Win passes to see White House Down in DC, Baltimore and Norfolk

Want to see Channing Tatum save President Jamie Foxx before anyone else? Find out how to win a free pair of passes to ‘White House Down’ in DC, Baltimore or Norfolk.
The commenting period for this contest has ended. Winner will be notified by email.
CliqueClack has partnered with Sony Pictures and Allied Integrated Marketing to give our readers in DC, Baltimore and Norfolk a chance to see Channing Tatum and Jamie Foxx in White House Down before anyone else! The screenings will take place as follows
- Tuesday, June 25, 7:00 PM, AMC Mazza Gallerie, Washington, DC
- Tuesday, June 25, 7:00 PM, AMC Loews White Marsh, Baltimore, MD
- Tuesday, June 25, 7:00 PM, AMC Lynnhaven, Norfolk, VA
Please read and follow the rules very carefully before entering this contest.
- Simply leave a comment with your city of choice.
- ONE entry per person. Multiple entries will be disqualified.
- Spell check and double check your email address before submitting your entry. We cannot contact you if you enter your information incorrectly.
- There is no need to put your email address in with the comment. This is a public forum, so your email address is delivered to us privately.
- Winners will be selected at random and contacted by email with a special code to claim your passes.
- Contest will run from 10:00 AM, Monday, June 17 to Noon, Saturday, June 22. Winners will be notified by email.
Passes for this event are extremely limited, so please play fairly. CliqueClack has no control over the number of passes that have been allotted by the studio, nor do we have control over seating at the venues. Passes do not guarantee you a seat, so please plan to arrive early as these screenings are overbooked to ensure a full house. Good luck!
Baltimore MD — I want to see what Jamie Foxx is going do.
Washington, DC market please.
Washington, DC please
Washington, DC market please. Thank you Clique Clack!
Baltimore, Market. Thank you.
i want to see at white marsh- baltimore md
would love to see jaime foxx..havent seen him in movies in a while….white marsh please…baltimore maryland
and i love to see tatum too!!!!!!!
Washing DC Market please- excited to see the duo of Channing Tatum and Jamie Fox!
White marsh market please and thank you
Umm I love me some Jamie Foxx.. just watch him on horrible boss… Baltimore, MD
Baltimore, MD. Would absolutely Love to see this, thank you!
It would be nice to check out this movie in Baltimore, MD
I would love to see this in Washington DC!!!
Thank you!!!
Jamie Foxx and Channing Tatum what a great combo.Baltimore please
Washington, dc please. Thank you.
I’d love to see White House Down!
Washington DC market
I’d love to see this.
Baltimore, MD please.
I would love to see this movie in Baltimore, MD please
Thank you in advance!!! AMC Mazza Gallerie, Washington, DC please.
Washington dc please
Washington, DC please! Thank you!!
ummm Channing.. love him… Baltimore, MD please
Tuesday, June 25, 7:00 PM, AMC Mazza Gallerie, Washington, DC
Thanks! DC please
I would like to see this movie at the White Marsh/Baltimore area please
Love to see this in Norfolk
I forgot to put Norfolk
Looks awesome. Pick me please. Norfolk area
I am hoping to win tickets for Norfolk, VA
Love to see this movie in Norfolk.
Washington DC please. Thank you
Love to see Channing! Norfolk
I dont think I left a comment for this post. This looks like it will be great like Olympus has fallen. Please hit me up in norfolk/va. Beach, Va!!!
Would love to have passes to see Channing in Norfolk, VA.
My wife and I would love to get passes for White House Down in Norfolk, Virginia.
I would love to see this in Virginia Beach!
I would love to take my nephew to see White House Down in Norfolk VA.
I would love to take my granddaughter to see this movie in Norfolk Virginia.
Lokks like Olympus Has Fallen which I really liked
Would really love to see it in Norfolk
Baltimore please
My type of movie – for Norfolk
Can’t go wrong with Jamie Foxx in Norfolk
I’ll be on the edge of my seat in Norfolk
White Marsh, Maryland
This movie looks ridiculously insane and it is my most anticipated movie of the summer! Id love to go!
