Win free passes to see This Is the End in Baltimore, DC and Norfolk

The end of the world is no laughing matter, but ‘This Is the End’ aims to change all that. You can find out just how funny it is by winning free passes to an advance screening of the film in Baltimore, DC or Norfolk. Read on to find out how to enter … before it’s too late.
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CliqueClack has partnered with Sony Pictures and Allied Integrated Marketing to offer readers in the Baltimore, DC and Norfolk areas free passes to an advance screening of the new must-see comedy of the summer, This Is the End starring Seth Rogen, James Franco, Jonah Hill, Jay Baruchel, Danny McBride, Craig Robinson, Michael Cera and Emma Watson.
Screenings will take place as follows:
- Monday, June 10, 7:00 PM, AMC Mazza, Washington D.C.
- Monday, June 10, 7:00 PM, Cinemark Egyptian, Arundel Mills Mall, Hanover, MD
- Monday, June 10, 7:00 PM, AMC Lynnhaven, Norfolk, VA
Winners for this promotion will be selected at random. The contest runs from Noon, May 28 — Midnight, June 7. Winners will be notified by email by Saturday, June 8. All you need to do to enter is leave us a comment telling us why you want to see the movie. Please take note:
- CliqueClack will email you a unique GoFoBo code to print out a maximum of two Admit One passes. These codes will not be valid for more than one registered GoFoBo account.
- You MUST state which city you want passes for. Comments without this information will not be included in the drawing.
- Please make sure your email address is correct when leaving a comment. Do not post your address in the comment section as this is a public forum.
- ONE comment per person, per email address. Duplicate entries will be discarded.
- Passes do not guarantee you seats at the screening. Advance screenings are overbooked to ensure a full house, so plan to arrive early.
- CliqueClack has no control over the number of passes available or the seating at the theater.
Again, passes are very limited so leave your comments now … before it’s too late!
I want to see it because I like Seth and Johan Hanover md PLZ
I want to see if this movie anything like Superbad. Hanover md.
Great cast, love the actors, want to see this movie, passes, please, Hanover MD !
I would love to see this movie, I love end of the world movies! Baltimore, MD. Thank you.
hanover, md please.. seems like its going to be a good movie since the cast is funny in other movies.
Great cast. Would love to see this movie!!! Hanover please.
Love Johan.. and he looks even better he lost weight… hanover, md..
The movie looks really fun!! Hanover, MD please.
The movie looks like it will be really funny. Hanover, MD please!
Great cast. Looks like a fun movie. Would love to see this movie!!! Hanover please.
I would like to see this film because it brings together the Judd Apatow gang, they are hilarious, and I missed micheal cera in movies. Hanover, MD please
I want to see this movie because what’s better than Danny McBride facing the apocalypse with five of his best friends?!?! Washington, DC market, please. Thank you Clique Clack!
Love all of these actors. Hanover, MD please!
Always love a good movie, especially with Seth. Baltimore please
Would love to see it in Hanover
Looks like it will be hilarious! Would love to see the Hanover, MD screening! Thanks!!
I can imagine with a superstar cast like this the movie is going to be hilarious. I’d like tickets for the Arundel Mills Mall Hanover, MD viewing.
Really looking forward to this one! Baltimore (Hanover) please!
Love the cast and premise of this movie. Passes please for Hanover? Thanks!!
I’ve wanted to see this since I’ve seen it’s preview and also because of the stellar cast involved. Thanks for the chance your giving to get to win the passes to see it!
The passes would be for Baltimore, MD
With this cast can not be anything else but a belly buster. Passes PLEASE! Norfolk, VA
It’s an all-star cast with the best comedians of our time.
Hanover, MD please
I would like to see This is the End because I am curious to see how all these talented actors act like themselves in a film. That alone would be worth the price of admission but I would hope I might first see it for free.
Washington, DC (Mazza Gallery) venue, plesae
man they threw everybody in this movie itd b great to see it early
washington dc screening please
I want to see it in Hanover
I would like tickets to view this movie in Hanover, MD.
hanover please want to see with all the actors involved should be a good one
I want to see the movie b/c of the great cast and the comedy will be plenty. also James Franco wears so many hats, I have to see what he does next.
