Be the first to see Star Trek Into Darkness in Baltimore, Norfolk or D.C.

Would you like to be the first to see ‘Star Trek Into Darkness’ for free? CliqueClack has passes for Baltimore, Norfolk and D.C. Find out how to get yours!
CliqueClack has partnered with Paramount Pictures and Allied Integrated Marketing to offer our readers in the D.C. , Baltimore and Norfolk areas free passes to the advance screening of Star Trek Into Darkness, starring Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto and Benedict Cumberbatch.
Screenings will take place as follows:
All you need to do to claim your passes is leave us a comment telling us why you want to see the movie. Please take note:
- CliqueClack will email you a unique GoFoBo code to print out a maximum of two Admit One passes. These codes will not be valid for more than one registered GoFoBo account.
- You MUST state which city you want passes for. We will not reply to comments that do not contain this information.
- Please make sure your email address is correct when leaving a comment. Do not post your address in the comment section as this is a public forum.
- GoFoBo codes are limited and the offer will expire when all codes have been claimed or on the day of the screening.
- ONE comment per person, per email address, per IP address. We want all of our readers to have an opportunity and we do check for duplicate comments.
- If there are passes remaining on the day of screening, those will be distributed to any duplicate comments held in reserve.
- Passes are distributed on a first come, first served basis and do not guarantee you a seat at the screening. Advance screenings are overbooked to ensure a full house, so plan to arrive early.
- CliqueClack has no control over the number of passes available or the seating at the theater.
Again, passes are very limited so leave your comments now!
I would like to see Star Trek because I am a big sci-fi fan.
Washington, DC market please. Thank you Clique Clack!
I’ve been a Star Trek fan since day 1 in 1966. I live in Norfolk. Thanks
I want to boldly go where no man has gone before : In NORFOLK
Beam Us Up To Norfok Mr. Scott
Tsis is a movie for me. Norfolk please
I want to explore space in Norfolk
Send me to the Final Frontier in Norfolk please
I’ve seen t5hem all so I can’t miss the latest especially in Norfolk
Norfolk at warp speed please please
“Make It So” for me in Norfolk
Star Fleet Academy had a fair amount of women graduates. May I see them in Norfolk
Norfolk please. My son is dying to see this one
Norfolk would be appreciate at Warp 9 or any speed
We would really appreciate being able to attend the Norfolk screening
I miss seeing Klingons. Is it possible to see some in Norfolk?
Set phasers on stun for Norfolk
Norfolk would sure be convenient to view this movie
I would just love to see the new Star Trek movie because we LOVED the last one! Norfolk Please!
Baltimore market (Hanover) please, I grew up watching TNG and love the Original Series. I’m so glad Paramount decided to revive the series so today’s generation can be exposed to Roddenberry’s celebration of diversity
I want to see Star Trek because they did such an amazing job with the first one that I have a good feeling about the next one! I cannot think of a better team than Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto. And Benedict Cumberbatch is blowing me away wit what I have seen in the trailers! All this makes Star Trek my summer blockbuster!
Wednesday, May 15, 9:00 PM, Cinemark Egyptian, Hanover, MD
I want to see this because I am a die hard fan of Star Trek- Trailer looks great.
I want to see Star Trek because I love Sci-fi movies!
Hanover MD screening please!
Benedict Cumberbatch seems abosolutely greay in this. DC please
I would love to see the new Star Trek movie because I love the first the first movie. I also went back and watched some of the old tv shows. I am becoming a new Trekkie! Baltimore Market please!
A huge sci-fi fan. DC please. Thanks great opportunity.
I’d like to take a friend who is a long time Trekie fan. DC Screening please.
Thanks for the chance.
Forgot to mention DC screening.
I’ve been a Trek fan basically forever. My grandfather watched the original series, and my family all watched The Next Generation together when I was a kid.
Washington DC
I would love to see Star Trek. I’ve seen all the other ones!
Hanover MD screening please!
I am a Trekkie for life and I loved the first move. Baltimore market please!
Zach Quinto! And a great cast, writer and director! DC please.
I am a die hard Star Trek fan and this looks like a great movie. Great cast! Great trailer. To see it a head of time is a bonus
DC market for me too
I would like to see Star Trek because I am huge Star Trek fan!
Hanover MD screening please!!!
I am a huge Star Trek fan and I am looking forward to this movie. DC screneing market.