Baltimore, MD please!!
Can’t wait to see like but looks like a summer repeat Norfolk Va please. Xox
Norfolk Virginia please,
never been inside th white house three houres from norfolk
Any tickets left for Norfolk?
This is a random drawing, as stated above, to be held on Saturday. No passes have been awarded yet.
Norfolk market would work great for me
Hope Channing does more acting than Magic Mike
Norfolk please
Looks great from the previews – for Norfolk
Been looking forard to this movie in Norfolk
Tickets for Norfolk would be most appreciated
This looks like it is going to be a great movie!
AMC Norfolk
cant wait to see in norfolk
Would love to see this in Norfolk, va
I would like to see it in Norfolk, Va
Would be great to see this in Norfolk, Va
I would like to attend the screeinging in Washington, DC .
Thank you
OMG I want to see this so bad!! Kick-a$$ action all the way!
Baltimore MD please!
Soooo want to see this! Channing is the hottest action star! Cant wait to see him blow bad guys away in this! Baltimore, MD screening. Love you guys!
Baltimore white marsh
Washington, DC, please
Would love to see White House down in Norfolk, VA
Baltimore please
Norfolk please
My son would love t see it in Norfolk
I wonder if Jamie Foxx would mae a good presdent n Norfolk
Will we be seeing more or less of Channing’s butt in Norfolk?
Norfolk would suit us very nicely
Washington, DC please!
baltimore market please
Baltimore, please
Washington, DC
Baltimore, please
Baltimore, please
Norfolk please!
Washington, DC please!!
White Marsh please
Virginia beach tickets please
You have already entered this contest. ONE entry per person please!
2 for lynnhaven mall Virginia beach
ONE entry per person! You have already entered this contest.
Virginia beach showing please
Washington DC area please
White Marsh Please!!!
Washington dc thanks!
Norfolk, please.
Baltimore, MD please!
Washington, DC!!!
i need passes for Lynnhaven showing ◾Tuesday, June 25, 7:00 PM, AMC Lynnhaven, Norfolk, VA
i am so glad you guys offer this, thanks so much for this opportunity. I appreciated THe Movies, the love of my life. i go 3-4 times a week. Its the best getaway for anybody…. please enter me, thanks so much, cyndi
I would love to see this movie at Mazza Gallerie in DC, please!
Washington, DC.
at Washington, DC
Thank you
Washington DC — Let’s get infoxxicated!!!!
Baltimore please!
Norfolk, let’s go see White House Down!
Washington, DC…..please, and thank you:)
AMC Loews White Marsh, Baltimore, MD
Would love to see this movie in Norfolk VA
I would love to see this movie in the Baltimore market please. Thanks for the opportunity.
DC please. Thanks
Baltimore, MD
Washington D.C!!!!!!!!
Washington, DC area please. *fingers crossed*
This looks like a ton of fun. Can’t wait!
Norfolk, VA
Baltimore, MD
Looks like a great action thriller. White Marsh/Nottingham would be great.
Baltimore, MD. Please and thank you!
WHITE MARSH, Baltimore, MD Please!
Baltimore please big Jamie Foxx fan
Norfolk, VA- Lynnhaven AMC
Washington DC -Jamie & Channing ROCK
i would love to see it and white marsh please
Washington DC
Washington, DC please!!
Tuesday, June 25, 7:00 PM, AMC Lynnhaven, Norfolk, VA
Action time. Gotta see Jamie Foxx and Channing Tatum kick butt.
Washington, DC
A guy movie finally. Action, action and more action.
Washington, DC
Baltimore. I like movies
Washington DC please
White Marsh, Baltimore, MD please!
Washington DC
Baltimore md please
Definitely want to see this. White Marsh please
I’d like passes for D.C., please.
Can’t wait to see it – Baltimore please!
Baltimore, MD please!
