isn’t that what humans are supposed to be best at anyway?

January 9, 2009 at 12:09 PM

I am absolutely crushed!
No more Johnny & Sprites? I hate you Disney!!!!

January 17, 2009 at 8:59 AM

We have the dvr and had about 30 episodes of Higglytown Heroes recorded. Then to open up space on the dvr my husband deleted them all not knowing that the stupid disney channel was going to take them off the air. Now we’re totally screwed. My son is practically addicted to that show (I’m sorry to say)and we are having a hard time explaining to a 2 year old that it suddenly isn’t on anymore. Yes, some warning would have been nice!!

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