I want to see this movie because I thought the last one was the greatest Star Trek movie ever made, and I’m hoping this one will be even better!
Washington DC screening, please!
I like to see Star Trek 2 because I am a fan of Zoe Saldana since she tends to play strong woman roles. Would like passes for AMC Mazza Gallerie, Washington, D.C. Thank you so much in advance!
I would love 2 tickets to the Hanover, MD showing please!!! Thanks!
I’ve been counting down the days for this movie to come out! Would be awesome to see it with other die hard Star Trek fans.
I want to see Star Trek because I’ve seen all the other ones and love the cast
Hanover Md screening please.
I want to see this movie because I thought the last one was the greatest Star Trek movie ever made- DC
I would like to see the movie because my wife is a HUGE Trekkie and I would get plenty of brownie points for scoring advanced screening tickets (as they say happy wife…happy life).
Washington, DC Market
We are huge Star Trek Fans. – DC
I am a HUGE scifi fan. I would LOVE to get passes for the DC screening!
Please and Thank you!
Bring it on DC. Love to watch Star Trek – Greatest movie ever! DC Market please.
I’ve been counting down the days till this movie came out. Would be awesome to see it with other die hard Star Trek fans before everyone else.
Hanover, MD
I wanna see it (in hanover) because… Well, it’s Star Trek.
Huge Trek fan and am really looking forward to this! Would love passes to the Mazza screening in DC – thanks!
Star Trek is my favorite movie. DC market
Mazza Screening Dc – Star Trek Here we come -
I would love to see Star Trek Into The Darkness because I have been a fan of the Star Trek series since I was 4 years old. I’m almost 40 now. Washington, DC Market
I would love passes because I enjoyed the last movie so much. DC please. Thanks.
My husband is the biggest Trekkie! I’d really love to score screening passes for the both of us.
Washington DC please.
Have been following Star trek, since it began,,TV show, all Movies, Baltimore , PLease !
Hanover MD,,Please !
A am definitely a sci-fi buff. Would really like the oportunity to see this in DC please.
Grew up watching the movies andthe series.
DC market please.
I have been a Sar Trek fan since it was a series on TV with Captain Kirk and Spock. Washington, DC market screening please.
Me wants for Baltimore.
I am an original trekker. I used to make my mom get me home every Saturday to watch the show. This movie series is awesome and I can hardly wait to see where they take us this time.
I live in the Hanover MD area.
Want the tickets to take my boy friend. He loves sci fi. DC screening please
This sounds like a really interesting movie. I too have been a fan for many years now. I’d like passes to the D.C. showing please. Thank you.
My father and I spent countless hours in front of a television watching Star Trek. Some of my greatest memories of time spent with him are from our time watching Star Trek.
I’d love to take my son to see this movie. I live closest to the Hanover, MD location.
I want to see Star Trek into Darkness because I loved the last Star Trek so much!
Hanover, MD
I’ve been a Star Trek fan for ages!
Hanover Market please:) Thanks
I would like to see Star Trek Into the Darkness because I have seen all the Star Trek films and enjoyed how much the franchise has evolved into a fabulous panorama of great science fiction storytelling.
Washington, DC venue, please
I want to see Star Trek because I love Sci-fi movies!
Hanover MD screening please!
I am a star trek fan but this looks like a very interesting movie on its own right. I like what J.J. abrams is doing with the reboot of this massive franchise.
AMC Mazza Gallerie, Washington, D.C. please, Thank you.
I want to see Star Trek Into the Darkness because I’ve seen every iteration of Star Trek in film and tv and would love to see the sequel to this new series of movies.
John Kinsella
Loved the last movie. Washington, DC
…uhhh because it looks AWESOME!
Wednesday, May 15, 9:00 PM, AMC Mazza Gallerie, Washington, D.C.
Because I am the biggest start trek fan and have seen all the series and movies.
Washington, DC
I’m a Zachary Quinto completist
I grew up watching the TV series… love it.
Washington DC market
I have no life…need to see this one to continue my exciting life. Baltimore please.
I just watched the first one all over again last night! I love the Star Trek movies! I can’t wait to be one of the few who see it first!
Washington, DC please
I’m a huge Star Trek and Sci-Fi fan
Washington, DC
I am the BIGGEST Star Trek fan!!!!!!! This would be my DREAM COME TRUE to see this before all my friends!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!
Baltimore MD please!!!!!!!
I would love to see this. This first one was just too awesome and this looks equally as good if not better!