I’d like passes for Baltimore, MD please. Thanks! Good luck to all
Baltimore md please
Baltimore/Nottingham please
Washington, DC market please
Baltimore, MD, please
Norfolk VA. Thanks guys!
Washington, DC.
Thank you so much!!
Baltimore, Md please
Washington DC
Norfolk, VA
DC, please!
Washington DC
Dude any movie with Jamie Fox is a good
Movie and now he acts as the president this
Is going to be awesome. DC tickets please
Washington, DC
DC passes please
Mazza Gallery DC. Thanks
I’d love to see this in Washington DC! Thanks CliqueClack!!
Washington DC!!! Yay!
D.C. please!
Baltimore market
baltimore market
Washington, DC please and thank you
Baltimore market please
Baltimore, MD please.
I’d love passes to see White House down in Baltimore
Lynnhaven, virginia beach, pass the popcorn,too while your at it!
Washington DC please!!
Baltimore, MD. Pretty please with sugar on top.
Baltimore please!
This movie looks awesome!
Norfolk, Va – love to see Magic Mike save the White House!
Tuesday, June 25, 7:00 PM, AMC Loews White Marsh, Baltimore, MD
Baltimore/White marsh market please
Baltimore, Maryland Market…Can’t wait to see Jamie Foxx in a movie again.
Baltimore Loews White Marsh please!
Baltimore, MD, Please !
Baltimore, MD , Please!
Baltimore Pls:)
Would love passes to DC. Thanks
Washington, DC. Hope I get to see it!
Washington DC
baltimore, Md please!
Washington DC, pretty please!
DC, please!!
dc please
White Marsh please, thanks!
Would love White Marsh! Thanks!
Baltimore Market
Washington DC Please!
dc please
Washington DC, please!
Washington, DC
Baltimore please. Hope I am not to late. Hubby wants to see this
As it says in the post, this is a random drawing to be held Saturday, so you’re fine and your name is entered.
Washington, DC pretty please! I am a HUGE Jamie Foxx fan! I met him in 2008 in Aruba at the Soul Beach Music Festival and he was the coolest ever!
This looks like an awesome movie!
DC please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Baltimore please!
Baltimore Market please.
Baltimore Pls
Washington DC market… Thanks guys
Movie looks awesome
Baltimore please
Washington D.C.
DC please
DC area please. thanks
I want to see how this is different from “Olympus Has Fallen.” for the Washington, DC area.
Thank you.
AMC Loews White Marsh, Baltimore, MD
Please and Thank You
Would like passes to White Marsh, Baltimore MD please
Norfolk VA
Norfolk please
Always wondered if Jamie Foxx would make a good president
Can I find out in Norfolk
The previews in Norfolk looked pretty good
Let’s save the president in NORFOLK
Tickets for Norfolk would be awesome
■Tuesday, June 25, 7:00 PM, AMC Loews White Marsh, Baltimore, MD
White Marsh, Baltimore for me please
I would love to see White House Down in Baltimore! Thank you!
Nottingham, MD – This movie looks like a lot of fun!
Washington, DC Please.
Norfolk, Va would be great
Norfolk yes please
DC area, please
Please Norfolk! This movie looks good
Norfolk oh yeah
Would very much like to see it in Norfolk
Jamie Foxx for president. Norfolk market
Tickets for Norfolk please
Looks similar to Olympus Is Down which I really liked – for Norfolk
Seeing White House Down in the Norfolk area would be great
Washington DC!!
Washington DC please
Norfolk? That theatre (AMC Lynnhaven) is actually in Virginia Beach.
It’s considered the Norfolk area by the promotional agency and people from as far as Williamsburg have made the trip. We’re not limiting the entries to one specific city. Are you entering the contest, or just making an observation?
Yes, I’m entering the contest. I just find it interesting that it’s always considered the Norfolk (population: 245,803) area and not the Virginia Beach (population: 447,489 – most populous in Virginia) area.
Just a generalization. We are also having a giveaway for a screening in Hampton, VA as well. Norfolk seems to be a central location for the surrounding areas to pinpoint. Everyone in the area is welcome to enter depending on how far you want to drive.
