CliqueClack TV

Heroes – Elle and Sylar suck face

(Season 3, Episode 11 – “The Eclipse, Part 1″)

Well, yet another Heroes episode with characters moving to and fro, here and there, everywhere from a corn field in Kansas to a tropical jungle.

My thoughts:

When Claire said, “Why is it always me?” to Angela, on her being the catalyst, I sort of had that same thought. Let someone else grab some of the spotlight, cheerleader.

When Sylar said, “I hate heroes” to Elle, after she tells the car rental guy he’s a serial killer who’s holding her hostage … yeah, I sort of had the same thought. Hopefully that’ll change over the next few episodes, though.

Loved seeing Eric Doyle and the other baddies in Level 5. More Eric Doyle!

First, the heroes didn’t want their powers. Remember? Matt hated that he always had to listen in on peoples’ thoughts. And now when he needs it and does that weird head-cocking thing to Daphne’s dad, he’s plum out of luck.

Daphne in leg braces … didn’t see that coming.

Really, it was bad timing for all the heroes to lose their powers, especially Claire. She said she’s happy to feel pain, but that novelty wears off pretty fast, babe.

Nathan and Peter in the jungle with the Haitian? Couldn’t care less. But it was pretty cool seeing them fall out of the sky into the water.

Loved seeing Suresh all sticky and bug-like and welty. Somehow, that just made me feel all good inside.

At last, Sylar and Elle finally kiss! But they have guns pointed at them!

Your thoughts on this episode?

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Heroes – Elle and Sylar suck face”

November 25, 2008 at 11:16 AM

This show has become almost unwatchable.

November 25, 2008 at 11:45 AM

As excited as I was for concept of this site, Im disappointed to find myself disagreeing so completely with the reviewers of my favorite shows… No slight to you, Jane, just respectfully disagreeing.

I thought tonight episode was one of the most season one like in a while.

Nathan and Peter in the jungle provides a nice background onto which we can see Peters Insecurities vs his brother. Classic older brother and younger brother dynamic.

Still don’t care about mohinder. Didn’t in season one, don’t now. Won’t ever.

I liked the dynamic of these heroes discovering how much they rely on these powers that they didn’t want (ie matt).

This was a good episode.

November 25, 2008 at 1:04 PM

I found it very hard to feel suspense in this episode when they showed us everything that was going to happen in the sketches in the very beginning.

The best part of this episode was watching everyone’s reactions when they lost their powers.

November 25, 2008 at 11:50 PM

A thought occurs. What if Claire isn’t the catalyst? HRG is primed and ready to shoot.. someone. He could be going after the real catalyst; Sylar or Elle. If he’s really just there to kill Sylar while he has no powers, it’s just too predictable for my tastes.

Then again, I don’t want either character to get shot because I think they’re the two best characters as well as the two best actors the show has.

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