Win passes to see Fruitvale Station in DC

CliqueClack want to give you a chance to see the critically acclaimed film ‘Fruitvale Station’ before anyone else in DC. Find out how to enter the drawing!
The commenting period for this contest has expired. Winners will be notified by email.
CliqueClack has partnered with The Weinstein Company and Allied Integrated Marketing to offer our readers in the DC area an opportunity to attend an advance screening of the critically acclaimed true story Fruitvale Station on Tuesday, July 16, 7:30 PM at Regal Gallery Place. Fruitvale Station follows the true story of Oscar Grant (Michael B. Jordan), a 22-year-old Bay Area resident who wakes up on the morning of December 31, 2008 and feels something in the air. Not sure what it is, he takes it as a sign to get a head start on his resolutions: being a better son to his mother (Octavia Spencer), whose birthday falls on New Year’s Eve, being a better partner to his girlfriend Sophina (Melonie Diaz), who he hasn’t been completely honest with as of late, and being a better father to Tatiana (Ariana Neal), their beautiful four year-old daughter. Crossing paths with friends, family, and strangers, Oscar starts out well, but as the day goes on, he realizes that change is not going to come easily. His resolve takes a tragic turn, however, when BART officers shoot him in cold blood at the Fruitvale subway stop on New Year’s Day. Oscar’s life and tragic death would shake the Bay Area — and the entire nation — to its very core.
To enter the contest, simply leave a comment telling us why you want to see this film. 30 winners will be chosen on Sunday, July 14 completely at random from the comments — one comment per person. Duplicate entries will be discarded. Winners will be notified by email. Please note that passes do not guarantee you seats at the screening. Seating is first come, first served to please plan to arrive early. CliqueClack has no control over the number of passes distributed or seating at the theater. Good luck!
Looks like a great, well acted film,.
I would love to see Fruitvale Station in DC. I have tried in my life to do a good deed everyday of my life no matter how bad things are with me at the time. I do feel that this would be a movie I would really enjoy and could relate to. I have had a tuff time just like a lot of people but try to still hold my head up.
I would like to attend the screening in the DC area.
I would like to see Fruitvale Station because I remember that event having spent New Year’s Eve in the Southeast San Francisco Bay Area that same year. It was a sad story to learn about on the first day of the New Year.
Washington, DC venue, please
Would love to see this in DC thanks!
I would love to see this film because it looks inspiring.
I’ve heard great buzz about this film and would like to see it.
I would like to see this film because I’ve heard great things about it. I also think that it is important to support the film as it tells the story behind an actual event.
I am such a fan of TRUTH and a supporter of any oppotunity and outlet that allows the truth to be told through the eyes of credible witnesses and participants. Often the media’s portrayal of what happens is one sided and/or skewed this movie gives an inside look at a day in the life of regular folks trying to survive in an irregular society.
Would like to attend the Washingon, DC screening please.
I want to see this because of the compelling story. I believe it will be life-changing for many. I need to see this movie.
Because that’s my hometown and this is a very, very important film.
Can’t wait to see this and know it will be Oscar worthy
This film looks like it will be heartfelt and full of struggle and passion to survive.
Have been a big fan of Michael b Jordan since The Wire
Michael B Jordan is a great actor
He was great in Chronicle
This is a great story that deserves to be told–and seen. Sometimes that’s all the reason I need to want to see a film!
Heard it is one of the best films of the Summer.
A tragic story that needs to be heard. I have heard good things about this film and would like to see the film and take my soon to be 20 year old son. I am always aware of the danger that lurks in my community, the black community, and I am fearful that my son could one day be a target just because of the color of his skin. Thanks for sharing this important opportunity and hopefully to create a dialouge about what is happening to our children.
Octavia Spencer is a wonderful actress and the fact that the plot centers around the real life of Oscar Grant, a 22-year-old man who was killed on new year’s day and the refusal of the police to acknowledge any wrongdoing totally baffles me when this horrific crime was in plain sight of so many and caught on tape.
I am not one to go to the movies often, but this is an opportunity I don’t want to miss. When I first heard about the movie I was reminded of Oscar as well as Kenneth Chamberlain, Sean Bell killed right before his wedding, Amadou Diallo and countless others who have been senselessly killed at the hands of law enforcement. It is important to know these stories do that the memories of those lost so young and senselessly do not fade.