Washington, DC Please!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVED the first film, so I definitely would love to see this one. Washington DC please.
I would love to see Star Trek Into Darkeness! I’ve been a follower since I could crawl! This would make my year!!! Awesome!!!!!
I need two for DC! Me and my girlfriend are long time fans!
Baltimore screening
I am a long time trekkie and I love the new iterations of the film. I like how they keep the story continuing across decades. Washington, DC. Thanks!
I want to see it because it’s a great past time with my dad who is a big fan and always wanted me to be a fan. After these movies I could see myself being a fan.
I want to see it because I love sci-fi and the first one was pretty good. DC market please!
I would like passes to see this in DC. I’m a big fan of the first movie and can’t wait to see the sequel.
Washington, DC
This movie looks awesome and the first was better than I expected. The eye candy in the movie isn’t too bad either.
This Trekkie needs to take a trip into darkness.
Washington, D.C.
The original opening date was my daughters birthday, and she really wants to see it. She’s turning 10! DC market please. Thank you!
I have seen all the episodes of Star Trek and I don’t want to miss this one!!!
I’ve been a trekkie all of my known life .
Washington DC
I am a huge sci-fi fan and would love to see this movie!!
Baltimore (Hanover) market please.
Im a hugh FAN.
AMC Mazza Gallerie, Washington, D.C. please
I wasn’t a Star Trek fan until I saw the first movie, nowI I’m hooked!!!!
Washington DC screening please
I would love to see it because I am a life long Trek fan, something passed on to me by my father. It would be great to take him to see the movie early. He would love it!
DC market, please! Thank you!
I want to see Star Trek because I am a fan of J.J Abrams and his directin and this sequel looks like it will be everything. Washington DC Market Plz. Thank You
I love the star wars movies. big Fan. Would love to watch this one.
I would love to see waht happened James T. Kirk and the rest of the crew at the AMC Mazza Gallerie, Washington, D.C.
As a child I looked forward to watching Star Trek. Can’t wait to see this film. DC market.
I have been a Star Trek fan since the 60’s and I’m thrilled that the powers to be have started this new Trek Franchise. I have attended Trek conventions for years and truly I’m one of the original Trekies and would love to see it!.
Washington DC
I would love to see Star Trek in the Washington, DC market.
I love Benedict Cumberbatch in Sherlock.
Chris Pine is fine. That’s why
Loved the first one, can’t wait for the second! Hoping Cumberbatch is Khan! Washington DC market
Star Trek is one of my favorite series. I could watch it morning noon and night. Please, send me passes I am Spoke crazy! Help Me!
I would love to see Star Trek because this is the most brilliant Sci-fi movie that lives for decades!! I am so excited about the new Start Trek!!
Washington DC please!!!
My husband is a huge Star Trek fan and I’d love to win these tickets for him! Hanover screening please
I’d love to see Star Trek in DC because I’m a huge fan of the television series and original films!
I love Star Trek!! It would be so great to see Star Trek Into Darkness!!!
I would like to see Star Trek in Norfolk, VA. I just finished watching TNG and I am really curious if this will be as good as the first remake.
I would like to see Star TreK Into Darkness because I love what they have done with the reboot prequels and have become a huge fan.
DC. Market
I’d like to see this in DC because I was a big fan of TNG, growing up.
I want to see Star Trek because I’m a BIG JJ Abrams fan. Washington, DC screening please
I am a huge Star Trek fan and would love to see it in Washington, DC – I love JJ Abrams lens flare
I love Star Trek!! It would be great to see Star Trek Into Darkness!!!
DC Market.
I am a big Star Trek fan and watched the original series. I want to see it in Norfolk, VA.
Thank you Cliqueclack for the opportunity to win passes to Star Trek into Darkness in Hanover, MD (Baltimore)
I want to watch it on Wednesday, May 15, 9:00 PM, Regal MacArthur, Norfolk, VA
I would love to see Star Trek Into Darkness because the first movie was absolutely amazing and I know this one will be just as good if not better. In Hanover MD please.
I want to see Star Trek because I am a Trekkie! Washington DC please!
I would love to go see Star Trek at Norfolk,Virginia because I’m a huge Star Trek fan and is dying to see this and really want to know if the villain will be KHAN their ultimate foe!
I would like to see this movie because I’m a true fan from back in the day. I love Kirk.
