CliqueClack TV

True Blood – Plaisir d’amour



(Season 1, Episode 9)

“I’d rather deal with your fucked-up shit than be alone.” – Sam to Tara

I love True Blood more every week, and I’m already depressed that there’s only three episodes left this season – wah. But thank goodness it’s been renewed for a second season – yah!

True Blood is romantic, revolting, and rejuvenating, but most of all, it’s smart. The writers don’t talk down to us. They believe we’re intelligent enough to get that the characters are multi-leveled and that life is never wrapped up neatly into a bow at the end of 60 minutes. Or even at the end of a life, for that matter.

We continue to learn more about the clash between vampires and humans, and this episode brings that home in a lot of ways. The story with Jason and Amy capturing the vampire and holding him hostage in the basement is both sick and seriously wonderful. As with racial prejudices in real-life, each person and vampire in this series holds their own beliefs. Jason feels bad about the vampire in the basement, but he’s willing to go along with it because he loves both V and Amy (or so he says – maybe he’s just under the influence). And he’s not really strong enough emotionally to stand his ground on anything.

Amy, meanwhile, feels the same way about vampires as some of them do about humans. They’re sub-species, to be used and seen as pets for their own pleasure. She has no qualms about holding the vamp hostage, as long as she and Jason get to go on their magical mystery tour V-rides through the forest with birds singing and sun shining.

The opening scene with Sookie getting saturated with vamp blood was shocking! Especially in this day and age where others’ blood is something you want to stay away from, because you never know what’s in there. And then Sookie tries to clean herself up, but the Angelina Jolie-lookalike finds a piece of vampire in her cleavage – yuk!

Bill’s in a precarious situation, having killed the bar vampire to protect Sookie, and now having to go away and deal with the trial. If I were Sookie, I’d be right worried about being killed, but thank goodness for Sam/Dog, who’s vowed to protect her.

Too funny about Sam the Dog looking away while she undresses (such a gentledog), then waking up naked in her bed as Sam the Human. This is what I was talking about a while back, that even though these storylines are intense and dramatic, there’s still a comic element that keeps things lively.

I can’t see Sookie falling for Sam, now that she’s head over heels in love with Bill, but there’s always that what-if element. And he told Tara he wants to be with her, which I really don’t understand at all. What does he SEE in her anyway?! But he made reference about how sometimes you have to move on, and, of course, he was referring to Sookie. But now he’s in her bed naked, so….

Other points of interest:

Where is the head of Sookie’s cat? Who killed it, spattered blood all over the house, and hung the body from the light fixture? At this point, Sookie should probably just paint the entire house red; otherwise, she’ll spend every waking minute mopping up blood.

Yet another wild sex scene with Jason! Whomever mentioned this happening in every episode is onto something.

Why is Amy getting close to Sookie? What’s she up to? She’s some twisted chick, so I bet it’s more than just chummying up to her lover’s sister.

Best quote of the night: “Secret sauce? Who you fuckin’ kiddin’? Since when is it right to call mayonnaise a fuckin’ secret?” – Jason’s co-worker, after tasting a fast-food burger

Eric is one scary vamp-dude.

Your thoughts?

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | True Blood | TV Shows |

8 Responses to “True Blood – Plaisir d’amour”

November 3, 2008 at 3:41 PM

That secret sauce comment wasn’t just a coworker of Jason’s, it was Lafayette, the cook at Merlottes.

And I agree about Eric. At first I thought that was the only role where they really got the casting wrong, but now I have completely changed my mind. He’s absolutely perfect as Eric, who I believe was a viking when he died, but I would actually have to check on that one.

I am loving this show soooo much. In some ways they are veering away from the original novels and in others they are staying so close the story, but every decision has really worked. I wish cable and movie channels would give us longer seasons like the regular networks. I understand why they don’t, but these short seasons really suck. Waiting a whole year for more eps is going to be painful!

November 3, 2008 at 4:16 PM

The last scene with Sookie and Sam was hilarious :)

I don’t like what they’re doing with Eric. I’m having trouble with an apparent incongruity between the vampires being fascinated by Sookie but at the same time allowing the now-dead bartender to kill her. I understand there are consequences to Bill’s actions, but I don’t understand why Eric or his lady friend would allow the situation to develop in the first place.

They originally positioned him as the most powerful and the wisest. I’d like to see a bit more of that.

November 3, 2008 at 4:38 PM

This show is very quickly replacing Lost & Heroes as my favorite show! I know its still early but any idea when season 2 is set to begin production? The opening scene was so gross yet so awesome haha… its nice to see what happens when a vampire is killed though.

I agree about Eric and I even love his “assistant” the female vampire. I have a feeling Longshadow’s replacement is gonna be trouble though.

Its nice to see Jason in an actual storyline I care about… and the sad gay vampire’s story was moving. It gave some insight into why someone would want to be “turned.”

Hope we get some answers on Sam next week!

November 3, 2008 at 4:51 PM

Tracey – You know, I thought that was Lafayette at first, too, and even had “Lafayette’s Best Quote” for that part of my review. But I played it back a few times, and on second and third glance, this guy looked bigger and didn’t look or sound as gay as Lafayette!

November 3, 2008 at 5:54 PM

Tracey is right — Lafayette, Jason, Renee, and the really white and innocent kid all work on the road gang during the day. :)

November 3, 2008 at 6:32 PM

I think the white and innocent kid is named Hoyt Fortenbury or something like that. I could actually be wrong about that, but I seem to remember him sitting at the bar thinking sweet thoughts about Dawn after she died and Sookie thanking him for being so nice. That’s the same guy.

November 4, 2008 at 3:45 AM

I agree, that is Lafayette and Hoyt.

True Blood is a great show. I enjoy it for itself but also because it got me to go get the books it’s based on.

I’ll echo what Tracy said: in some ways it is VERY true t the books and in other ways it’s on it’s own path. That’s only to be expected when you bring books to TV or movies. But TrueBlood really stands on its own and is one of my favorite shows. Glad to hear that there will be a 2nd season.

November 5, 2008 at 10:35 PM

(such a gentledog) LOL

Love these show too!!!

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