I admit it … I skip commercials. Whew! Man, is that a load off. Tonight, though, I did the unthinkable and actually watched a show live and through all of the commercials. I know!
As I was watching How I Met Your Mother tonight, wasn’t I surprised to see Lara Spencer of The Insider pop up during a commercial break to tell us what she thought of the episode and how it related to throwing some pasta and sauce in a crock. Have you seen these? Do we really care how the show can be compared to a bowl of noodles and red sauce? What the hell?
Then I got to thinking. What if Bertolli were to use the same advertising technique (does it really work enough to call it a technique?) on some racier shows. Like The Shield, for instance:
“See, Tuesdays aren’t so bad! It can actually be a surprisingly terrific night. Take, for example, David Aceveda in tonight’s episode. He had gang members orally rape him while taking pictures. I’m betting most of you aren’t having to go through that ordeal right now. David’s upcoming political run, plus those newly-taken photos floating around are the perfect recipe for trouble. It’s kinda like taking the recipe off this bag of pasta, throwing it all into a microwave-safe dish and beeping it for five minutes. Good TV, good rape scene, and that is what makes for a good night in.”
Hell, I’d buy Bertolli.
At least they’re doing that during the commercials and not in the actual show. I don’t care what they’re pimping during the commercials for HIMYM as long as they don’t cancel it or leave it on the bubble 2 months longer than all the rest of their shows like they did last year.
Let’s see … you saw the ad, remembered it, and took action because of it? WTF indeed!
There is actually a good article about this ad campaign in today’s (Oct. 21) Wall Street Journal.
Actually I posted this immediately after seeing the commercial. Saying I remembered it is a little bit of a stretch, but I see your point. Then again, I don’t suddenly have a craving for the products either.
I love your Shield scenario!
Haven’t seen them, but my sister went to school with Lara Spencer. Their lives are a little different. ;-)
At least the commercial relates to what is actually on the network at the time; it seems like a really great idea. I seem to recall a car commercial or something a while back that tried that, but I can’t remember what it was, so it didn’t make much of an impact, I guess.
I could go for some Bertolli. Its not bad sauce, actually. However, EVERY TIME I watch Twister, the movie, I have to have a steak after watching all devour them in between tornadoes. That’s good eatin!
I love the screengrab. It’s hilarious.