Washington, DC
I would love to get a chance to check out Star Trek at the Hanover, MD (Baltimore) screening. The first film was fantastic, and I have high expectations for its follow up. And JJ Abrams is a brilliant filmmaker.
I grew up with Star Trek…always loved sci-fi. Can’t wait to see this done with today’s technology and reimagined for this generation of viewers…..thanks for the contest.ID love to see this in Hanover, MD.
I would like to see Star Trek because I am a big sci-fi fan.
Washington, DC market please. Thank you Clique Clack!
DC Market
Interested to finally get to see which role Benedict Cumberbatch is playing.
Baltimore market (Hanover) I would love to go because I’m a big fan if the original series as well as of jj Abrams. Thanks!
I would love to see this movie because I love sci-fi!
DC Market
I saw this first one at an advanced screening and it was my favorite movie going experience.
I’d love to see it at the Washington, D.C. option since that is the same theater I saw it at last time.
Wednesday, May 15, 9:00 PM, AMC Mazza Gallerie, Washington, D.C.
I’ve been watching Star Trek since I was 5 years old (so that makes 25 years) and I’m very excited about the latest rendition! Baltimore please!
Wednesday, May 15, 9:00 PM, Regal MacArthur, Norfolk, VA
I like star trek movies!!
I grew up watching The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine!!! Washington, DC please
Mazza Gallerie in Washington, DC please!
I must see this movie! I am a true TNG and Voyager fan, but these reboot movies make the o-riginal story o-mazing!!! Washington, DC market please. Thanks for the contest ( :
Beam me up Scott! Would love to go
Hello. Looking forward to joining the crew in Mazza Gallery. Beam me and a guest up please!
I love the new star trek movies. I’ve watched them when i was little with my dad cuz he’s a trekky for life and was going to take him to see the new one. I’m looking to go to the Wednesday, May 15, 9:00 PM, Regal MacArthur, Norfolk, VA screening
Huge fan of anything JJ or Lindloff are involved in
Washington DC please
Baltimore, Maryland
I need to see part two to an epic movie like Star Trek please….
Been a Trekkie a loooonng time.
Would love passes.
Please – Wednesday, May 15, 9:00 PM, Cinemark Egyptian, Hanover, MD
I would love passes for the Hanover market. This is the movie I am most looking forward to this summer.
Interested in the screening on Wednesday, May 15, 9:00 PM, Cinemark Egyptian, Hanover, MD.
Opportunity to see the movie for free.
I grew up watching the original Star Trek. It would be totally cool to see this move. Baltimore pleas
I would like to see it because it looks like a great movie. DC market!!!!
It would be pretty awesome if I get two tickets to Star Trek. In the DC or Arundel mills would be great.
I would like to see Star Trek because me and my husband are big Star Trek fans!!
Washington, DC
Zachary Quinto is great as Spock. Hanover please
I’m such a huge fan of Star Trek and have been anxiously waiting for the sequel to come out. I’m looking forward to going to see the Wednesday, May 15, 9:00 PM, Regal MacArthur, Norfolk, VA screening
I’ve been a Trekkie since I was in diapers!!
Hanover Please
Yes, please!!! I was not a TV series watcher, but LOVED the reboot movie. I’m now a fan. Washington DC
Hi, I would like to see Star Trek because I am a big sci-fi fan
Baltimore Market. Thank you Cliqueclack
I wanna see how the story progresses from the first film to this one. I’m loving the reboot so far, let’s see if Abrams can keep it up!!
Norfolk screening – Thanks!
I was rasied on Star Trek TNG and have been an adamant follower of the series since I was roughly five years old. Abrams recent “retellings” have rekindled my passion for the series, and as a cinephile and screening addict this would make my day.
And I’d appreciate the Hanover location
Would love to see the new Star Trek movie for free and see Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch) kick ass! Norfolk VA.
Excited to see Benedict Cumberbatch rock this movie! Baltimore/Hanover market, please.
I would love to see the new Star Trek film because I’m a Trekkie. I have been a big fan since the beginning with Captain Kirk to present. I still watch the re-runs!
Hanover please! Thank you!
I would like two tickets to see Star trek into Darkness in the Hanover/Baltimore area because I am a Star Wars guy and want to go boldly where no Star Wars man has gone before into Trek territoty! Just kidding!!! I grew up watching the originals and loved JJ Abrams first reboot, this one looks even better!! Thanks!
I’d love to see Star Trek In MD!
