(Season 3, Episodes 1 & 2 – Season Premiere)
How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?” – Sylar
First, to clarify, tonight encompassed two episodes: The Second Coming and The Butterfly Effect. Both flowed seamlessly into one another, and a few major plot points were revealed. Check out my live blog of the episodes here.
My first thought is that Heroes is darker, grimmer, and more violent than ever before. During the live blog, I commented a few times that the storyline seemed apocalyptic, as if the show is trying to prepare us for the end of times. Ok, maybe that’s a little melodramatic, but that’s how it seems. Heroes has always been about good vs. evil, and they’ve definitely ramped up the evil component this season.
The one-hour sneak peek which aired prior to the show promised that viewers wouldn’t have to know anything about the characters or storyline to get immersed in the episodes. I couldn’t disagree more! The story was all over the place, and even die-hard fans I’ve talked to said they were confused. Thank goodness I have it DVR’d, so I can go back and watch it again. (SPOILERS AHEAD)
Heroes is definitely a show that keeps us on our toes. If you blink, you might miss a crucial plot-point that could have you scratching your head for the entire season.
For me, the major plot twists tonight: 1) Peter’s return from the future – a grim future “where people like us were hunted,” he tells Nathan; 2) Nikki’s personality change into Tracy Strauss, assistant to politicians; and 3) Angela Petrelli’s revelation that she’s Sylar’s mom. Wait … what?
From what I’ve read, this season is all about the villains, and based on tonight’s episode, it will be one grim, violent ride. Between Claire having her head sliced open and brain re-arranged and people being set on fire, I’m guessing that avid viewers — including me — will need some sort of group therapy to get through the season.
And could the product placement have been any more blatant? When Matt wakes up in Africa and complains about no cell phone coverage, the tribal guy says, “Should have gone with Sprint.” What?!!!! Sheesh…
What about you? Are you groovin’ on the season so far?
Loved it!
And Sylar thought he had mommy issues before!
The problem with the time travel stuff is that it gets complicated. Peter comes back to shoot his brother in the chest? How about come back about 5 mintues earlier and tell him he will really F up the world big time if he spills the beans about the powers.
The Mohinder story line is not working for me. The “if everyone is special, then no one will be” a la Buddy from the Incredibles is just a little too much. He is my least favorite character in the whole ensemble with Parkman a close second.
It’s early yet. It’s still a great show to watch.