Washington DC screening
I want to see this movie, passes. Please @ Hanover MD !
As I did with “Olympus has Fallen”, I want to see this movie to try my hand at my second Movie Review. The first is posted up on my facebook page and on GOFOBO (
As I did with “Olympus has Fallen”, I want to see this movie to try my hand at my second Movie Review.
Hanover Maryland would be my preferential location. The first is posted up on my facebook page and on GOFOBO (
Love Jonah hill movies Hanover please
Serb and Jonah rock. Baltimore please
I want to see this because every single actor in this movie…from Jonah Hill to Aziz to Paul Rudd to Emma freaking Watson, is both funny and extremely talented. It’s incredible they’re all in it. WASHINGTON DC
Looks hilarious!
Cinemark Egyptian, Arundel Mills Mall, Hanover, MD PLEASE!!
I always love seeing these types of films!
Two for washington dc please
Thanks for always sharing these type of events with the public!
I would like tickets in D. C. please. Thanks.
Looks like a great cast. Norfolk please
Would love to see this one in Norfolk
Norfolk area. Looks like a good movie
We would like to see it in Norfolk
We like Seth Rogen. Norfolk would be great
Been waiting to see This Is The End. Inm Norfolk please
Please send me to this movie. Thank you
Norfolk area please.
Meant to put Norfolk, sorry
Huge fan of Seth Rogen!!!! I would love to see this movie. Hanover,Md please.
would very much like to see this movie
ready to go send tix
This looks like a funny movie. Please send me, in Norfolk, Va.
Would love to see this in norfolk, va or va. Beach!
looks like a lot of laughs, an a great cast , I would love to see this one in Norfolk,VA
I’d love to see what these comedian would do at the end of the world! (what a great cast!!!). I’d like passes for DC please!
Monday, June 10, 7:00 PM, AMC Mazza, Washington D.C.
i want to see it .. cuz it looks really funny
thanks .. cliqueclack
This looks very funny and has a stellar cast playing extreme versions of themselves. Hanover, MD Egyptian theater please.
Because it has Seth Rogen, James Franco, Jonah Hill, Jay Baruchel, Danny McBride, Craig Robinson, Michael Cera and Emma Watson. I mean come on it has EMMA WATSON and SETH ROGEN in the same movie enough said. Cinemark Egyptian, Arundel Mills Mall, Hanover, MD
I really want to see this movie! I love Emma Watson and James Franco! The story line looks very interesting. I’d like to go to the one in Hanover, MD please. Thank you!
This looks so funny! I think it is a great ensemble cast. I would love to see the Norfolk, VA screening!!
I want to see it in Hanover, MD because I love Jonah Hill and Seth Rogan.
I am stressed out to the max with planning my wedding. I need to let my hair down and get in a good laugh. This movie might be just what I need.
Washington DC
I want to see it because the concept of James Franco, Seth Rogan, Michael Cera, etc. playing themselves in an apocalyptic environment is hilarious. The clip from the trailer with Emma Watson is great and so different from her other roles (Harry Potter movies, Ballet shoes, etc.). I’ve seen Watson in every movie she’s done, so I would love to see this one in Baltimore, MD. Thank you!
I would love to see this movie in Norfolk, Va.
I would LOVE to see this movie. I am in the Norfolk area.
DC Please. Would love to see this. Thanks.
Great Cast! Looks like a great movie – DC market please.
DC market – I want to see the funny because I’ve heard that it is hilarious.
I love everyone in this movie. I would prefer DC passes, then Hanover.
I want to see it because I like Seth and Johan Hanover md PLZ
love emma watson movies movie looks good
hanover please
The cast is to die for !!!
Hanover Pleaseee
James Franco, Seth Rogan, Jonah Hill, Danny McBride, and Craig Ferguson… How can you go wrong? They’re all hilarious! Would like to see it in Hanover, MD please.