Wednesday, May 15, 9:00 PM, Cinemark Egyptian, Hanover, MD
I would love to see this movie because all though I was not a big Star Trek fan growing up, the last movie really got me into it. The last movie was amazing and I know this one will be even better. I live in Virginia Beach and would like to go to the Norfolk showing!!
I always go with my son to see the Star Trek films since he was old enough to go to the theater. (He’s almost 25 now). I hope to see this one with him too and would love to go to an early screening in the BALTIMORE/ HANOVER area. Thank you!
Huge JJ Abrams fan and would love to see this film in Hanover.
Thank you!
Grew up on the Star Trek tv series and have loved all of the movies
Hanover please!!
thank you
Would like to see NEW Trek movie with friends in Norfolk!
From the second I was linked to this contest webpage, seeing the new Star Trek at the Cinemark Egyptian in Hanover, MD became my life’s ultimate goal. Choosing to bestow a pass to me would increase your karma points by 9,000 points and result in an overall greater harmony in the universe. Thank you in advance!
I would like to see the new Star Trek b/c I’ve been a Trekkie fan for some time. I’ve seen each generation of Star Trek, including the 3 tv series.
Wednesday, May 15, 9:00 PM, Cinemark Egyptian, Hanover, MD
Trek fan in Norfolk
Wednesday, May 15, 9:00 PM, Regal MacArthur, Norfolk, VA
I am really love Star Trek and have been waiting on the sequel.
Baltimore Market please!
I grew up watching the Star Trek tv show… would love to see the movie.
Washington DC
I am very eager to see this movie, as I have been a Star Trek fan since watching the reruns in the 1970’s as a child. Since the 70s, I’ve see all of the films, watched the TV spin offs and even attended events such as Creation Cons to see actors in person. I loved what J.K Abrams did with the reboot and look forward to seeing his work on the follow up.
Washington DC
I’ve been a Star Trek can for decades now as well as a fan of JJ Abrams since alias. Cinemark Egyptian, Hanover, MD, please.
I would love to see Start Trek because I followed the show and have loved the previous movies. Baltimore, Hanover MD please
I grew up watching Star Trek… would love to see the movie.
Norfolk, VA
I want to see the movie because the first one was good. This one should be better.
Hanover Baltimore market
Trekie fan here would like to see the movie in Norfolk VA
It would be so awesome to go see the the new Star Trek! I love Star Trek, even started watching the older TV episodes and older movies to get into the spirit of the new movie coming out! I would love to get tickets for Wednesday, May 15, 9:00 PM, Regal MacArthur, Norfolk, VA! Thank you again Chuck from CliqueClack!!!!
I love anything syfy that’s why I want to see star trek! Baltimore Please.
The first one was awesome!
Hanover MD!
I am a big fan of Star Trek, JJ Abrams, and the Cinemark movie theatre in Hanover, md. Combining all three would be a dream come true. Only you have the power to make that happen. Be a hero. Cinemark Hanover, Md please.
Baltimore please
I would love tickets to the Baltimore screening. I own every Star trek franchise episode and movie on DVD. I would ove to see this movie before the general public. I am a BIG Trekkie. Please help me realize this dream!
I love Star trek! I would like passes to the Baltimore market if all the DC ones are taken. Make it so, Number Two!
I would love tickets to the Norfork showing. One of my earliest memories is of watching the original show on reruns with my mother. What a great mothers day gift this would be!
I’m a big fan of Star Trek since it showed on TV with William Shatner in it.
Hanover, MD please.
Thanks in advance!
Next Generation rocks! I’ve watched Star Trek since I was a kid. And I’m a huge fan of JJ Abrams. Would love to see the new movie before any of my friends. Hanover, Maryland PA PA PLEASE!
We are diehard JJ Abrams fans, and are dying to see this film.
We are diehard JJ Abrams fans, and are dying to see this film.
in Hanover MD
Hanover, MD
I want to watch it that is why. =p
Huge JJ Abrams fan, dying to see this film.
Hanover MD
I would love to see the movie since I am a sci-fi fan!
Baltimore (Hanover) screening please.
I’m a big sci-fi fan who’s really looking forward to Star Trek 2!
Norfolk, VA
I love star trek movies beam me up scottie baltimore market please
I’m a huge fan of Strek Trek and would love to see it in the Hanover, MD area.
