CliqueClack TV

Boston Legal – Mad Cows



(Season 5, Episode 7)

Can I just come out and say that I have absolutely fallen in love with the friendship that’s developed between Katie Lloyd and Jerry Espensen on this show the past two seasons. There’s a reason Christian Clemenson was offered a full-time position on Boston Legal after awhile in a “featured player” role. He plays the role of Jerry with such a passion and sincerity that you fully believe his every tic and mannerism.

And since Katie has moved into his office, they’ve become one of the sweetest pairings on television. While I’m not sure they could carry a show on their own, they are a wonderful addition to the general insanity of Crane, Poole & Schmidt. And so tonight, they each got to sit in front of the executive committee and discuss whether Jerry should be offered full partnership in the Firm, and each was just beautiful with their words.


  • Loved loved loved the One Day at a Time theme song accompanying Valerie Bertinelli’s introduction. She is still as beautiful now as she was then. Why is she stuck doing guest spots and Lifetime movies? Is it because she was fat?
  • It seemed a pretty blatant Democrat slant at the beginning to have Denny justify his Right-wing voting by saying it was the reasons of salmon and women. I know Hollywood leans left, but I was hoping that Denny and Alan could each intelligently represent their side if it came to it.
  • It’s interesting that during the second political/voting discussion Republican Denny was wearing the blue tie while Democrat Alan was wearing the red.
  • “This man makes partner or I walk and take my name off the door with me … Denny Crane, have a good day.” –Denny Crane on behalf of Jerry Espensen
  • At the end, Denny referred to Valerie as Valerie in explaining why he was turned on. I don’t know why I love the little inside nods to awareness that this is a television show. From Alan citing sweeps everywhere you look to Jerry threatening to leave the firm for a spin-off, they always know just how far to take it without destroying the narrative.

The show wrapped with a blatant plea for people to vote, including a shot of Shirley Schmidt voting in Colorado because her vote would matter more there. At least the montage didn’t seem to be pushing any political agenda, just encouraging voting in general. Considering the political overtones that have permeated BL for years, it makes perfect sense for this plea to be here.

I’m not at all sure how I feel about the implied “left wins all around” discussion on the balcony to end the show. Without even discussing my own political leanings, the strength of the relationship between Alan and Denny was in large part because of how different they were in their fundamental beliefs. Alan was the bleeding heart liberal while Denny was the gun-toting conservative. To lose that dynamic, even in the slightest bit, just to push the political leanings of the creator of the show is a disservice to the characters.

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “Boston Legal – Mad Cows”

November 4, 2008 at 5:07 PM

So…not on topic, but what’s with the “Yes on 8″ ads at the top of the page? I know that to some extent you don’t get to choose the ads that go on your page…but to your lgbt/ally readership, its alienating. I don’t really want to give pageview revenues to a site that’s allowing those bigots to spread their message of hate.

November 4, 2008 at 6:32 PM

You messed up the Denny quote, he said if Jerry was made partner he would leave. Not, as you wrote: “This man makes partner or I walk and take my name off the door with me … Denny Crane, have a good day.”

November 4, 2008 at 10:47 PM

Well, I don’t find the episode online, but all the recaps of it I’ve found have agreed with the way I reported it. An example: “”

Even later to Alan, Denny said that he liked Jerry, even if he was crazy.

November 5, 2008 at 6:11 PM

I too thought he said if Jerry makes partner he’d leave, even played it back like 3 times (no subs). I kept thinking that until the end on the balcony so I’m going to assume that he said Jerry makes partner or he walks.

November 5, 2008 at 12:08 AM

I haven’t watched yet…but I look forward to it as always. I will sorely miss the intelligence and inside nods this program provides.

I’m not looking forward to any leftism, however. The beauty of this show has been the ability of each person in the firm to argue based on logic and right (as in the Bill of and correctness) for their clients and for my entertainment. There was an episode two years ago where Alan argued something about politics and religion and I told everyone I know – left and right – to tune in to this show because of how incredible it is to both sides of an argument.

Thanks for the great write-up! Hey – does Jerry Clique or Clack? Seems he does a bit of both!

November 5, 2008 at 12:19 AM

BTW – It was episode 5 of season 3 when Alan was representing Jerry in a termination suit that my favorite was discussed. You can find it online….it’s fabulous! A favorite quote follows…

Alan Shore:

Everybody should get to believe in God. Pray to his God, worship his God—of course. But to impose him on others, to victimize others in His Name, the Founding Fathers of this country set out to prevent persecution, not to license it.

At a certain point, we have to say, “Enough with this freedom of religion crap. Yuck. Yuck, yuck.” marches back to his chair, sits, then stands again Yes, I know. I’ll get letters.

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