CliqueClack TV

Quotation Marks: TV’s quotes of the week

We know you guys can’t watch every show (though if you’re like us at CliqueClack, you do your darndest to accomplish that feat). At any rate, in case you miss a show or two, we solemnly vow to bring you the best quotes right here. Our round-up this week:

“I love this burger so much, I want to sew my ass shut.” – Herb, How I Met Your Mother

“I’m no meteorologist, but it’s raining bitches!” – Cleveland, Family Guy

“She let me put my train set in her back room.” – Herb, Two and a Half Men

“I’m being awesome. You’re supposed to be the usher. That was the plan.” – Hiro to Ando, Heroes

“You know someone else my age with a body like this?” – Edie to the other housewives wondering if it’s really her, Desperate Housewives

Denny: “Last week big tobacco, this week big pharmaceutical.”
Alan: “Why not go out swinging?”
Denny: “Who says we’re going out?”
Alan: “I read somewhere you should live every year as if it’s your last.”
Denny: “Really, I can’t imagine this is our last year. Aren’t there still some time slots we haven’t tried?”
Boston Legal, on this being the show’s final season

Dan: “What’s your father like?”
Chuck: “Me. Only older and meaner.”
Gossip Girl

“Look on the bright side … ComicCon is only nine months away.” – Sheldon, The Big Bang Theory

“Renaissance faires aren’t about historical accuracy. They’re about taking chubby girls who work at Kinkos and lacing them up in corsets so tight their bosom jumps out and say, ‘Howdy.’ – Wolowitz, The Big Bang Theory

“It’s amazing how many super-villains have advanced degrees. Graduate schools should probably do a better job screening those people out.” – Sheldon, The Big Bang Theory

“The formula for root beer. I thought I might make some in the lab tomorrow.” – Walter, when asked by Peter what he’s rattling off at 3 a.m., Fringe

“Either get back on top of me and shut up, or keep talking and watch me walk out that door.” Charlotte to Cooper, Private Practice

“If I don’t go into that office every day, who am I?” – Freddy, Mad Men

“I left the church and took this job so I wouldn’t have to smile and nod and pretend to care about other peoples’ problems. When you sent me to Munich to fire all those people and close down that factory … that was fun.” – Brian to Tripp, Dirty Sexy Money

Jamie Kennedy (discussing his girlfriend’s baby-talk to him): “No man wants parts of their body referred to as a noodle.”
Bonnie Hunt: “Not even al dente.”
- The Bonnie Hunt Show

5 Responses to “Quotation Marks: TV’s quotes of the week”

October 3, 2008 at 5:57 PM

The “Train set” quote isn’t from Charlie. It’s from Herb (Ryan Stiles), Judith’s new husband, and just to spoil the fun even more it was about a real train set :-)

October 4, 2008 at 12:05 AM

Sebastian – So noted and changed. Thank you! And damn, a real train set? What fun is that?

October 4, 2008 at 2:11 AM

I really liked this post with a little something from every show. Nice. A poll would be neat too for favorite show of the week or best line of the week.

October 4, 2008 at 3:37 AM

One word from the Shield: badussy

October 4, 2008 at 6:14 AM

great post!!! i¨m with the first one :) (Barney Stinson)

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