The 100: This ever changing world in which we’re living

Every one of the 100 that landed on Earth has been changed by that experience. Now many of the adults are seeing their own change. The ground was supposed to be their salvation, but it is going to shape them into a different people long before they make it their home.
As I was preparing one of the paragraphs in this review, specifically talking about the relationship between Anya and Clarke (and thus the Grounders and the 100), I’d written out the lyric that is now the title of this review before realizing why and where the reference came from. The song “Live and Let Die” feels so ingrained in this episode and the show in general. While I haven’t particularly loved that all of our characters are spread out and disconnected, it has created a situation where alliances and relationships are evolving weekly.
Bellamy and Finn’s changes are a great juxtaposition. When we first met Finn, he was goofing off, floating through the drop ship during re-entry. Most of last season, he was advocating a peaceful approach with the Grounders. Now, he is a cold-blooded murderer. These were the kind of actions that we could have expected out of Bellamy, the boy general of the 100 last season. While his tactical prowess has grown, it’s more his natural leadership that’s the most striking change. While I could still see this Bellamy telling Raven that he’s not the guy to talk her out of revenge sex – he’s not going to change that much – but he is a very different man than the boy he was.
Octavia is on a different path – quite literally – from her brother, but her evolution is no less dynamic. Holding Nyko hostage was one thing, but her (admittedly poor) stalking of Indra’s hunting party was rather badass, but none of that compared to her in battle. She’s got a long way to go before she’s the skilled warrior that the Grounders are, but the respect – albeit grudgingly from Indra – she was shown establishes that she’s on her way. It will only be a matter of time before she’s reunited with Lincoln, whose showing up as a prisoner of the Mountain Men probably wasn’t the big surprise it was meant to be.
Has the ground changed Marcus Kane? His character arc has been a little less clear than others. I was pleased that he did not devolve into a simple mustache-twirling antagonist in season one, as he easily could have. Once we got to know the then Councilor, he was a man who was not afraid of making hard decisions, but one that found himself at the center of those decisions more often than he probably should have. Now acting-Chancellor, there’s no avoiding them. I understand his decision to follow the provisions set forth in the Exodus Charter in Abby’s very public punishment, and his choice to lead a diplomatic mission. But are these changes or was he always this way? If the character had been a smidge more tightly-drawn last season, it would be easier to tell.
An aside: We’ve not seen the last of Major Byrne, who advocated Abby’s punishment. If she stays behind at Camp Jaha where Abby is now in charge in Kane’s absence, they have set up a very interesting dynamic. Not only do they have their more recent conflict, the deep-seeded rivalry between the “Haves” and the “Have Nots” on the Ark is destined to come into play again.
To that end, I’m also curious about the Exodus Charter. With 100 years to sit around, the people of the Ark obviously had a lot of time on their hands to plan for their return. However, the Earth that they have found themselves on is quite different than what they expected. Will the rifts that divided them in space crack through the laws that they established in a (literal) vacuum? Or will the adversity the found on the ground be the crucible that brings them together? Regardless, the myth of Jaha will grow. Will the man find his way back to his people, and more importantly, is he the kind of leader his people need?
Notes & Quotes
- According to Wikipedia, Paul McCartney can’t remember the exactly what the lyric from the song is, so don’t jump on me for getting it wrong in the title.
- “There is no ‘we.’” – Anya
- I love Adina Porter; if you only know her from True Blood, you’re missing out. Her role on The Newsroom is smaller, but she is very good (as is everyone in the secondary cast, but you already know about my love for that show).
- Do the shirts that Jasper and Monty wear in Mount Weather remind anyone of Hypercolor tee shirts?
- There are some nice parallels between the 100 establishing themselves last year and their parents doing so this year. Nice touches and subtle enough that we don’t feel like we’re watching the same arcs repeat themselves.