Can’t wait to see this movie Hanover
I would love to go see this one! I loved Pineapple Express, Super Bad, Knocked Up, all theses guys movies!! I know this movie will have me laughing off my seat!! I would love tix to see it Monday, June 10, 7:00 PM, AMC Lynnhaven, Norfolk, VA
i would like passes for the Norfolk, VA AMC Lynnhaven on Monday June. please email me a code at thanks, cyndi swain (Virginia Area) i really want to see this movie. thanks, again i love this website.
i would like passes for the Norfolk, VA AMC Lynnhaven on Monday June. please email me a code at thanks, cyndi swain (Virginia Area) i really want to see this movie. thanks, again i love this website. NORFOLK, VA please.
sorry i did two (norfolk), thanks, cyndi swain
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I would like to see if because there are a lot of good comedians this. It’s bound to be hilarious. Hanover, MD tickets please. Thank you
Ever since I read the initial synopsis of the film I knew this was going to he one of those comedies that didn’t ride a line. I’d either love it or hate it and after the surprisingly funny Hot Tub Time Machine, Craig Robinson has an impact on “Funny or not”
Hanover, MD please :3
I want to see this in case I need to know what to do when the world is ending. Also it looks hilarious!
-Washington DC
Movie seems funny! Has great actors in it. It’s a must see.
I’d love to see it. Washington DC please.
Hanover md PLZ. I love Pineapple Express so would love to see what the crew is up to.
I hear it is a fun, funny movie. I know the actors are all good at making me laugh. So they must be really great in this movie. I want to GO to the Baltimore, MD movie please.
Would like to see this movie, because it might be the funniest movie of the year.
Washington, DC
So many good actors I like are in this movie. And it looks hilarious so I want to see it!!! DC market please!!
i love. all of the actors most of them are in knocked up i really want to see
these baltimore please
I want to see it cause all those guys are extremely funny n I could use a laugh right now. Hanover please.
Love to see the movie at Hanover. Franco is the best!
I would like to see this movie because I need something to laugh about.
Washington DC market
I want to see this movie because is almost the same cast of Pineapple Express movie (and I love Pineapple Express) and I really think this movie will be the comedy of the year!.. Hanover MD!
What a great concept. Would love to see this movie. These guys are hilarious.
How can this not be the funniest comedy of the year! Can’t wait to see it! Washington DC
Would love to see This Is The End in Norfolk, VA please! Can’t wait to see it. It looks hilarious and has some of my favorite comedians!!
I would love to see The End in Hanover, MD. Cinemark Egyptian. I am a big Franco fan.
I would love to take my mom to see this at Hanover, Baltimore location. Please!
Would love to see this movie because of the cast and laughter is the BEST medicine. Hanover, please! Thanks!
OMG, who doesn’t need to see an awesome comedy!! Cinemark Egyptian in Hanover, please : )
I would like to see this film in DC because I need a good laugh. Laughter is like jogging for the internal organs…
Looks hilarious! Please give me tickets for the Washington DC show!
I would like passes for the D.C. screening. Why? Because I’ve been trying to see this for over a month, finally got passes but After Earth was screening same day, didn’t get in and was blown that I could have seen it yesterday, found another code today, but passes are all gone…shall I go on??
I want to see this movie because with an All-Star cast like no other, this is the Expendables of Comedy ,like this how could anyone not want to see this!!! Plus i want to see who gets the Milkyway hahaha..
I would like tickets for the : Monday, June 10, 7:00 PM, Cinemark Egyptian, Arundel Mills Mall, Hanover, MD PLEASE
I would Love to see this comedy movie because it’s meaning to be scary but turns out to be funny and I love this type of humor. Because everything is taken waaaay to serious these days and we all can use a good laugh in todays world. Life is to short so laugh when you can laugh
Janet B,
Baltimore Market
I’ve always wondered what Hermione would do in an end-of-the-world situation.
Hanover, MD please
I want to see this movie because I’m a Craig Robinson completist
Washington, DC
I would love to see this movie at Mazza Gallerie please. We saw Craig Robinson in “Peeples” and would love to see him in this movie as well. He is hilarious! Thank you!
Comedy is a cure-all. When everything else is going wrong, you can take a moment to laugh.
Washington, DC
This movie looks like it is going to be hilarious!! Love that Emma Watson is in the movie. I would love to see it at AMC Norfolk .
