CliqueClack TV

Smallville – Abyss

The CW

The CW

(Season 8, Episode 9)

“Doomsday is coming.” – Brainiac

The final scene of this week’s installment of Smallville, added to the previews for next week’s episode, made me want to have the power to travel through time so it was November 20 already! Doomsday, as in a time of catastrophic destruction and death and the only supervillain who was able to kill Superman, is coming … and it seems it’s targeting Chloe and Jimmy’s wedding day. The duo should have known better than to get married during Sweeps period!

Here are five clues that were given during “Abyss” to show us that Doomsday is indeed coming and what it may entail for our favorite Smallville and Metropolis citizens.

1. “Doomsday is coming.” – Brainiac. We couldn’t get any clearer than that. As Brainiac takes over the rebuilt Fortress of Solitude and its master, Jor-El, he warns us of the day to come. Coming from Brainiac, this announcement is not to be taken lightly. I wonder if Brainiac will be able to hide the fact he took over the Fortress when Clark drops by for another visit and if he’ll be able to control Jor-El to have CK do his bidding for a while.

2. Chloe’s sole memory being of Davis. Even before Clark and Jor-El discussed the fact that Brainiac was trying to contact Doomsday through Chloe, I had a hunch that Davis’s evil alter ego was about to get real screen time. Why else would he be Chloe’s last memory? It’s clear that it was a way to show us that Davis is special.

3. The Kryptonian symbol of Doom. Another clear clue. Why would the Kryptonian symbol meaning “doom” be the predominant one if it wasn’t to foreshadow the impending day?

4. Jimmy and Chloe making final arrangements for their wedding. In the past seven seasons of Smallville, catastrophes and deaths occurred on every wedding day shown on-screen. Since the Big Day is soon arriving, it also means that Doomsday is arriving. Clark & co. better make sure their insurance and wills are in order.

5. There were mentions of Lana possibly attending the wedding. If you have been reading Smallville spoilers and/or saw the previews for next week’s episode, you know that she’s coming. Since Lana is always mixed in major drama, you can be that it doesn’t mean good news for the current cast!

“Abyss” is not my favorite episode so far this season, but I still stand by my assessment that Smallville rocks this season. This week’s episode not only moved the Brainiac and Doomsday storylines further, but allowed us to reminisce on the past, thanks to flashbacks. The episode set a dark tone for what’s to come. Doomsday being a Kryptonian creature that is unstoppable can only mean difficult days ahead for Clark and his friends. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him ask Jor-El to give Chloe back all of her memories, since Clark will need all the allies he can during his fight against Davis/Doomsday. Green Arrow and the other superheroes will be there to lend a hand, but Chloe has skills that the others don’t have.

What did you think of “Abyss?” Do you think it was a mistake on the writers’ part to have Chloe forget about Clark’s abilities? What do you think Doomsday will be like (both the day and the character)? Are you looking forward to Lana’s return? Let your voice be heard in comments below!

2 Responses to “Smallville – Abyss”

November 14, 2008 at 1:56 AM

i don’t think anyone is looking forward to lana’s return. in fact, i wouldn’t be surprised if every smallville fan secretly (or openly) want lana to die a horrible death. lol

great episode. i love this season!

November 14, 2008 at 1:25 PM

Yeah, I’m not with everyone’s opinion about the resurgance of the show… I have really lost interest this year (Though, I do enjoy a “lana-less” world.

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