Star Trek: The Art of Juan Ortiz is wallpaper-worthy

Titan Books has released ‘Star Trek: The Art of Juan Ortiz’, a big, beautiful book that you’ll find yourself resisting temptation to tear out pages; that’s a good thing!
I wouldn’t at all call myself a big Star Trek fan. Mostly this is because I just never really got into the original series, and I think only loving The Next Generation — and not getting into the Original Series — does not qualify one to say they are a “Trekkie.” I am, though, a sucker for canon, and really appreciate the continuity within the universe.
Though I never really cared for the first series, Star Trek: The Art of Juan Ortiz makes me appreciate the episodes more than I had when I saw them. It’s really beautiful.
This hard cover book features artwork by — who else — Juan Ortiz, whose resume spans into some impressive areas of art and animation, including Warner Bros. Within the pages are 11×17 prints of retro-styled movie posters for each and every Star Trek original series episode. This is what I was talking about with tearing out pages: you really want to display these on your walls, no matter how little a fan you are of that series. They’re just too good to pass up.
Besides the prints within, the book ends with a complete listing of the episodes, a thumbnail of each print, a very short episode synopsis and a blurb about Ortiz’s inspiration for each.
Whether you’re thinking of keeping the book intact on your coffee table or wallpapering your room with the prints, the books more than worthwhile thumbing through for nostalgia’s sake.
Thanks for spotlighting this work; I’ll definitely have to pick it up soon.
Having been a fan since the ’70’s, even having taken the “-ie” vs. “-er” debate to heart, I’d say you could be a Trekkie even if you liked only one of the five series (or even merely the old Pocket Books novelverse). You loved TNG, so if you appreciate what the show stood for, you’ve earned the moniker.