Handover, MD woot woot!
Big fan of James Franco! Hanover please!
I loved Pineapple Express and I know this movie will be hilarious! I would love to see the screning at Hanover, MD please!
With a great group of funny comedians in this movie, it’s a must see movie!
Hanover, MD please.
Thanks in advance!
Awesome, 2 passes for Virginia Beach, VA
Craig Robinson’s time is long over due! Hanover/Baltimore)
Hanover, please!!
I would like to watch this because I’m a fan of James Franco and would love to see if their being friends bring them back together. Thanks!
Everyone knows the world is gonna end and in the end where will you be? I would love to see this movie to learn tips and techniques on how-to survive “THE END”. There is no doubt in my mind that Seth Rogan and James Franco are two men that can teach me highs of life when faces the low of the world ending.
AMC Mazza, Washington D.C.
Good Travels and Happy Hunting!
This movie would be great to see because of the all-star comedic cast. Washington, DC
Would like to attend the Washington, DC (Mazza) screening of “This is the end” because of the cast. Should be great to see them interact with each other.
I want to see this movie because I survived the Rapture and the Mayans dooms days, so it would be nice to see what The End really looks like.
Looks like this will be a hilarious movie!
Washington, DC
This movie looks like it will have me laughing in tears.
Washington, DC
I would love to see THIS IS THE END In the Washington Dc area
Because nothing else in the world matters more than getting laid and it would help me get laid if I got early passes smh ! My girl loves stuff like that. Blessings
Norfolk, Va.
The movie is something that my 17 year old son has been talking about and he really wants to see it and if I get two tickets then him and I can have some time together and we really need that and I also think the idea of the actors playing with their own names is great Norfolk Va is the location thanks
I’d love to take my friend to watch this movie for Norfolk, VA!
Looks like this could be an instant classic! Please send me to the Hanover MD screening!
Best ensemble cast of the summer makes this a must-see film.
I would like tickets for the Hanover, MD June 10th screening.
Thank you.
I would love to see this in Norfolk, VA..Thanks
I want to see this movie because when I watch the walking dead I think “what would happen if the gang met and killed a zombie who was a celebrity?” I have always wanted to know what happens to celebrities during an apocolypse.
I’ve been watching some of these guys since Freaks and Geeks. The cast is hysterical and I’d love to see it early in Washington, D.C. @ Mazza.
I love James Franco’s acting; this movie looks like it might be hilarious. I’d like to see what this director’s perspective take of the end of the world might be. Please send me free movie passes for a screening happening in Washington, DC!
Mazza please!
Like to see this in DC area….cooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllll.
Would love to see this in Baltimore or Hanover MD! PLEEEAAASE!
Been waiting long to see this movie
Looks great! Hanover MD please!!
This movie looks like a LOL movie! Would love to get tickets for the Norfolk screening =)
I would love to see this movie in Hanover, Md
Can’t wait to see this – looks so funny! And DC please!
I want to see it because of the bromance between Seth Rogen and James Franco!
I would like passes for the Monday, June 10, 7:00 PM, AMC Mazza, Washington D.C! thank you!
I would like passes for DC
With a cast like this, I expect nothing but comedic diarrhea. I am sooooooo wearing my laughing diapers and would love to go. Plus I LOVE James Franco!!! Monday, June 10, 7:00 PM, Cinemark Egyptian, Arundel Mills Mall, Hanover, MD please!
I want to see this movie at the AMC Mazza because these actors are all hilarious and it will be interesting to see them playing themselves… or at least a version of themselves!
I would love to see this movie. The cast looks great and I’m sure it will be hilarious.
The Baltimore (Hanover) screening please.
Thank You
Because it has the best cast a pothead could dream of lol Hanover
Hanover, MD Glad to see the group back together for another hilarious movie!
I need some pointers on what to do before the end! Hanover, MD
After paying hard earned money to see the sorry Hangover III, hopefully a free screening of This Is The End will
turn my frown into a laugh. It’s easier to name who is not in the movie. A hell of a cast. If my name is selected i’m
in the D.C. area.
If the world is going to end soon then i have to see this before its all over in DC
I really want to see this funny Movie in Virginia Beach, VA june10th.