I’m always intrigued by movies which are true stories.
I wanna see this because It’s based on a true story and looks like it’s gonna be a great movie!
I would like to see this movie because it touched my heart.
Hear it is a sad, true story. Excited to see Michael B. Jordan on the big screen.
Saw the main character in “The View” , would love to see this movie since it is a true story
I’ve heard the movie is amazing and I love Michael B. Jordan.
I’m a big Octavia Spencer fan. I feel in love with her comedy talent in a great but canceled show called Halfway Home. I would really like to see this movie.
It sounds like an interesting movie. But not one I want to dish out 10 dollars for.
I want to see this movie because it looks simply amazing and familiar with the director of this film
It looks amazing. Thanks!
Looks like a moving film, and I love Michael B. Jordan.
This movie looks like it is going to be a big hit in the box office!
I’ve been a fan of Michael B. Jordan since Friday Night Lights
A really inspiring film that I would love to see.
This looks like a really great movie I would love to see it.
Washington DC please
I feel like I’ve been waiting for this movie all year. Would love to see it early.
I’d like to get a headstart on my Oscar watching.
Having the truth in black and white is what the people need to see. I would love to see this movie with my son.
I never heard about this incident until the movie surfaced so I would like to see the movie to see more of the story.
I would like to see this movie and witness the drama.
A story that needed to be told – I wanna see it
I have been determined to see this movie since it first was talked about! Fingers crossed for passes!
I’ve been hearing great buzz from people I trust in my film group re FRUITVILLE Station and would love to screen it before it opens & share my thoughts in social media and DCdigest.
Oops, a Seri correction for typo on my previous post re name of film. Seri on iPhone 5 always 2nd guesses names.
i would love to see this movie
I love going to the movies… especially when it’s free.
Sad story. Looks like a powerful film.
This looks like a special film, I’d really love to see it in Washington D.C.!
I want to see this movie because the topic interests me.
This looks like a moving story anchored by a strong cast. Can’t wait to see it.
This is a story that needs to be told and I am so glad that is going to be shown to the wider public. Originally from Berkeley CA. i remember when this tragedy happened. It brings me great joy to see some light and respect is being shown to the memory of this young man and his family.
I would like passes to the screening. Been a fan of Michael Jordan since I saw him on an episode of “House, M.D.”
Also find it impressive he has turned to acting after his impressive basketball career.
Unfortunately, I hadn’t heard of Oscar Grant’s story prior to Fruitvale Station.
Perhaps, I was living under a rock at the time, but I feel an urgent need for myself and others to see this movie. A day that was meant for celebration was turned into a tragic one of heartache for Grant’s family and friends. It’s a must-watch really…
Baltimore or Hanover please! I heard this movie is based on a compelling true story!
Please read the article. This is for DC only.
The cast look great! DC Market please.
Can’t wait to see it
USA Today has a story on how Octavia Spencer helped finance this film as well as star in it. I want to see this story and hope that it will have a great impact on the community.
I think Michael B. Jordan is a great actor and will really get to show people what he can do other than the small roles he has had in the past.
The story line is something I think most can relate to whether its happened to them or not. So many of us really want to see this movie in the DC area.
I never even heard of the incident till I saw the screening for it, I decided to do some research and it’s making my heart heavy and my eyes are swelled with tears. The whole situation is tragic and could have been averted…I just want to see his final moments with his family, where he was trying to make a change. Sometimes that’s what we all want to do, but unless you exclusively seclude yourself from all around, it’s really hard to.
I would love to win tickets to see Fruitvale Station because 1. It’s limited release and I won’t likely get a chance to see it any time soon, otherwise 2. It’s a film by a first time black director, so I have to go and show my support 3. My deep belief that in light of the scaling back of affirmative action and the recent striking down of key elements of the Voter’s Rights Act , that this country needs a reminder about the fact that race still does matter and Trayvon Martin and Oscar Grant paid with their lives because of it. 4. I just really want to see this movie. Thanks!
