I’m sure it will come as no surprise that since I write about TV, I end up seeing a lot of it. Let’s face it, there’s a good amount of crap on the tube and I often find myself watching it and feeling myself getting dumber but unable to turn away. With that said, there’s also a lot of TV that makes me remember why I love it. Whether it’s funny, sweet, or hilariously stupid, these are the things that didn’t suck this week.
“Your name has been at the top of my list of people who have needed a good ass-kicking for years.” Nicole Richie receives said ass-kicking on Chuck.
I quickly became a fan of Josh Schwartz’s hapless spy show when it premiered last season, although I felt that the quality of the episodes was a little uneven. So far though, this season has been really strong, and this week’s episode was the best one so far. I’ve always had a soft spot for Nicole Richie and I really enjoyed her turn as Heather Chandler, the bitchy cheerleader who made Sarah’s life hell back in high school. Plus, the ass-kicking did not disappoint.
“I’m Yours.” Jason Mraz performs his new single on Ellen.
I’ve been home during the day lately and have gotten to watch a lot of daytime TV, so I was able to catch Jason Mraz on Ellen. I love him for many reasons, not the least of which is the fact that, like me, he’s from Virginia. “I’m Yours” is a great single and he performed it beautifully.
“You didn’t touch my pancakes.” Wil Wheaton as the worst motel owner since Norman Bates on Criminal Minds.
Friend of Cliqueclack, Wil Wheaton, is by all accounts a nice guy. However, he guest-starred on Criminal Minds this week and was suuuuper creepy. I’ve never watched that show before, but oh my God, when he jammed the knife through the door viewer, I yelped. That is one of my biggest fears! I kind of want to vomit just thinking about it.
“Is that too eager? I don’t care; I’m free tonight.” Holly and Michael take it to the next level on The Office.
It’s been kind of weird on The Office with Pam in art school and barely appearing at all in the past couple of episodes. However, it has allowed time for the painfully awkward and adorable relationship between Holly and Michael to blossom. I love how the writers have slowly worked up to the two of them actually dating, giving us time to believe that someone as seemingly put together and sane as Holly could fall for a weirdo like Michael Scott.
“I’ve been fortunate enough to have affairs with many women.” Don Draper goes on SNL to teach you how to pick up women.
Watching Jon Hamm host Saturday Night Live last night, I had an odd realization. Jon Hamm is an attractive man, but Don Draper is definitely hotter. I’m both looking forward to and dreading the season finale of Mad Men. I’ve got to find out what happens with Don and Betty, but I was really late to the Mad Men game, so I just discovered it recently and I’m not ready for it to be over! This and the Mad Men sketch were nice bonuses for more Sterling-Cooper goodness.
I was pleasantly surprised with her…..I mean she did great….
New single? *chuckle*
I’ve been listening to that song for over half a year now I think. To be honest I kicked it off my iPod about six or so weeks ago.
It’s good to know that in music things still travel in the other direction over the big pond :-)
Oh yeah, only half a year? It’s been out since 2005, so you should’ve been listening to it longer than that.