CliqueClack TV

ER – In which Dr. Brenner proves that he’s still a dick

(Season 15, Episode 8 – “Age of Innocence”)

Yeah, I knew it was too good to be true. Over the last few weeks I’ve been touting the change that Simon Brenner has gone through this season, turning into just a git after premiering as a prat. He’s become patient with the interns, less into himself, and has even limited himself to one woman in bed at a time. It’s like he was a changed person.

Then, what happened tonight? He just stood there and stared as this guy pummeled his brother-in-law who was a suspected sexual assaulter. Stood there as this guy was quickly bloodied and bruised. And, he did absolutely nothing about it. What a dick. Until the end of the episode, when we found out why he was being such an a-hole. Then … Oh. Well, he’s still a dick, but it makes sense now.

What makes sense? Well, click ahead and you’ll find out.

Simon Brenner’s secret: You think about Simon’s revelation that he was sexually assaulted at a young age, and the things that we have seen him do fall into place like it was a giant puzzle. A wild mother who threw crazy parties translates to a search for a love that he didn’t have as a child. Perhaps that’s why, after snogging with Neela, he thought he found a soulmate. Now, by the way, it looks like they’re just friends without benefits.

So, how is he dealing with these events? It seems like he’s crushing it into a tiny ball that festers in the pit of his stomach until he meets another sexual predator. That’s healthy! And, good for the work environment because, you know, no deviants ever step through the doors of County General, do they? So, something will have to be done; else, there may be more serious consequences for Simon the next time.

Was he, or wasn’t he: Was the alleged sexual predator an actual sexual predator? The way the director and writers interlaced Simon’s comments with the other man’s actions it certainly seemed so. Particularly the part where he told the 12-year-old girl that they would be special friends and no one else should know. But, maybe it was left to be open for the viewer’s interpretation. Oh, by the way, I’m locking my daughters in the house until they’re 30. So … NO TOUCHING!

Eye Eww: I’ve seen some disgusting things during ER‘s long run, but releasing the pressure from the patient’s eye was particularly gross. I had to turn away from the screen when it took place. Probably had to do with being so close to the eye. Like Rachel Greene of Friends, I too have an issue with people doing weird things to their eyes.

Neela, the Angry Little Surgeon: Or, maybe it should be Neela, the Perfect Little Surgeon. That’s what she seems to believe about herself. And, that’s why she is in Andrew’s face so much. Luckily, Lucien is there to send her back to reality with a few choice examples of the foul-ups she had while a surgical intern. It’s pretty obvious that Neela has a lot to learn to become both a good teacher and a good surgeon. It’s also quite obvious how Lucien feels about Neela as well, just from the way he began to choke up when mentioning her weak points.

Tony Gates and the Search for the Missing War Veteran: Man, there were all sorts of revelations on this week’s episode. In addition to Simon’s surprise statement,  there was also Tony’s reason as to why he was trying to find the homeless vet he treated a few week’s ago. With Gallant’s death a few seasons ago, Gates has now become the spokesman for the war in Iraq and the consequences that it has on its soldiers. It’s unsure if this storyline will continue. Looking at the next two episode summaries, Sam and Tony’s attentions will be focused on matters closer to home.

The Interns: So far, these guys haven’t been forgotten and do have a more prominent role this season than some other interns who have come and gone with nary a good-bye. The brother-sister team of Daria and Andrew have had the most screen time, especially over the last few weeks. I’d like to see a bit more of Dr. Martin on the show just to even everything out.

Next on ER– Nothing, since the show will be taking a break next Thursday. When it returns look for Morris and Banfield to be snowed in while Sarah and Alex get into some very serious trouble.

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

One Response to “ER – In which Dr. Brenner proves that he’s still a dick”

February 7, 2009 at 7:13 PM

Ok, I feel a little ridiculous typing this out, but someone has got to cast a vote for Simon. Something about John Stamos still gives me the hebegebes and Shane West is no longer on the show! Don’t bring the latter back just to interfere with a growing relationship between two regular characters. The timing was never right for Ray and Neela anyway.

I think Simon is awesome, for reasons beyond his looks and Aussie accent. Also, Neela’s change in type (to date) perfectly fits her character development; she’s no longer the newbie who falls for the sweet one (Gallant); instead, she’s a bit of a badass, kinda rough around the edges. Simon, no innocent himself – – debatably the “bad boy with a heart of gold” – – is perfect for her. I just hope Neela doesn’t break his heart, cuz he’s clearly invested in that relationship.

Btw, if you want proof that actor David Lyons (Simon) is crush-worthy and talented, check out Sea Patrol, an aussie drama that you can watch online. He’s great as ET.

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