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Lost in Lost – Where, oh where, is Claire?

I’ve never been a huge fan of the Claire character on Lost. I’ve always found her slightly annoying, mostly due to her propensity to walk up and down the beach yelling “Chah-leee!” at the top of her lungs. It drove me nuts.

When her rocker boyfriend sacrificed himself to get his fellow castaways saved I found myself a lot more sympathetic to the island’s blonde mommy. Besides being far less annoying, she’s been given a big juicy mythological plot. She’s not just being pregnant, whining at Charlie, and getting kidnapped. Instead she seems to have up and disappeared. This all leads to one big question – what the hell is Claire’s deal these days?

Yes, we have seen Claire since she got up and walked off in the middle of night with a vision of her dead father, Christian Shephard. When Locke made his pilgrimage to Jacob’s cabin, Claire was chilling on the sofa in the corner, looking more than a bit dazed.

There are a bunch of theories out there about what happened to Claire. The most popular seems to include Claire having died. During the freighter mercenaries’ attack on the Dharma Barracks, we saw Claire’s cabin explode with her still in it. It does seem a bit implausible that she would have survived such an explosion, but I’m a little hesitant to believe that Claire bit the dust. After the attack on the Barracks, we saw Claire interacting with the other castaways, as well as carrying Aaron. That would be one heck of an apparition.

No, I don’t think Claire is dead. Clearly, though, there is something bizarre and island-induced going on with the Aussie. I’m inclined to believe that she has been chosen by Jacob for something. Most likely, this is linked to her ability to carry a pregnancy to completion while on the island. What kind of task would Jacob have in store for Claire? Frankly, I have no idea, but I’m dying to find out.

Another possibility is that it has something to do with Aaron. It has been hinted at that the child is “special” somehow, and he has been the center of some prophecies. Whether or not we are supposed to believe these prophecies is another question altogether. After all, the psychic that told Claire terrible things would happen if Aaron were “raised by another” was later shown admitting to Mr. Ecko that he was a fraud. Thanks for the clarity Lost writers!

Claire has appeared to Kate since she has left the island, telling her never to bring Aaron back to the mysterious place. Could it be that Jacob needs Aaron for some purpose and is holding Claire as collateral? I think it could be a strong possibility. This would explain why Claire doesn’t want Aaron coming back. I do, wonder, however, why Jacob would take Claire and not just take the baby.

What do you think? Any theories as to what Claire is doing on the island these days?

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Clack | Columns | General | Lost | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Lost in Lost – Where, oh where, is Claire?”

December 18, 2008 at 11:40 AM

I believe Claire is dead. We’ve seen the island communicate with people by having them interact with “apparitions” of people from their past: Jack’s dad, Eko’s brother Yemi, Hurley’s friend Dave, Shannon chasing Walt, Locke talking to Walt, Eko talking to Ana Lucia, Michael talking to Libby. This is apparently something the island has the power to do. Claire died that day her house blew up. Why else would she be hanging out in Jacob’s cabin without her baby?

Perhaps the most telling clue is that Emilie de Ravin is not part of the main cast this year. Yep, she’s dead but we’ll still be seeing her hanging out around the island and giving people creepy messages.

December 18, 2008 at 3:17 PM

She is supposed to rejoin the cast for the final season however.

March 9, 2009 at 7:26 PM

It has nothing to do with the baby being born on the island they only die if they where concieved on the island.

March 22, 2009 at 8:33 PM

No, Claire did not die in her house…Sawyer came and got her and broke the window out of Ben’s place to get her in safely.

I’m not sure what’s up with her, but she’s not in any of the “Season 5″ cast photos. ??

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