Washington, DC please and thank you!
Washington DC
ONE entry per person, please! You have already entered this contest. This entry will be discarded.
White Marsh please
I would welcome a pass to see White House Down on Tuesday, June 25th. The duo of Jamie Foxx and Channing Tatum promise to deliver, I think, in this action film
Washington, DC – Mazza Gallery venue, please
Norfolk please!
Been waiting for this one in Norfolk
Let’s kick some terrorist butt – NORFOLK
Norfolk or Virginia Beach pick me pllleeeeaaaassssee
Jamie may make a good presidnt after all. Norfolk
Norfolk por favor
I think I would enjoy this movie if you pick me for Norfolk
Norfolk, Virginia
Desperately want to see this… husband was just talking about it and I went searching for advanced screenings.
Washington, DC; Please and Thank You.
Baltimore, MD
Baltimore/White Marsh, MD. Thanks!
Baltimore, Md.
DC please.
Washington DC please — so I can feel like things are blowing up right outside!
would love to see
White Marsh Balto please
Norfolk / VA Beach area please.
Norfolk, VA ~~~ please & thank yooou! :DDD
this looks really good! Norfolk please.
Washington DC, please!
I could use some much needed action that this movie is sure to include, Please consider me for this movie.
Baltimore, MD
Washington, DC
Washington DC
Very pumped to watch White House Down. WASHINGTON, DC please. Thank you
Washington DC please.
I’m psyched for this movie in Norfolk
Bring it on
Norfolk would be great
I want to see Jamie Foxx get saved in Norfolk
Norfolk is the place for me
Norfolk please
Looks like one we’d really enjoy in Norfolk
Please pick me for Norfolk
I would love to see the movie in Norfolk
Washington DC Please!
Baltimore, MD please – looks like a great film
Would love to see in Baltimore White Marsh!!!!!!!
I would like to see in White Marsh , Baltimore !!!!!!
I want to take my daughter to see this movie! Can’t wait! White Marsh, PLEASE!
Seeing Channing in Norfolk would work for me
Norfolk please
Been waiting for this movie in Norfolk/Virginia Beach
I would like to see it in Norfolk
Norfolk – Virginia Beach Market
Nottingham md area please!
Baltimore Please
DC please
I want to see this in Norfolk, VA!
Channing and Jamie – Norfolk please
Would very much like to see this in the Norfolk area
Want to see Channing kick some bad guy butt in Norfolk
Can’t go wrong with a movie starring Channing
Norfolk area please
Norfolk would be great for us
Hope it’s as good as “Olympus Has Fallen” – Norfolk
been waiting for this to open
Norfolk pleeeeeease
Jamie for president in the next election in Norfolk
White Marsh, Baltimore, MD
Reparations for Vietnam Vets
Righteous Robert
Baltimore Bob
Norfolk please
Would love to see Channing in Norfolk
sure want to see this one. Norfolk
Norfolk/Virginia Beach market
Count me in for tickets in Norfolk
Washington DC please!
Washington,DC Please! i need these tickets!
Sure would love to see it in Norfolk
Channing & Jamie will team up nicely
Norfolk or Virginia Beach would be great
Norfolk for me please
Would love passes.
White Marsh, MD please!
2 passes for Norfolk PLEASE
i want to see the president get rescued in Norfolk
Would like to see White House Down become White House Up
Looks like a good action movie – Norfolk please
Baltimore, MD (AMC Lowes White Marsh)

Baltimore—-love me some channing!!!
White Marsh Theater passes Please!
Norfolk, VA!!
Would love to take my daughter to see her man, Channing !!
And we’d love to enter you into the drawing. However, you didn’t follow the instructions. Re-read the post and try again.
Hey, hey.…over here in norfolk, va!
Washington, DC. Thanks.
Washington, DC I would to see this movie in advance
Want to compare it Olympus has fallen
My city of choice is Tuesday, June 25, 7:00 PM, AMC Loews White Marsh, Baltimore, MD