I am a huge star trek fan, I really hope this movie has some of the Roddenberry-esqe ideas and debates. Baltimore market
Love star trek
Baltimore please
I would like passes for Hanover MD because i love star trek, i watched re runs as a kid, and saw all the movies. I also think Chris Pine is the bees knees. Please and thank you.
I want to see Star Trek because the first one was amazing and am looking forward a ton for te second one. Hanover, md screening
Would love to see the movie in Hanover. Huge fan!
I would love to see this in Norfolk!
This would be awesome in Norfolk VA
Lets keep on Trekn(:
I was never a huge Star Trek fan until I saw the 2009 Star Trek movie. I have to admit that is now one of my favorite movies. Regardless, I will see the movie when it comes out.
Thanks for this opportunity.
Hanover. MD (Baltimore market please)
Would be fantastic to take my wife to see this. She loves Star Trek. Norfolk, please.
I LOVED the 2009 Star Trek for the movie and the cast. I can wait to see how this one compares.
Thank you!
Hanover. MD (Baltimore market please)
Virginia Beach, VA. Want to see ST!!! Please, Trekkie fan4 life.
Would absolutely love to see the screening of Star Trek. Have been dying to see this new movie, plus it has my absolute favorite actor Zachary Quinto in it.
Hanover, MD.
Looking forward to this movie. Hope the hype is worth it. The reboot was awesome.
Norfolk, VA
Can’t wait to see this! Norfolk area.
I would love to see Star Trek in Hanover, MD! I’m a huge fan of the series, both original Star Trek and Next Generation, and I absolutely loved the last movie. I am so pumped up for this movie to come out and I would be really excited to see the screening!
Hi can I get passes to the Hanover, MD showing? Thanks!!!
I’ve actually never seen Star Trek but apparently all the engineers-to-be I’m studying with and even the ones at NASA LOVE IT; if I get screening passes, I’ll watch the previous modernized movie before going to the screening.
I’d like tickets for Regal MacArthur in Norfolk, VA please! 
Oops, I didn’t follow directions. This movie looks awesome! I am excited to see Sherlock as the villain. Hanover, MD please.
Would love to see this Movie
I want to see Into Darkness because and the first one was awesome and I’d really like to see how awesome this one will be.
Norfolk,VA please
I want to see Star Trek because I am a sci-fi geek!! Hanover, MD or DC location please!
i Want to see this Movie
I have always loved star trek! The new cast is great & I can’t wait to see it. Norfolk is my area.
My husband will think I am the best wife ever if I get these passes! Hanover, MD Please
I would like to see Star Trek, really big sci-fi fan. for the hanover, MD please
I’d love to see the screening in Norfolk VA because I’m a huge fan of the Trek franchise and universe! Also a huge fan of Benedict Cumberbatch! Thanks in advance!
Norfolk, VA
Baltimoe Market (Hanover) – Love the show, love the movie series. Thanks.
I would love to see it because it looks AWESOME from the previews!
Hanover MD
I just want to save some money and see a free movie. Hook me up with some Norfolk tix puhleeese!
Huge star trak fan since cpt kirk cant wait to see the new villian. would like tickets to the baltimore viewing
Been waiting for this sequel FOREVER! Norfolk, VA please!
This is how a Sci-Fi franchise is supposed to be reborn and I want to find out if they are still able to keep me on my toes here in Norfolk.
I would love to see Capt. Kirk kick some traitor butt!
I want to see this movie in Norfolk, Va because I have been anticipating this movie for quite a long time.
I would like to be able to see this in Norfolk, please! Thanks!
Norfolk Please!!!! Almost forgot. Still would like to see Capt. Kirk kicking some traitor butt!!!
I haven’t seen a Star Trek movie in a long time, but I love Zoe Saldana and would love to see the new one so I can tell everyone how good it is before it comes out.
I want to see this movie in Norfolk, Va especially the stage being set high from the last movie.
I want to see ST:ID because not ONLY am I a Star Trek fan, it’s got Benedict Cumberbatch, Chris Pine, Karl Urban, and Simon Pegg, and they are all delicious and wonderful. Besides, who doesn’t like some JJ Abrams light flare action?
I’d like to go to the Hanover screeing, please! Thank you!
I forgot. DC or Hanover MD location.
I would like to see this movie in Hanver MD very big Star Trek FAN!!!!
I would LOVE passes to see Star Trek in Hanover. I am a huge fan, ever since childhood. I even own a tribble (yes, a replica of a tribble from the famed Trouble with Tribble episode). Really looking forward to this movie, and seeing more about who this villain is.