I would love to see this story told. From what I’ve been researching about the movies character Oscar Grant this was a senseless murden and it crazy how the officer got off so light. Yes he had a troubled past but that particular night it wasn’t him making trouble Ana for the officer to be that aggressive and get off light really kills me inside and makes me worry about the judicious system and weather of not the laws are made to protect the people or cove up it law enforcement. At the end of the day this young man’s story needs to be told and the world needs to see what’s going on and make sure this comes to an end!!! I would also love to see my favorite actor Michael B. Jordan and actress Octavia Spencer performances in this movies as well, because the look like they did an amazing job in the previews!!!
I’m from Oakland & want to see the movie ASAP! Thx!
I would like to see this move, tickets please!
I would love to see this movie about a true story, the trailer intrigued me.
I would love to see this movie because it’s based on a true story.
This movie is important to see as it will provide a direct line of sight on our social responsibility in society to be fair to all human beings regardless of economic status, color of skin, or past quandaries in life. I would like tickets for the Washington, DC area.
This looks like it’s going to be a fantastic movie!!
This looks like a great movie and I’m a huge fan of Michel Jordan (ever since he was on The Wire).
I’d love to see Fruitvale Station! I love to support black films and this looks very interesting
I’d love to see Friutvale Station because I’m highly intrigued by the director’s creative process (down to production deisgn) and I aspire to make a film like this!
I would like to win tickets
After my 7 year old AA daughter being told last week by a Caucasian 8 year old girl that she could not play with her because, “Her mother did not allow her to play with Black people” and then the mother not acknowledging where it came from, I need to see everything I can to help me with how I am processing this race relations thing. I want so bad to blog about the Homeschool group but don’t want my location to end up with the bad press. I need a Fruitvale movie in my life.
I would really like to take my mother to see this movie. Octavia Spencer is one of her favorite actresses.
This movie looks like pure brilliance. I would be honored to be given the opportunity to experience it.
Looks like a great movie! Love Forest Whitaker!
Love Michael B. Jordan’s work. Can’t wait to see this one next!
I want to see this film…with my 12 yr old son, to show him life is not always easy…even if you try to do the right thing. The bubble his lives in..needs a big hint of reality. I think it would be good for not only opening up dialogue about the subject matter , but to show….life can be rough….and its how you deal with what you are dealt that matters.
I want to see this movie because it looks like a great movie and the fact that it’s about a true story makes it sound even more interesting.
Can’t wait to see this film, and discuss its implications with friends (or strangers). Seems like this will be a film where we’ll continue the conversation IRL and via social media.
I am inspired not just by this emotional story, not just by the dynamic of a father and daughter, but more by the performance that Michael B. Jordan will give us. I am that African American male, I am that father and by strokes of luck or divine intervention I am in the enviable position of. Counselor. It is my desire to help young people to make positive choices, and this story represents the impact that one could have on a community.I will watch this film regardless of the contest and am sure that I will leave with a tear in my eye and a fire in my heart.
It sounds like a compelling story, based on the everyday tragedies of life that unfortunately has become so many people’s reality.
I would love to see this movie. For one, it tells a story that needs to be told and that many have yet to hear, the story of the murder of Oscar Grant by BART police. In light of recent events going on around this country with the trial of George Zimmerman for the murder of Trayvon Martin, it is good to know that films are being made in this country about the pressing issue of race and class inequality that still exist in and effect this country today. Also, I’ve been wanting to see this film since I first heard of it going into production.
I’m from San Francisco and was in the East Bay the night that Oscar Grant was shot. I remember reading headlines the next morning and the shock that pervaded the campus and the entire local community for weeks after that. Oscar Grant’s death is part of my own history and I would really, really like the opportunity to see how the incident has been rendered for the big screen, especially considering no other movie theaters are playing it!
I need to make myself go to see this film, though i know it will be painful. After working in Chicago with teens and young adults, I heard about and saw situations that could have turned into this one, easily. I remember when this happened and I do want to see how they handle it in the film. Octavia Spencer’s heart is in the right place. DC market
Ive been following this movie since sundance and i love michael b jordan as an actor.
I hope to take my wife–pregnant with our first child–to this screening. It’ll set the right tone: his first film won’t be some forgettable Hollywood blockbuster; it’ll be Fruitvale Station.
Date night for my wife and I! Would love to see this movie!
Looks really good!!!!
I want to win!
I think movies like this show the struggle this country really has with race. I would love to see it.