It’s sweeps time, everybody! You know what that means – people are going to break up, people are going to die, and there’s going to be a whole lot of stunt casting. It usually also means we get some great episodes of our favorite shows. There is something distinctly different about this season, however… at least for me. I’m just not that excited, and I think I’ve pegged the reason why. The best TV is still yet to come. I think the mid-season shows may be even better than what we have seen so far this year. Some of my favorite shows haven’t even premiered yet, and none of the new shows have blown me out of the water.
Join me as I run down all the mid-season shows that have me more excited than the sweeps.
- Lost: If you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m a bit obsessed with Lost. I’m counting down the days until it comes back; well, I would be if we actually knew what day it was returning. Regardless, there’s not much I’m looking forward to more than Lost. Seriously, I think I would trade Christmas for the new season of Lost at this point.
- Damages: One of the great surprises of last summer. Along with Mad Men, Damages quickly became one of my favorite shows. I billed it to friends as one of the most satisfying single season experiences. The season one finale was amazing and set up season 2 perfectly. I can’t wait to see what happens next on this show, and the addition of William Hurt and Timothy Olyphant can only make it even better.
- Reaper: I stuck with it last season during it’s growing pains and was rewarded as Reaper got better and better, especially at the end of the season. With no new shows really capturing my imagination this year, I’m really looking forward to Reaper returning. As strange as it feels to type: I love the Devil!
- Battlestar Galactica: Holy Frak! I just finished getting caught up on this series. I can’t believe I have to wait until January to see how they’re going to end this amazing show. I have been converted to a complete and utter fanboy, and I’m excited to see where they take things.
- Dollhouse: I’m a card carrying member of the Joss Whedon fan club, but I am a little nervous about his new show. However, the prospect of Joss and Eliza Dushku reuniting is too exciting to pass up. The premise sounds interesting – a group of mercenaries who can be programmed with any personality and skill set that their employer needs. With Joss at the helm, I have faith that it will be good (as long as FOX doesn’t monkey with it).
- Scrubs: With a move to a new channel (ABC) Scrubs returns for a (most likely) final season. I’ve always been a fan, and it was sad to see the way NBC mistreated this show for so long. I’ll be happy when it comes back.
- Kings: The new show on NBC has me intrigued. Supposedly it will be a modern, alternate universe, retelling of the David and Goliath story. I’m just looking forward to having Ian McShane back on my TV, acting the crap out of anything that comes his way.
- American Idol: The TV juggernaut will be returning, and it will probably be just as much fun as it is every year. With a new judge and a new executive producer there is opportunity for this to be a refreshed and exciting season. Let’s just hope the contestants can actually sing.
- 24: I’m not a fan, but I have a lot of friends who love the show. I know people really, really love 24, and they must be excited for it to return. I’ve seen the previews for the prequel movie that is coming out, and I have to say it even has me curious.
- A New Volume of Heroes: The “Villains” volume will be coming to an end shortly, which means that a new volume (entitled “Fugitives”) will be starting up. With two producers being fired this week, and Heroes under a lot of scrutiny, I’m hopeful that this new volume will be a turn in the right direction. I was saying the same thing about “Villains” at the end of last season, so I’m not sure that I have any right to be hopeful, but I have to be. This show was too good in season 1 for it to fall apart like this.
- Nip/Tuck: It may be declining since it’s heyday a season or two ago, but it’s still worth watching. There is no trashier guilty pleasure on TV right now for my money.
Did I leave anything out? What show are you looking forward to most?
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Clacked by Bob Degon
on Nov 05, 2008 @ 09:11 EST5EDT
It’s too bad this will be the last season for Reaper, and a short one at that. They will probably put it on Friday nights to make sure they kill it. And don’t forget we still have everybodys favorite, According To Jim, to look forward to.
I’m choosing to have a slightly more optimistic outlook on Reaper. At this point, I’m just excited to have it back at all. At the end of last year I was convinced it was a goner.
Can’t believe I forgot According to Jim. It’s clearly the best show on television… ;-)
Although I’m more excited about Lost, I can’t wait for Reaper to come back. If they really want it to be a success they should pair it with Supernatural and make Thursday some kind of “fright night”. Most likely they have the same fan base. Since Gilmore Girls ended, Reaper and Supernatural are the only two shows I would tune into the CW for.
Looking forward to LOST the most, but also Breaking Bad is coming back in March.
Forgot about Breaking Bad. I’m excited for that to come back to! Also… I think Burn Notice will be back.
Oh my Battlestar Galactica, how I’ve missed you. For me, nothing can compare.
Hopefully we’ll be able to see some webisodes soon!
Since Breaking bad is one of the best shows I have ever seen it’s sure the one I’m longing for the most.
Lost, Damages, 24 and Nip/Tuck are also pretty interesting.
Mine is a toss up between BSG & Lost. I want them back equally. Also Reaper, but not as much as the first 2. Oh yeah, Sock (Tyler Labine) shows up in “Zack & Miri Make a Porno” & is hilarious in it. That guy needs to be in more shows!!!
So does Joss.
(Get it? Joss-Faith-Eliza.)
I really can’t decide if I’ll like Dollhouse. Don’t like the premise, but like the creative team and cast.
Lost: I sort of fear Lost’s return because it hasn’t been consistently good in a couple of seasons – though I vaguely recall liking last season better than the one before it. Really, I barely remember last season and will need to watch the recap episode that they’ll likely do.
Scrubs: Hopefully the network change will inject the funny back into the show. They lost the funny a couple of seasons ago. Even the Cox-isms weren’t as good.
BSG: Hell yes.
I’m ready for Breaking Bad to start up again, but the show I’m looking forward to the most is “Leverage” on TNT. It feels like a mix of the old “It Takes A Thief” and “Hustle”. The pilot was a complete blast to watch!