NORFOLK. This is my kind of movie
I am wanting these for my fiance. He is a huge fan of Star Trek and I want to get these for him. I really want to get these for him cause our 2 yr anniversary is coming up!!
Mission back to Earth. Sounds awesome
Norfolk area please
I’m a big sci fi fan in Norfolk
I have been a fan of Star Trek since i was a kid. Cn’t wait to see the film.
Hanover, MD please.
Would you send me to the Norfolk screening at the speed of light?
Can hardly wait NORFOLK
I want tickets for Norfolk because I saw the first one right before I joined the military and feel that seeing the sequel would be a nice end to my enlistment.
Please make it happen for me in Norfolk
I’ve been a trekie for light years in NORFOLK
Hope their computers work better than mine. I’m in Norfolk
OMG…….Please let me win. Love to see this movie……Norfolk, VA screenings
I have a love for all things Star Trek. I would love to take my husband to see this in Norfolk. it’s our anniversary, and it would serve as a perfect date night.
Can’t wait to see this one. It looks fantastic!!!!!!
Norfolk screening please
I’m a diehard trekie from way back IN NORFOLK
I have been a huge fan since the TV show days. I would love to see it in Norfolk.
Norfolk area. Hpe it lives up to my expectations
That Kirk is too hot to miss
Norfolk passes please
I want to see this movie because of the lens flares!
“Steady as she goes” to Norfolk
Send me to the movie in Norfolk or favor
be me up scotty to baltimore viewing
I want to see this movie because my husband is a SciFi freak and would love me for at least a week!!
In Hanover, MD- please!! Thanks!!
NORFOLK AREA. Should be the best blockbuster of the summer
Uhura: Open a channel to Norfolk
Warp speed is not required for me. Snails pace to Nrfok would be fine
Would be extremely grateful for Norfolk tickets
Hi, I need to get the passes for Norfolk, VA SCREENING of STAR TREK
I have enjoyed Star Trek since the beginning, back in the 60’s, watching on tv with my parents! Tickets for Norfolk would be very much appreciated.
I am a 3rd generation Trekkie and would love to see this film!
Please allow me to join you for th Hanover, MD screening
Thank you!
I would love to take my grandson to see this in Hanover, MD.
Been a trekie since the 70’s would lile to see movie
wife of a trekie would like to suprise him with tickets
i love star trek and science fiction movies
baltimore please
loved the first star trek, be nice to see this one as im new to the series, HANOVER!!
Beam me up Scotti, Norfolk
Beam me up Scotti! Norfolk
I’m a Star Trek fan.
Hanover, MD, please.
I would like to win a pair of tickets for my Husband! He loves Star Trek! Pick me so I can be the best Wife ever. lol
Hanover, MD please.
Thank you.
Norfolk VA
I am sooooooooo excited about the possibility of seeing Star Trek!
Thanks for considering me
Norfolk, Va
Always like Star Trek movies but this one looks to be the best of all.
I want to boldly go where no man has gone before : In Hanover, MD
I’m new to CliqueClack but the site looks awesome. I used to watch every episode of the original star trek & would love to introduce my son to it. Please send us to the Norfolk screening.
BALTIMORE PLEASE!!! I f I don’t not win these I shall have to go where no man has gone before…the box office.
seen all the other movies need to see this one in norfolk
I would love to go see this movie! It’s on my MUST See list for this summer! I’m so happy about the revitalization of the Star Trek series
I would like to see it at Wednesday, May 15, 9:00 PM, Regal MacArthur, Norfolk, VA! Thank you!
I love Star Trek! Please send me to the Norfolk screening.
I want to see this movie because it looks amazing, and I have also wanted to get into Start Trek, and maybe even potentially become a Treky!
Baltimore area would be AMAZING!
Thank you so much for the passes you guys are amazing!!!
So excited
I been a Star Trek fan since I was little! Pick me!!!
Im in Norfolk
Norfolk star date 51513
Norfolk hosting The Enterprise. Count me in
Love to see the Enterprise kick ass in Norfolk
Really really would love to see this in Norfolk
I would love to go see this movie. I have been a Star Trek fan since the tv show began.
Star Trek rocks!!! would love passes to the Norfolk screening
I love this movie series and would love to see it with my husband. I would like to see It in Norfolk,Va. Thanks for your help.