I’m NiK. Would like passes to the DC screening @ Mazza Gallery. I think this movie lightens and brings humor to a very serious occurrence.
I’m NiK. Would like passes to This is the End screening in DC @ Mazza Gallery. I think this movie lightens and brings humor to a situation that is quite serious.
Washington D.C
So many funny people in one movie, how could this not be a hilarious movie. Hanover, MD
The cast is filled with hilarious actors, so I know this movie will be great!!!! Hanover, MD
This looks like it’s gonna be awesome, i can’t wait. (Norfolk, VA)
These people are a funnier ,more modern version of the rat pack ! Can t wait to see this ! Lots of twisted desth to look forward to
! DC screening
i want to see this movie because it seems like it will be crazy funny with Jonah, Franco, Seth, and the gang plus i wouldn’t miss seeing this for the the world. -Cinemark Egyptian 24 theater Hanover, MD.
Would love to see this in DC!
I would love to see the Epic Film. It has some of the most funniest and creative geniuses casted. I want to see it in DC please!
I want to see it in Norfolk, VA!!! Pick me
This movie is so hilarious! Sorry, but I wanna see it again in va besch va. Thanx!!!
I love these guys. They’re all hilarious.
Norfolk, VA
Would LOVE to see this because it looks absolutely hilarious and has a great cast! Washington DC, please!
Tickets for Norfolk would be much appreciated
Just love a good comedy. Norfolk area please
Great cast. Would like to see it in Norfolk
I want to see the movie because of the actors and because when I was in college, my roommate/best friend would like to talk about what we would do if it was the end of days (this usually happened when a big assignment was due and we were praying it was the end).
Washington, DC
I would love to see the movie because its my hubbys bday on Monday and he loves that group of actors. Washington, DC please!
Cinemark Egyptian, Arundel Mills Mall, Hanover, MD
This movie looks so funny! I would love to attend the screening in Washington DC.
Would LOVE to see this movie! Hilarious actors. I would like passes for the Washington DC showing, please! Thank you!
I would LOVE to see this movie (and will travel anywhere to see it). The cast is amazing!!! Washington, D.C. Please!!!!
Would love to enter you into the drawing, but you didn’t follow the directions.
I want to see this movie because what’s better than Danny McBride facing the apocalypse with five of his best friends?!?! Washington, DC market, please. Thank you Clique Clack!
I want to see This Is the End because I love how the actors are all playing themselves, just hanging out. It’ll be like a whole movie comedy podcast!
I want to see This Is the End because I love how the actors are all playing themselves, just hanging out. It’ll be like a whole movie comedy podcast! Washington DC!
I wanna see this movie because it looks like it’s going to be the funniest movie of the summer! Cinemark Egyptian, Arundel Mills Mall, Hanover, MD
I would love to see this movie, I love end of the world movies! Cinemark Egyptian, Arundel Mills Mall, Hanover, MD
Its fun to watch these guys!!!I’m an older person but the fun in watching a movie with these well chosen actors makes me feel invigorated and happy!!!
I want to see this movie because I know this will be the best comedy of the summer. DC Market please
I would really like to see the movie in Washington, D.C. please!
I want to take my sister to see this movie so bad! Monday 06/10 is her birthday and she would love this as a gift! She is absolutely in love with Franco! lol, as for me..i just want to see this movie because it looks HILARIOUS! Also my girl Emma Watson is in this!! Please
Cinemark Egyptian, Arundel Mills Mall, Hanover, MD
Would love to see this movie! It looks hilarious and I haven’t been to the theater in like a year! Please consider me. Arundel Mills in Hanover would be perfect!
I want to see this is the end in D.C., because it has all of today’s best comedians either starring or showing up as a cameo.
All Star cast…. Love all the actors… Norfolk Va
Looks Funny!
Hanover MD Please
Passes for Washington, DC. Thanks!
Hope its not too late for me!! Norfolk puhhhleeeese!!!
I want to see Hermione rob them. Washington, DC please.
I am really intrigued by the concept of having the actors play themselves in this movie. Hopefully, it is just as funny as the red band trailer indicates.
Norfolk, VA please!